Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions

Yea, Nissan has had some hard times.<br /><br />Ken


Oct 7, 2005
Re: Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions

Originally posted by KenImpZoom:<br /> But, companies should set the pay.<br /><br />If you dont like the pay, go somewhere else.<br /><br />If the execs want to have gold plated toilets, and be hand fed by well paid servants, that is their business.<br /><br />Ken
Mate, you'd love what our government is about to do to us. Think of the rough end of rooting pineapples being shoved up back passages with the pineapple in its attack position, with no anaesthetic.<br /><br />Where is the moral imperative that employers are entitled to set the pay and workers must accept it? <br /><br />Where is the requirement that employers are superior to employees?<br /><br />Where is the moral authority for employers' desires for profit overriding employees' desires for just rewards for a living wage?<br /><br />In a free market in a fair society, aren't the interests of employers and employees equal? <br /><br />If you're in the market for a car, do you just walk in and pay the sticker price? Or try for a better deal? The seller will always try to meet you to get a sale. <br /><br />But if you're the prospective secretary in the dealership, you're supposed to accept whatever the employer sets your price at when you're the one who is the seller of your labour? <br /><br />Why can't you as the employee set the price of what you have to sell, being your labour, just like the cars which are the stock in the dealership you're looking to work in?<br /><br />Ford sets the factory price for its cars, regardless of the true cost of production, but unions aren't allowed to set the price of labour for the people who make the cars, regardless of the true cost of their living?<br /><br />P.S. The execs only get gold plated toilets by screwing the workers. The funds don't come out of thin air. It didn't impress me when I was cleaning the exec toilets by pushing their over-fed turds down the S-bend with my bare hands that I had been instructed not to use their toilets. I was, however, permitted to pi$$ in the proles' toilets which I also cleaned, although to a lesser standard. I'd like to say that I shat in the exec toilets in defiance of my instructions, but I couldn't because I needed the money and couldn't afford to. Despite the fact that I reckon my turds were as good as the execs' turds, but obviously the rest of the world thinks that's there's something special about the execs that entitles them to drop their turds in special places becuase their **** is better than my ****. The same way that if the bird flu hits your kids and mine will die long before theirs because the top dogs will get the vaccine etc first. If you think that's unfair, why do you think it's fair that the same people can tell you what your labour is worth because they're apparently better than you?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions

Wow Tinkrrr (how many R's this week? :p ),<br /><br />It seems like there are some contradictions in there. Are you saying that employers and employess should negotiate independently of unions? This I totally agree with, but it sounds like you don't trust employers at all. Not clear to me . . . :confused: <br /><br />Good people will leave a bad employer if conditions suck and bad people will stay and make crappy cars. Isn't this how it should work? Yes, some people will get lost in the middle, but financial equality for everyone is a flawed myth of Marxism, no?


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions

Employers arent superior to employees, but they are the driving force.<br /><br />But if they arent will to pay good, then they will get crappy cars that they cant sell.<br /><br />I work in the oilfield that is full of back breaking labor. There isnt ever one mention of a union here, cause it pays well.<br /><br />Ken


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 18, 2003
Re: Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions

Kagee and Kiz: yep, spot on: Nissan are having a hard time globally but I was just pointing out that even with all the hard factors associated with trying to build in Britain, it is a British car plant that came out as their best plant: of course they only allow one union and the power of the unions in Britain has been curtailed quite a bit in recent years.<br /><br />Nissan went through some really tough times and ended up getting into bed with Renault :rolleyes: <br /><br />Aw, now look what you gone and done: now I'll have to start ranting about how cruddy renaults and the Frenchies are :D :D


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions

say Ken, if you and your co-workers were told that a 65% wage and bennie cut were coming down the pipe at your "oil field" employer, what action would you take? And in the interest of cost cutting, "safety" procedures were to be overlooked as well. ??????????????????????<br /><br />You and your co-workers are offered assistance to organize. What would do?<br /><br />????????????????


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions

pjc,<br /><br />You asked Ken, but I'll bite. I think I would organize or leave. I have said before on another thread; bad employers get the unions they deserve. Good employers get the employees and profits they deserve. I am not sure what the problem is . . .<br /><br />Yes, some will have a very hard go, and nobody that I respect wants to see good people suffer, but there can be no up without a down and there can be no great jobs without some really bad ones. My .02


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2005
Re: Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions

"the issue I see with unions is that they don't really understand what the company is there to do. It is not there to provide jobs. It is not there to look after the workers security. It is there to make a profit and increase the value to the shareholders of the company (owners). That is the mission of the executives".<br /><br />This may be anecdotical, but my dad worked on the Milwaukee Rail Road before going bankrupt and the union knowing the hard times the rail road was going through went out and got business for them. But management turned it away. It looked like the were intent on selling off the business and they didn't want to try to hang in there.<br />The point is I believe unions are willing to work with management and keep the business profitable and why not? It job security for everyone. <br /><br />The above quote just shows the attitude business has towards unions. You don't know what going on here so just get out of the way. I think we need to realize the union has just as much stake in the success of the company as anyone.<br />By the way anyone that has ever worked and recieved a paycheck has benefited from unions and the labor movement. If you ever got overtime pay for working over 40hrs in week, you benefited from unions. If you ever collected workmans comp, you benefited from unions. If you ever collected unemployment benefits you benefited from unions. If you work in a hazardous line of work you benefited from unions, that work is now safer than what it may have been in the past. If you have a company pension you benefited from unions. If you've had carpal tunnel or repetative stress surgery paid for,you've benefited from unions. The point we all have all kinds of worker protections and benefits that our forefathers fought and died for on picket lines and we should be show a little more respect for the union and their workers. We are a better country because of the sacrifices of these people that were part of the labor movement.<br />Now I'll get off my soap box.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions

Well, the average cost for a new car in the US is now in excess of $25,000. I doubt you will get much of a car from GM for that price tag.<br /><br />Given all of the other finacial pressures at work here it's only a matter of time before the auto mfgs feel the pinch. The unions will too as a ripple effect. The old laws of supply and demand will kick in.<br /><br />I also find it ironic that at the new Jeep plant they have here, they have just opened a "supplier park" on campus to improve supply chain fulfillment. Union workers at Jeep are "retiring" and taking these new jobs in the supplier park, most of which are non-union. I believe this is part of the ponzi scheme Tommays was talking about, only with the union workers exploiting it. <br /><br />PS... The Local 12 UAW is suprisingly quiet on this matter only offering a token displeasure about it all. :confused:


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Kenimpzoom's troll of the week-Unions

Originally posted by pjc:<br /> say Ken, if you and your co-workers were told that a 65% wage and bennie cut were coming down the pipe at your "oil field" employer, what action would you take? And in the interest of cost cutting, "safety" procedures were to be overlooked as well. ??????????????????????<br /><br />You and your co-workers are offered assistance to organize. What would do?<br /><br />????????????????
Personally, I would start looking for a job quick. I dont need anyone to do my dealings, I do everything for myself.<br /><br />It happened before my time, in 1984. Rig count went from around 4000 to 1000.<br /><br />Most people were laid off, many took huge paycuts.<br /><br />Still no unions.<br /><br />Safety is actually outstanding in the oilfield, due to pressures from the major operators. If we are the cheapest, and have the best product, but our safety record is bad, we dont get the job PEROID.<br /><br /><br />Ken