My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

...Mario Lemieux and Sidney Crosby of course.
Of course they probably smart enough not to live there.

EDIT:Yep, outside Pittsburgh for Mario Lemieux. I guess he needs to live kinda near there since he is the owner.
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Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

Quality of life is what is key....
The "Quality of living" in a given area/city will be different based upon your social economic class. Note: Four cities on your best "quality of life" list also make the "least likely to get ahead" list. Obviously, getting ahead in life wasn't one of the criteria :laugh:

The report rated cities with a percentage, reflecting the chances someone in the bottom 20% income levels to reach the top 20% income level. Relative mobility is lowest for children who grew up in the southeast, it found, while the west coast and northeast had the highest.

The 10 lowest cities for upward mobility: Cleveland, Ohio (5.1%), St. Louis, Mo. (5.1%), Raleigh, N.C. (5%), Jacksonville, Fla. (4.9%), Columbus, Ohio (4.9%), Indianapolis, Ind. (4.9%), Dayton, Ohio (4.9%), Atlanta, Ga. (4.5%), Milwaukee, Wis. (4.5%) and Charlotte, N.C. (4.4%).

Top 10 cities for upward mobility
Rank Odds of Reaching top fifth
starting from bottom fifth
San Jose, Calif. 12.9%
San Francisco, Calif. 12.2%
Washington, D.C. 11.0%
Seattle, Wash. 10.9%
Salt Lake City, Utah 10.8%
New York, N.Y. 10.5%
Boston, Mass. 10.5%
San Diego, Calif. 10.4%
Newark, N.J. 10.2%
Manchester, N.H. 10.0%


Jun 13, 2007
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

Note: Four cities on your best "quality of life" list also make the "least likely to get ahead" list. Obviously, getting ahead in life wasn't one of the criteria :laugh:

....well 4 out of those 20 cities perhaps....which is a 20% blip in that statistics....perhaps.

The report rated cities with a percentage, reflecting the chances someone in the bottom 20% income levels to reach the top 20% income level. Relative mobility is lowest for children who grew up in the southeast, it found, while the west coast and northeast had the highest.

I'm not necessarily supporting all on-line stats, including that list (refer to my embedded note and response in the above quote) but you can usually go with a trend on a good cross section of statistics to draw some fairly accurate conclusions.
Starting at the bottom of (social/economic) mobility to target and compare to the top is not actually the best social averaging for most people.

The thing you want to low or poor education....because with that, you get poverty and with that you get the crime for free. With crime...everyone pays and everything goes downhill with respect to quality of life.
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Jun 13, 2007
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

Not certain I would agree completely. We have an area that is probably 95% Amish. They pull the kids out of school (especially girls) the second they hit 16. (State Law allows it) Crime is all but unheard of. I'd say there is a lot more to it.

...your probably right Bubba....its a pretty wide generalization I know.
I'm sure that there is a pretty big connected backstory to the low education and crime connection and the Amish example is a good caveat...just like the Inuit (Eskimos) in the North, etc.
I should de-emphasize that previous statement a bit because 'one size does not fit all'...for sure.


Feb 24, 2014
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

Home is where the heart is!!

I live in Fl., have family in Ky., In. I visit often but won't be moving there. As far as upward movement, since living here almost 25 yrs, I currently own 5 vehicles, 3 boats, 2 jet skis, and a motorcycle, and a house. Property taxes are around $1200 a yr for my 2200 sq ft house and tags for all my crap is less than $450 a yr.
O yea and my x has to pay me child support!!!!
Love it..


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 23, 2011
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

AZ is full of Ex Californians.

They "cashed out" in the ridiculous CA real estate market and drove up the prices here. For a while.

Now, we have "Californians" who drive like New Yorkers-with a tan.:eek:

AZ is a beautiful State with lots to offer. Plenty of room and the BEST freeway system in the US-bar none.

Come one, come all. It seems I read that somewhere!!:);)


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

I'm not necessarily supporting all on-line stats, including that list (refer to my embedded note and response in the above quote) but you can usually go with a trend on a good cross section of statistics to draw some fairly accurate conclusions.
Starting at the bottom of (social/economic) mobility to target and compare to the top is not actually the best social averaging for most people.

The thing you want to low or poor education....because with that, you get poverty and with that you get the crime for free. With crime...everyone pays and everything goes downhill with respect to quality of life.

Want the American dream? Move to these 10 cities - MarketWatch
Here you go


Jun 13, 2007
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

He finally admits it!!! :p :p :)

Hey, but he's being honest about it!:D...which is more than what most admit to (LOL)....I have to include myself as well in the complaint aisle, although its always good to find positive angles to issues and people too. (....Bruce...are you out there? LOL;):D)

My two bits.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

Kinda' funny I've been jumping in and out of this thread reading all the stuff ... read through the list of America's top 20 cities to live in and Nashville was number 13. But I also heard a report this morning that Tennessee is the most miserable state in the union to live in.

... can't figure out if I'm happy or not now. :faint2:


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

(....Bruce...are you out there? LOL;):D)
Lot's of positives about CA in here if you happen to read them!:facepalm:

Edit: handle via PM please

The thread is about the OP staying in CA or not because he can't afford fun stuff. Personally, I think he would be disappointed going to most other places and other "good" places are also expensive.
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Lieutenant Commander
Jun 4, 2008
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

AZ is a beautiful State with lots to offer. Plenty of room and the BEST freeway system in the US-bar none.

Come one, come all. It seems I read that somewhere!!:);)

SHHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone!!!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

Do it by PM please.
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Jun 13, 2007
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

I also don't start 7 threads a week complaining about something...propane prices, dead grass, 911 museum prices... about a thread on Gas prices...LOL:lol::facepalm:

Seriously lets recap and get back to the OP's point:
-Some places are more expensive and more heavily taxed than others.
-We all have our preferences

Ok....lets get back on track.:)

All Good


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

ok but speaking of gas, man I had some good chili for lunch and now..................:laugh:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 23, 2011
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff! about a thread on Gas prices...LOL:lol::facepalm:

Seriously lets recap and get back to the OP's point:
-Some places are more expensive and more heavily taxed than others.
-We all have our preferences

Ok....lets get back on track.:)

All Good

Don't come to AZ for Gas. It's CHEAP (compared) but CRAP. Bottom of the vat from CA/TX refineries. Worse for diesel.

Yes, it's CHEAP but causes more harm than good.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

Province VS province, State VS state, rural VS city VS town.

Weather trends, education, access to work, religion, cost of living ETC

There are a lot of variable to plug into the big picture.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

Province VS province, State VS state, rural VS city VS town.
Very true. I live in the Los Angeles metropolitan area but 95% of the area I wouldn't live in and wouldn't recommend living in it. I live 20 minutes from my job and only spend 5 minutes of it on a freeway. Others that live/work in the city don't have that. Low commute time to work is high on my list of requirements.
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Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: My gosh, now I know why folks who DON'T live in CA. can afford fun stuff!

Yup, in the end it's all about the trade offs. I would spend twice as much to stay where I am than move back to the city but that's just me.

I hear ya there, and really I'm pretty sure that I (and I'm sure you) do. considering gas for commute, time for commute, extra equip in order to maintain a "self sufficiant" life. worth every penny.