Re: Miami to Bimini trip
Greg, Being that you are a fellow Okie, that is a long trip just to trailer your rig across to Miami or Ft Lauderdale. You would have to plan on at least a full days drive just to get there plus some recovery just from the drive. My plan, since it is a 20 hour drive, is to take a week from work and leave on Friday just to get 6-8 hours or so down the road. Then try and finish it off the next day giving me the remainder of Saturday to get to the marina, get equipment checked again, and again, and then rest and head out on Sunday morning early. If I am unsuccessful during the first few days of trying to make the crossing due to water conditions, I was going to head south and hug the coastline and visit the Keys. The other key I think is, as Danny posted is to go in a group, for safety and back-up. Another issue is being prepared to spend a few days there waiting on the weather to come back, which depending on your boat and if you are able to sleep aboard may turn it into a very expensive trip. There are a lot of variables, that I don't think you can fully expect to plan for them all, that being said, yes it looks like a kick-A trip and I plan on doing it! I would love to have my boat, ported out of Jenks Oklahoma pictured off the wreck of the SS Sapona as I am snorkeling! If this is something you are seriously interested in, message me, and maybe we can start getting some logistics worked out.