Hey QC, how ya been?
OMR, you said;
"Ya can cherry pick anything ya want to tell me how bad it is. Alice in Wonderland: I say!"
Hmmm, that's what I would say to you regarding employment rates. No cherry picking there now is there Einstein?
Citing the steady low unemployment rates we've seen for some time is not cherry pickin'!! You can view the entire economy as a whole, and it is quite healthy in almost every traditional measure.
In any economy as large and diverse as ours there will always be sectors in trouble. The Libs n' Democrats allways try to hype up the fears n' sometime bleat self fullfilling dooms day talk as yer doin' now.
The domestic auto sector has been stagering under huge world wide over capacity n' high priced union labor n' massive health bene's of retired union workers n' low quality product output relative to Japan and now Korea n' also are strugling under an immense load of debt piled up over many years. It is natural with the domestic industry's big bet on SUVs Pickup trucks n' hot cars that high oil prices would cause them trouble. Liquidity problems are also a big corncern fer high ticket expensive gas guzzlin' products. The housing market sailed to never before seen highs and percenatges of home ownership, with easy money and aggressive lending these excesses are hardly a new corncept to capitalism. I suggest you go do some history studies of normal business cycles.
Sometimes spreadin' GLOOM n' DOOM works. The dim wit Democrats have a very willin' mouthpiece in the MSM. People do care about their homes. We do have a real secular threat from demographics peak on the horizon, and one never knows when gravity will assert itself. Maybe if ya whine about the sky fallin' enough you will get what yer wishin' for. Ya never know. Democrtats do want bad news thats real simple to observe.
OMR, you also said,
"NO the real issue is pickin' a figure outa someone's arse n' forcin me ta pay it. Show me where it states that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT can sit back in DC n' dictate what I pay outa me own pocket. The Cornstatution is only 20 pages: it should be REAL easy to find."
You must be mind reading again Einstein. This thread is not 20 pages long, so it should be real easy for ya to find where I said that.
Yer right, you did not directly raise the issue in this thread.
OMR, you also said, "That is one measure is it not: Einstein?" regarding employment rates.
Are foreclosure rates not another measure of it there Einstein. Or are foreclosure rates simply not something that fits your agenda?
Symptom of troubles in a sector as overheated as anytime in history, (natural way any known realestate cycle has previously come to an end), not indicative of the collapse of the world as we now know it, (but I'm not a dim wit know it all Democrat or a Loon on the Liberal Left), n' I only have one brain cell.
OMR, you also said, Ya really do want a depression then. Hmmmmmm. Study 1929, yer talkin' about one of the many factors."
One of many factors, ay Einstein? A factor none the less, right Einstein?
My comment was in response to yer retorts about actions Nanny Government should take about jobs lost "South of the Border", actions like trade berriors caused the Great Depression.
OMR, you also said, "You really think the President hires lots of people from abroad? Does yer brain work? Ya been nippin' or maybe yer into PW2s n' Rolmops rope supply. What gives?"
Nope, not at all Einstein. I believe if you want your cake, you know, giving W credit for such great employment rates, then I think you have to also give him credit for the bad when it comes to the type of jobs being produced. Are you with me Einstein?
No CJY I'm not with you. I gave credit to my President fer dropping tax rates against the irrational pressure of Loons on the Left n' dim wit Dems who wanted to raise taxes.
Amazing how some of you give credit to W for the positive, while saying it's not his fault for ther bad. A bit hypocritical as far as I am concerned.
To each his own.
OMR, you also said, "Yah, yer right I can tell. I'll ignore all those lyin' figures showin' strength."
Someone once said to me, "Ya can cherry pick anything ya want to tell me how bad it is. Alice in Wonderland: I say!" Appears to be applicable to this situation as well. Does it not Einstein?
OMR, you also said, "Hmmmmmm, Really? where do ya get yer facts; Einstein? Move on dot org?"
Maybe.......I guess my point being that those are as good as any that you come up with. BTW, what are the facts?
Now some truth here!!!!! Thanks.
I find you to be full of hypocrasy when it comes to the Repubs, Einste..... I mean OMR. You give credit when credit may not be due them, and then use sarcasm as an attempt to oppress libs/dems from speaking their minds when being critical of them. At the same time, you fail to recognize any negatives regarding this administration and you paint a very pretty picture instead. Time to pull your head out Einstein. Are you with me Einstein?
This next point is from your little book of tricks there Einstein.
OMR, you said, "The Great Depression was just a pimple next to this bad situation."
On this point, I would agree but maybe not as harshly as you put it.