Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Quote tommays

solving the world's problems one pissing match at a time :D



Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

What if my church wanted to pay to have the ten comandments put up at the Courthouse here or hey the whitehouse for that matter......would that be ok.....What if all the churches in Mo. got together raised the money to build a Christian worship center at the airport.....You lefties gonna support that? If your answer is no well then your hypocrits......or typical Lefties :D same thing really.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

solving the world's problems one pissing match at a time :D


I Still kinda Like the Idea of More Urinals in Pubic Bathrooms....................

I Hate waiting in line............


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

solving the world's problems one pissing match at a time :D Tommays

Just for my clarification, is the match over when the foot bath........er..................a............... urinal is full,.......... or over flowing??


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Quote CJY,

You said I was rationalizing the support for foot bathes. Pointers point to this thread is if you support the foot baths, then you are helping the terrorist/Muslims defeat this country. At least, that is how I have connected his dots.

You suck at connecting dots. Pointers point was the usual double standard liberals apply to "protected" groups (religions). Why this constitutes a protected group, only a liberal could explain. Also, you were responding to RF, who seems to think based on the facts, that you are rationalizing. Yet, my name comes up. Sounds like a rationalization. Perhaps you could show me where I said or alluded to the concept of supporting foot baths = supporting defeat of this country by Muslims that you clearly stated above.

I was very clear about my position as spelled out in this statement:

I personally don't have a huge issue with these sanitary foot stations, it is the double standard applied to some religions that roasts my chestnuts.

I guess I have to shorten up the dots. And you will have to find someone, like perhaps yourself, to be responsible for your own posts, thoughts and rationalizations.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

I personally don't have a huge issue with these sanitary foot stations,

Whoa 12, this is not a sanitary issue. This is plain and simple a religious rite. To say this was a sanitary issue would be like claiming that when the Priest sprinkles water over you, it is a bath.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

If I come across one, guess what I am going to do. Wash off my feet and maybe a bag of pork rinds. :) I am sure there is someone who can give us the official term for these religious cleaning stations. Perhaps there is a member of the ACLU out there to help clarify and provide the politically correct designation. Or provide the rationalization as to why this isn't a violation of separation of church and state (which they so ardently believe in), but "Christmas break" is.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Whoa 12, this is not a sanitary issue. This is plain and simple a religious rite. To say this was a sanitary issue would be like claiming that when the Priest sprinkles water over you, it is a bath.

Yea,One crusty cabby foot after another in the same footbath without sterilization wouldn't be real sanitary now would it.:D
Not trying to suggest that they spend more money on the upgraded self santizing model though.:cool:
Which raises a question..You figure they'll use urinal cakes in them things?:D


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Yea,One crusty cabby foot after another in the same footbath without sterilization wouldn't be real sanitary now would it.:D
Not trying to suggest that they spend more money on the upgraded self santizing model though.:cool:

Maybe they make a bidet for feet?:eek: :p :D


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Maybe they make a bidet for feet?:eek: :p :D

You know ,this just may be infringing on the pleasantries of my next restroom visit to Kansas city.I mean ,I don't want to have to watch a bunch of filthy dudes with foot fetishes washing their feet all the time.:D


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

...for muslim taxi cab drivers.

This is what the American Left, the party of Hillary Clinton, PW, rolmops, Blu Lunch, CJY and even WillyBWright, has brought you.


Muslim footbaths are also being build in American univeristies. Where is the ACLU now? Have you connected the dots yet?

No Ten Commandments in our schools or Court Houses, but we can accomodate a religion that is hell bent on destroying us.

I am too busy and disinterested to read all of this thread and perhaps this has allready been noted but thought that I would display:

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Airport officials are debunking a story posted on the Internet.

The story from WorldNetDaily.com claims that Kansas City International Airport built foot-washing basins for Islamic taxi drivers. The article alleges that airport police are afraid of Middle Eastern men who congregate near the wash areas.

KCI spokesman Joe McBride said the story isn't true.

"It's a case of mistaken information on the Internet and we're trying to clear it up," McBride said.

Taxi drivers said they comprise people from all over the world -- not just the Mideast.

"All (kinds of) cab drivers we have here -- Somalis, Christians, Jews, Orthodox. Everybody we have here, every nationality," taxi driver Abdul Sharif said.

McBride said the wash stations were installed about a year ago when the airport expanded the taxi facility and added another bathroom. He said the wash stations weren't made for the exclusive use of anyone or any group in particular.

"The guys making a big issue out of it -- it's not just for Muslims," taxi driver Shareif El-Mahdi said.

"I think the Internet article blew it out of proportion. (It) had the wrong info about the facilities, gave the wrong impression. I think once people learn the facts, they'll see it's not a big deal at all," McBride said.

Copyright 2007 by TheKansasCityChannel.com. All rights reserved.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Party pooper!........:p


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Actually Pointer, before your panties get any more bunched up, although I did say "Pointer," I meant Boom, as he is the person that started this thread. I have edited your name out.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Come on.... I knew this how? My crystal ball is in the shop for repairs. ;) Hardly my fault for responding to a post with my name, misrepresenting my postions. But thank you for clearing up the confusion.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2006
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

I think it should be a sanitary issue.
To make it even more so, they should provide Quourans so we can use the pages to cover the toilet seat when we have to protect ourselves from bacteria.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Art, give me a break. Do you wash your feet at the airport? Did you even read what you posted? That is such a rediculous excuse they gave. These foot toilets are clearly for muslims to practice their religion. No one and I mean NO ONE washes their feet in public except for muslims.

Why must you liberals make excuse after excuse for the religion that wants to saw your head off? You're all so open minded that your brains fell out!

I am too busy and disinterested to read all of this thread and perhaps this has allready been noted but thought that I would display:

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Airport officials are debunking a story posted on the Internet.

The story from WorldNetDaily.com claims that Kansas City International Airport built foot-washing basins for Islamic taxi drivers... KCI spokesman Joe McBride said the story isn't true... McBride said the wash stations were installed about a year ago when the airport expanded the taxi facility and added another bathroom. He said the wash stations weren't made for the exclusive use of anyone or any group in particular.

"The guys making a big issue out of it -- it's not just for Muslims," taxi driver Shareif El-Mahdi said....

Copyright 2007 by TheKansasCityChannel.com. All rights reserved.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

....Why must you liberals make excuse after excuse for the religion that wants to saw your head off? You're all so open minded that your brains fell out!

A brilliant analogy RF. It may well be literal, though.

For the life of me, I cannot understand how an American can look around and see what is happening with Muslim immigrant communities all over the western world and think that they can sit back with their 'I'm good, I'm tolerant, I worship diversity' attitude and think that they won't try the same things here.

And then when there are the beginings of such demands, allowed by their permissive attitudes in the first place, they just bury their heads in the sand.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Come on.... I knew this how? My crystal ball is in the shop for repairs. ;) Hardly my fault for responding to a post with my name, misrepresenting my postions. But thank you for clearing up the confusion.

I was not blaming you, I typed your name, and you had no way of knowing. That one was my fault. I was just letting you know of my unintended screw-up. Nothing more, nothing less.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Hey, Rubberfrog and Boomyal - you certainly are a couple of pleasant people.
All I did was point out the airport's response to this silly report. Does that make me some liberal, commie, pinko, nut? I envy people who have such definite opinions on everything and are never assailed by doubts. If you can't respect my 78 yrs of accumulated wisdom, just consider that I might be senile so cut me some slack, please.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Hey, Rubberfrog and Boomyal - you certainly are a couple of pleasant people.
All I did was point out the airport's response to this silly report. Does that make me some liberal, commie, pinko, nut? I envy people who have such definite opinions on everything and are never assailed by doubts. If you can't respect my 78 yrs of accumulated wisdom, just consider that I might be senile so cut me some slack, please.
