Not Sure What To Make Of This


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 3, 2011
Re: Not Sure What To Make Of This

Does that picture make anyone else say," rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub..."?

I'm amazed the thing didn't flip when the first guy got in, although it looks like they got the motor a lot lower.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 23, 2010
Re: Not Sure What To Make Of This

Looks like they had the good sense to keep it at or near idle.

What exactly were they going to do with paddle?


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 15, 2006
Re: Not Sure What To Make Of This

If the guy with the paddle has whitewater canoe/kayak experience, he can do a low brace with the paddle blade flat on the surface of the water on the inside of a turn. It's kinda like adding an adjustable sponson.

That may be what he intends, anyway.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 3, 2011
Re: Not Sure What To Make Of This

Natural selection at Work...

Life Insurance Companies have fine print for just this reason LOL

Be sure to video document it for us!


May 9, 2002
Re: Not Sure What To Make Of This

What exactly were they going to do with paddle?

Forgot to mention they had to club this beast and drag it back to shore. Had no idea these things were in MN. :D:D:D


There is no way on God's green earth would I let any of my kids go into a cold northern lake in that rig, regardless if they are 10, 20, 30, or 40 years old. We aren't suppose to be attending our kid's funerals.

Both my boys called and wanted me to clear this up so here goes. My youngest son (37) will be using my 16' boat with my 15 on it and my oldest (38) will be using his own 14' boat with his 10 hp. The two going in the canoe are just members of the party and I'm quite sure they don't want to go to the bottom. Just because you have a 57 Chevy with a 409 doesn't mean you burn the tires off at every stop sign.

Hopefully, the weather will be nice and they'll bring me some walleye on their return. :)

lil buggy

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 24, 2011
Re: Not Sure What To Make Of This

shish a gator, i woulda never guessed it.

i put a 7.5 on the back of my gruman squareback canoe many, many, years ago and had little issue, besides the weight in the back. i mounted the gas tank in the nose, with all the equiptment. she did great, however i did have LARGE OUTRIGGERS made of 4 foot x 9 inch foam mounted about 6 inches from the sides of the hull, mounted about 2/3rds of the way back. the back of them dragged a little on the water but it did add the stability needed to handle the 7.5. it's stable as can be and had no issues.
that is the only canoe i will ever stand up on:facepalm:. note; capacity is 5hp.:D

that being said, i am sure that i wouldn't put it back on her now,( we only use her a few times a year to paddle around on) but at the time she was all i had. the crazy things we do for more power,,,,lol. if your gonna let the boys play have them make some outriggers to keep them safe er,,,
Mar 1, 2005
Re: Not Sure What To Make Of This

My youngest son (37) will be using my 16' boat with my 15 on it and my oldest (38) will be using his own 14' boat with his 10 hp. The two going in the canoe are just members of the party and I'm quite sure they don't want to go to the bottom.
I hooked into this thread kind of late but your last post summed up my thoughts. I was going to suggest that they throw the 9.9 on a 12-14ft tinny for Basswood. I'm still not sure that I would take something that tippy onto Basswood knowing how the waves can kick up. Luckily it's not your kids who will be in that boat. I prefer leaving canoes for what they are intended. You might also suggest that if the motor is being used just to get these other party members to the campsite, that they could just tow the canoe behind the 16' boat. The 16' would also cut the waves for the canoe.

Anyway, good luck. I won't be far away on Vermilion. I'll keep an ear on the radio for strange opener reports!


May 9, 2002
Re: Not Sure What To Make Of This

Here's an update on their trip, no causalities! :) On the way in they hooked two canoes together cateraman style, they've done this before and it works quite well....


Not sure I mentioned this but after junking the pine board for the motor he glued 5 pieces of plywood together, worked just fine for the whole trip.

Coming out they had 20-25 winds with gusts to 30 coming from the side. Little hairy but they all made it.

My son with my 16 footer came out the next day and they had winds calm to 5. :)

Beautiful weather for the trip but the fishing wasn't the best. Stuff happens and I didn't get any walleye. :(


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: Not Sure What To Make Of This

Glad everything worked out. I've actually seen guys around here do two canoe cat thing. You're right, it does work quite well. Thanks for updating us.