Micheal Jackson


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 17, 2004
Re: Micheal Jackson

I voted guilty, however JB, I'm with you I honestly have no idea. He is definately guilty of being one sick b*st*rd.


Aug 8, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

It's a freakin joke. Use nose dat its a nutter con spear a see against us.


Re: Micheal Jackson

I dont see clearly, a connection to tolerance? DJ.<br />
I certainly do.<br /><br />As far as I see it, parents were perfectly willing to "sell" their children to a suspected "oddball". They didn't care what the outcome was, as long as it had a payoff $$$.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 15, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

He is just one strange dude. Just get him out of my face and off the tv screen. I am so tired of it. <br />Some of the charges should stick,though I doubt if all of them will. I also think those parents need something of a punishment too. What pathetic parents to let their child have a sleepover with this guy. Oh my gosh! What were they thinking? Nope,I don't even want to know!<br />Just my opinion.<br />Bassy


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

If he is found not guilty, expect a civil suit ala OJ. Either way a movie will be made. This little pervert will open the doors for all child molesters to resume their fancy if he is acquitted.


Aug 8, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

Originally posted by efhenry:<br /> Lets say he's convicted. In Los Angeles what do you think is going to happen.<br /><br />One word......ROITS ! <br /><br />Thats their answer to anything that doesn't go their way.
ROITS? What the heck is a roit?<br /><br /><br />Ooooohhhhh. You meant "riots." Why would anyone riot? Michael Jackson isn't black anymore. :p

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

Originally posted by dogsdad:<br /> ROITS? What the heck is a roit?<br /><br /><br />
There similair to a roid. They are a roid that is almost healed, but ruptures again.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Micheal Jackson

LOL at KB<br /><br />JB, i agree with the evidence point you talk about. but he does give me the creeps even though i could probably understand his personality.<br /><br />but i don't agree with the guilty vs innocent lockups like you do. we give too many loopholes to criminals. i don't think we can ever get good enough to do a 100% guarantee on who gets a prison sentence, and i don't think we should model our courts on that weight. its not within our human abilities IMHO. sad but true<br /><br />i think just on public perception alone, MJ should be restricted from underage kids, unless he's their father.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

Well here is another way to look at it<br /><br />A: As a celeb he has about a 90% chance of walking. Even if GUILTY <br />B: As a Black celeb he has about a 99.9% chance of walking. Even if GUILTY<br /><br />This may be his down fall by his own doing..<br /><br />C: As a white boy celeb he might get the slammer.. even if NOT Guilty..<br /><br />I should put some :) :) here.<br /><br />The above said was just a slam against MJ for being the freak that he is..<br />This guy just isnt rignt.<br /><br />However as JB said<br />
I would prefer to free ten guilty parties over convicting one innocent. If he is innocent sending him to prison would be a terrible crime.
Arrrrrg... but I must agree. Darn I hate to agree with a LIB.. but he makes since on this post only . JB that was addressed to you<br />JB as a private person if "I" were accused of the same.. I would have been in jail.. no questions asked.. dealing with it


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Micheal Jackson

Lib? LIB!!! :eek: <br /><br />Calling JB a LIB!!?? AAAAUUUUGGGHHH!!<br /><br />NO!, NOT!!<br /><br />JB is a Libertarian, if any label fits, and not even that one fits exactly.<br /><br />The older I get the more things that I was sure I KNEW, I discover I merely believed. I still believe most of them, but have lost and am still losing the arrogance of certain knowledge.<br /><br />This man is certainly eccentric in ways that offend most of us. That is not against the law. Some are offended that he is filthy rich, an African American man who looks like a white woman. So what? That isn't against the law either.<br /><br />Is Neverland an amusement park, built by a childlike man so he can play with his child buddies? Is he merely naive? Did he just use incredibly bad judgement and fall victim to exploiters?<br /><br />Or is Neverland the web of a predator, built to lure prey into his evil clutches where he did very illegal things?<br /><br />If he did those things he is charged with (NOTHING else matters) he needs to be put away for a loooong time. If not proven, he needs to be free.<br /><br />It is up to the jury, not you and me, to decide. I wish them wisdom and objectivity and I am SOOOO glad I am not charged with that responsibility.


Oct 24, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

stop calling him " mike" that is my name and ONLY my name.<br /><br />call him jack-o or sumthing el;se, but , please, stop calling him MIKE


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

I do believe that JB is of sound reason in his posts here. Thus, I do concur with what JB has posted. If mj is guilty, the evidence will prove so. <br /><br />I will state that I would NOT wish to be judged, in a court of law, based upon mere opinion that was formed via here say and bias.<br /><br />Should a lawyer manage to present a case, defense or prosecution, and a Judge or Jury determines a just outcome based on FACTS presented in due course by said legal representation.......that is the American Legal System.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

JB I think you took the first part of the post correctly. Of what all he has done to his body. It was just a joke about the times we live in now. He has the right to do with his body as he wants. <br /><br />And we are in agreement on his (MJ) trial.<br />I havent followed it at all and wont. <br />And I would not like to sit on Any Jury..<br /><br />However he just wierded me out in the 80's when he tried to buy the remains of another human body and I've always considered him a bit a freak ever since then. <br /><br />I really dont like "labels" either but some times they can help define a parameter to make a point or in this case a pun.<br /><br /> JB <br />
Calling JB a LIB!!?? AAAAUUUUGGGHHH!!<br /><br />NO!, NOT!!<br /><br />JB is a Libertarian, if any label fits, and not even that one fits exactly
OOOps being lazy I just typed Lib in place of Libertarian... (which I are a bit of one also) <br /><br />Whats the difference? Me :confused: <br />Thanks


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Micheal Jackson

JB you are so wise. Naive, but very wise. I really like reading your posts, because you always explain with great eloquence. 'Nuf sucking up.<br />The simple fact in my observation is what I have said for years, "Justice is for those who can afford it." Cynical I know, but it has been mimicked here several times. If it were me (I can't afford "justice") I would be in jail, merely on suspicion, not on fact.<br /><br />It's sad, but that's the world we live in. IMHO


Re: Micheal Jackson

Link wrote:<br /><br />
And I would not like to sit on Any Jury..<br />
That is why we get weird and outrageous jury verdicts. Especially in civil court.<br /><br />If nobody wants to serve, we deserve what we get.<br /><br />I would like to serve but they won't pick me because of my conservative views. Sounds like discrimination to me.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

Originally posted by DJ:<br /> Link wrote:<br /><br />
And I would not like to sit on Any Jury..<br />
That is why we get weird and outrageous jury verdicts. Especially in civil court.<br /><br />If nobody wants to serve, we deserve what we get.<br /><br />I would like to serve but they won't pick me because of my conservative views. Sounds like discrimination to me.
DJ<br />Ive been called twice by the defense to testify for guys who worked for me. The first time I was horrified by the tactics that the prosecuting attorney used in turning my own words against him.<br />The second time I was ready for it.. so I stood up and addressed the judge afterwards.. did not help the guy and I almost went to jail myself for doing so.. for the Comman man our justice system suxs big time. For the wealthy its a dream machine.<br />Dont get me wrong DJ if called I would do jury duty.. but I would not like to. But I would never be selected anyway.<br />A: I believe in the Death penalty and<br />B: If a scum bag strikes out or tries to harm police then they are just wrong in the first place.<br />Guess I will never have to worry about that eh? ;)


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Micheal Jackson

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