Monaco Project - QC


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
11-7-09 EDIT!!!! : Check dates and this will make more sense. I have merged all of my Monaco threads, and I am basically looking for motivation. Head to posts #38 and 39 to jump ahead. The next 15 or so are background. I deleted the other threads. This is pretty much all of it now except I have kept engine stuff out.

Re: This thread, that thread, this thread and finally that thread . . .

I am starting an ongoing thread here where I am going to post questions, progress updates and pictures on my Monaco project. I will probably have some specific items in the other fora, and I will usually link to those like I have above.

Some background for those who don't feel like clicking . . . I bought a partially finished Glen-L Monaco (a replica of a Chris Craft Racing Runabout of the early 40's) from who was the 2nd owner. He bought it from the original builder of the hull who, while building a very stout and correct hull, got really stupid when it came to finishing it. Lately I have guessed that he may have needed some money as a few of the last things he did were just plain Mickey Mouse. Due to this I have determined that I have to paint the topsides (yes paint), and I am stripping off all of the cheap, paper veneer from the deck and replacing that with a real mahogany deck.

My target look:


The rest of the hull is completely bare and virgin. No holes have been drilled thru the hull whatsoever, nothing but stringers inside. The entire hull has been epoxy encapsulated at every layer and individual piece. Today's wood boats are nothing like the wood boats of yesteryear as the wood theoretically is impervious to dry rot as there is no wood that has not had epoxy soaked into every pore. There is a minimum of three coats on every piece and you literally could not scratch into the wood itself with a crowbar (you could beat/hack your way in).

I plan to sell her after we play a little this Summer. Yes, this summer. I am shooting to have her done by May 1, and I am currently on schedule. However, I am building her as if I was going to keep her. I want the next owner to be very proud and I may even offer a 1 year personal warranty. If you want a copy of my budget, PM me your email addy and I can send an Excel file, this could also be used as a template for any boat project. BTW, I pretty much check iboats first for anything I need to buy, if it is reasonably close to what I could pay elsewhere I buy here.

So here's the first update to the threads above, I have been busy . . .

First I painted the bilge:


I built this crane/sling roller thinga-ma-jig:


Then I positioned her on my duct tape spots which worked out perfectly:


Then I got her off of the trailer, set her down on the dolly and reset the straps for the roll over:


The turn started good enough, but then it stalled out when I got her up on the chine. I have video, but no stills yet. When I get to editing the video I'll post for the learning experience . . . Let's just say it coulda been worse. No injuries and no damage except to a shop lamp.

It worked very well, the only issue was that once she was sideways I kinda expected her to easily roll within the straps. However, the "pinch" of the straps wouldn't allow it, and I was fearful (very) of letting the straps simply freewheel as they only ratchet the one way. As it turned out she was pretty much resting on the chine, so when I finally got the guts, and decided I had to trust my helpers, I reached in and unlocked a strap and . . . nothing happened . . . So I was able to go completely slack and then lock again, push her over and repeat. She did not run downhill or turn on the pipe by herself downwards, she needed help.

The pipe did bend though on the bow side as the strap worked its way forward while we were "rolling". It made for a mad scramble to get her down on the dolly before the strap worked completely off of the pipe. It was literally hanging by one thread (pipe thread, not strap thread) as she settled on the dolly. Great work by my 14 YO responding to my panicked screams to GO DOWN with the bow chain hoist!!!! Again, have embarrassing video, but no stills. Will post sometime soon.

When I go back over I will put the straps inside of the crane hooks . . . Doh!

And now to properly finish the bottom:


I have been a sanding fool . . . Last night I set some epoxy filler. I have been very happy with the construction and fairness of the bottom. Only a few places need help, and I am almost ready to prime.
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Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: My Monaco Project

Re: My Monaco Project

Well I just spent the last coupla hours hacking away at a bed for the prop-shaft strut . . . More hacking tomorrow.


This shows some of the epoxy filler I ran down the chine and transom to sharpen up the edges a little . . .



Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: My Monaco Project

Re: My Monaco Project

Worked on drilling the shaft hole yesterday. I finished up the strut "bed" first. I had to angle it back around 2 degrees as the strut is 18 degrees and I need about a 16 degree angle . . . Good thing I triple checked, I was sure this strut was 16 . . . Doh!!!

Anyway, I got this drill tool made from a propshaft from one of the guys over at the Glen-L forums (thanks Dwain). He has sorta donated it to all of the builders there and we are going to pass it from builder to builder. Like here, those guys are great, and a ton of help . . .


I musta hit a screw or something as progress stopped at the point you see. I have a nice half-circle in the bottom right now . . . :rolleyes: I also am having trouble with Dwain's tool as my hole saw starts to wiggle inside the set screws after about 2 revolutions. Probably will need a mod and I am going to have to switch bits at the least. I guess you just found out what my Sunday will be like if I can get Mrs. QC to cooperate. BTW, she has been great!!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: My Monaco Project

Re: My Monaco Project

It's through. After a lot of stupid chiseling etc. I have daylight on each side . . .


BTW, it is an optical illusion that has been driving me crazy, but it is on center.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: My Monaco Project

Re: My Monaco Project

Ayuh,........ Lookin' Pretty Spiffy there QC,......

I think you're gonna need Just alittle more HP than a Milwaukee Hole-Shooter can provide though,.......:D :D

You're a Better Man than I,......
Maintance on a Wooden boat is Forever,+ Never Ending......
I prefer Plastic,.... That Lasts danm near ForEver..........


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: My Monaco Project

Re: My Monaco Project

I don't know . . . 'dat Ole Milwaukee just about ripped off my elbow when I relaxed for a second and it grabbed . . . :eek:

You guys might be surprised an Epoxy encapsulated hull. If I painted the whole thing there would be no more maintenance than any other painted hull. Again, there really is no exposed wood. Once under the epoxy and a layer of glass, there is no swelling, or refinishing except paint wear and tear and varnish wear and tear if you use the natural finish. In fact, you can use Perfection varnish which is a two part just like the best paints. I have been a plastic boater, and before this thought I would never own a wood boat. I am convinced now that they are about the same with the exception of Gelcoat, which I guess could be done as well. I was reading somewhere that with modern build techniques that a hull built with Aluminum, Fiberglass or Cold Molded Wood (like mine) are equal in weight too. Blew my mind, but further research has me convinced of that now too . . .

BTW, maintenance is gonna be the next guy's problem . . .
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Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: My Monaco Project (2-22 Update)

Re: My Monaco Project (2-22 Update)

Well I have a few things to report:

1) I've got my gauges and wiring harness sitting here now. It's going to work well. The gauges came mounted in a panel along with a breaker panel and switch panel that I am going to use to run the engine and check all wiring before I install. I am using the Harness with all of the OEM type connectors and just going to go straight to the engine with the Merc 10 (9) point plug cut off on the engine end. I am going to use the rocker switches for the test and then label those and transfer to my more vintage looking push-pull type for in the boat.

2) I completely repoxied this thing about three times, paying special attention to the areas that I had aggressively sanded and filled:



All the while being a sanding fool in between each application:


3) In between layers, I worked on my "ceiling boards" which will be the sides of the interior installed horizontally:


These are giving me some clamping, finishing and color experience for the deck which is a ways off yet . . .

4) I tested a small area with primer to see if I was getting close:


5) It went so well, I just finished a complete first coat before I went to bed last night:

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Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: My Monaco Project (2-27 Update)

Re: My Monaco Project (2-27 Update)

OK, I have got the first two coats of paint on the bottom. I am using a high quality single part, but I will wait until I am finished to reveal what it is. Here's the first coat:


And the 2nd:


This paint was supposed to cover in two coats . . . It's definitely my fault, but you can easily see the areas that I slightly sanded through the primer even after the second coat. They are the slightly darker areas in the foreground above . . . It definitely needed to be 100% re-primed, but I am hoping that after four coats it will be all one shade. I put it on very thin, but I can see areas that were just slightly off color compared to the white primer. Also, even if it is because I have left some areas without exactly the same primer "color", the 100% white primed areas are still lighter, and I have some brush strokes from my first attempt at roll and tip which still show lighter than the heavier part of the stroke mark. Sooooooo, I can't see how priming perfectly would've have given me 100% coverage in 2 coats . . . The good news is I wanted to learn and experiment a little with the bottom as I want close to perfect on the topsides which come next. I am sanding this second coat now with 320 and then going for coat #3 . . .
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Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Latest shots of the bottom. 6 1/2 coats . . . long story, but you can see a dark sanded through line on the right side of the transom pic. (actually port side) . . . ;) It is still showing through and I am almost out of paint . . . :mad: Happy with the results though.


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Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

tat sho is purty.


Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Oooooooh! Aaaaaaaaagh!


"I love it when a plan comes together."

Well Done. Must see more.:)


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)


one poster on your last thread said the color was tough to cover...needed lots of coats......can ya get more of that purty paint..?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Yeah, he guessed 5 coats and he was right if I didn't have any dark areas where I had sanded through the primer. Still would be lighter than the paint though as I submit if you can see a difference between the light and dark, then you are still getting and affect from the primer color. I think one coat on the transom will get 'er done and I have enough for that.

What have you guys done for sanding and finishing the final coat? 2000 wet/dry stuff, rubbing compound and then wax?


Jan 13, 2006
Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

What i have learned was to apply the base coat's with very little thinning if any, do a very light scuffing with 200 grit between coat's and no more than 24 hour's time between coat's. When the color was finally to my liking i will then take the time to use 400 grit and remove any imperfection's in the paint aka sag's, lint dirt, etc then use as much as 20% flowing solvent to get a very smooth finish.

From there i started with 1800 and finished with 2200 followed up with a 3M finess product....gets's a very high finish done. But if your very careful with the final finish it cant be equaled. I had to mpeg file's i was going to post, but they were to large...and i cannot edit video. Basically i just used a closed cell foam roller from home cheapo rolled here out so no sags or runs occured and went back with the same type of roller and flattened out what stippling was left. It left a very very fine nap that leveled like glass...:mad: very annoying to see lint at that point.....about the only way around it was to wet the garage floor down and then paint.

Nice job QC lot's of sanding there...:D


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Yeah, based on your system I thinned the early coats too much. Would've helped with the coverage as well I am guessing. It looks better in the pics than it is, but it is pretty good. I will need to finish it though to be satisfied. I was hoping to learn as much as I could from the bottom to apply to the topsides coats as they will be seen the most. Yes, lots of sanding, but more than I needed to do. I have learned that I should've spent less time on sanding the epoxy and went straight to primer. Definitely easier to sand and that's what it's for. Oh, I did wet the floor and I sprayed myself too . . . still lint and bugs.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 2, 2008
Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

QC next time when you are doing a color like red try to use black or gray as the primer,that will help as far as the depth of the color.I didn't say anything before because you were well into the project(sorry).Jim


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)


I just Love Red,....
It usually ends up on the Bottom of the boat,... Instead of on Top.......:rolleyes:


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

I actually ordered the dark primer . . . it was red . . . they shipped me the white, I called and they said "oh, you'll be OK" . . . Doh!

I love red too Bondo, it also fades really quickly on the topsides. Great look for a while, but I really don't like pink . . .


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

I love red too Bondo, it also fades really quickly on the topsides. Great look for a while, but I really don't like pink . . .

Ayuh,.... Agreed.....

I built a couple of Channel Marker sculptures that sit at the end of my driveway, a few years ago.....
The Green 1 still looks original,.....
The Red 1 is in fact Pink now..... Guess I'll be repainting it when it warms up......


Jan 28, 2008
Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

Re: My Monaco Project Update (3-3-2008)

The boat looks like it's comming along great. Your getting lots of practice for prepping and painting the topsides too. If you havn't done it yet don't forget to epoxy the under-side of the deck before you flip the boat over. Also, be careful wetting the area before painting or varnishing as you will elevate the humidity and it may affect the finish. ---X owner