Been busy giving the Texas Maid a new coat of Bikini Blue color on the topsides, using Pettit Easy-poxy paint and the roll and tip method. It's coming along nicely. I was skeptical until I tried it myself, even after seeing how well other's have done with this method. I'm almost done with the first complete coat and still have more than half the quart of paint left to finish the job with a second coat. I'll post some in-progress pix later...I have to work in the afternoon after work and there's not much daylight to work with. Posting two pix of the Maid, one as I found her abandoned in a North Tejas marina yard and the other showing how she looked just before I pulled the outboards and stripped off all the deck hardware. Hope to finish the color coat before it freezes and the spend the winter refitting her. I love the smell of mineral spirits in the evening...smells like...victory.