Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

My contention isn't to question anyones religious beliefs. It is the double standard that appears to be present in the liberal left. I applaude Haut's, and your, condemnation of this appeasment of a group of religious extremists. It is the fact that someone even thought this was a good idea followed up with lies by the management of airport who stated that these were not just for the muslum cabbies, cause I always rip off my shoes at municipal buildings and wash my feet, and the immediate legal actions taken against christians in almost any twisted rationalization. Usually accompanied by misquoting "separation of church and state" and other meaningless garbage and the twisting of what was clearly the founding fathers intentions. Nowhere is there written in the constitution a violation for supporting a church, only mandatory and compulsary membership within any given religion. I personally don't have a huge issue with these sanitary foot stations, it is the double standard applied to some religions that roasts my chestnuts. Especially the religion with NO TOLERANCE of others. Shows the weakness in the extreme lefts arguements/beliefs. I think that it would be a good place to wash out my pork hocks and hang them to dry.

Anti religion is the religion of many.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

The keyword being 'non-denominational'......;)
Anyone can use them......
Now, if anyone can use the footbaths, not a problem....
If non believers are not allowed.......Problem....IMHO​

Oh, you can bet the reception you'd get Haut, when you walked in to start bathing your little piggies.:p :D


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

According too this source there was no public money involved.

[FONT=&quot]The majority of our drivers are Muslim, so preventing them from praying at all was not an option, especially in our public terminal restrooms," said Mark VanLoh, director of the Kansas City Aviation Department. "This was the best solution, and those facilities were added without public money." [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He added that cab drivers paid for construction through a one-dollar per-trip fee. [/FONT]

hey CJ don?t give Booomyal too much grief ,everybody has too have there Looney uncle in the attic, Iboats uncle is boomyal.:D


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

DING DING DING, we have a winner. Treedancer is the first to successfully "connect the dots."

....a rose by any other name!:rolleyes:


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

[FONT=&quot]The majority of our drivers are Muslim, so preventing them from praying at all was not an option....
So when the ACLU brings a law suit to stop children praying in school, the libs do a little victory dance. But god forbid some sweaty cabby who hasn't bathed in a week misses a prayer and the poor little lib starts bleeding out of his heart!

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

I'll go the extra mile & say I don't care if it was not publicly funded.....
It is in a public building, & unless the space is paid for 'soley' :D by the footwashers, anyone should be able to use it....:)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

I will say this. They want to import the exact thing that has held them in bondage in their own land. Even Liberals should understand the total absurdity of this, but yet in the name of 'multiculturalism' and 'I'm ok, you're ok', Kumbaya and all the rest, the rank and file liberal thinks that is ok to cater to islam while their party tears apart the religion that made this country what it is.

All a reasonable person has to do is open their eyes (call it connecting the dots) to what the muslims are doing in the rest of the western world and they would have to come to the conclusion, with moves like footbaths in airports and universities, we are not far behind.

But nooooooooo!, they continue to bury their heads in the fog of liberalism and call people looney.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

I think politicians in general ,right and left,local and federal,to some extent pander to special interest groups.The Democratic party and it's loyalists however still get the golden lovingcup for feel good programs hands down.I support no party across the board..... but individuals.Thathathat's what I think.:cool:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Boom, you said:

"I will say this. They want to import the exact thing that has held them in bondage in their own land. Even Liberals should understand the total absurdity of this, but yet in the name of 'multiculturalism' and 'I'm ok, you're ok', Kumbaya and all the rest, the rank and file liberal thinks that is ok to cater to islam while their party tears apart the religion that made this country what it is."

Is this more opinionated assumptions....or can you back this up with something tangible this time? I'm telling you, this deal was made in exchange for oil favors by W.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

There goes the liberal defending it again.... do you have a foot bath in your home?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

There goes the liberal defending it again.... do you have a foot bath in your home?

What diff does it make to you? If you put gasoline in your car, then I guess you support terrorism...right?


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

More rationalization....


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

There goes the liberal defending it again.... do you have a foot bath in your home?

No, I am not rationalizing at all. Rather, I am refuting your suggestion that I am supporting the defeating of this country. It is no more of a stretch for me to say you are doing the same by buying oil products. If you buy oil, you must also be supporting the defeating of this country.

First of all, I don't support the baths, but you say I do. For sake of my argument...ok. Therefore, you say I support terrorism because your perception is I support the baths. Well then, you support terrorism because you buy oil. It's the same diff. Very Gore-like, I must say. ;)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Not sure how we made the quantum leap from footbaths to supporting terrorism by using oil......
What if said oil came from Alaska, Mexico, et al?.......
Public pandering to any religious sect is wrong.......:mad:


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

No, I am not rationalizing at all. Rather, I am refuting your suggestion that I am supporting the defeating of this country.... Well then, you support terrorism because you buy oil. It's the same diff. Very Gore-like, I must say. ;)

Please show me in this thread where I said you are supporting terrorism.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Please show me in this thread where I said you are supporting terrorism.

You said I was rationalizing the support for foot bathes. Boom's point to this thread is if you support the foot baths, then you are helping the terrorist/Muslims defeat this country. At least, that is how I have connected his dots.

HM, I understand, but what % of our oil comes from the Middle East? It is not any greater a leap to believe buying oil will help defeat the US as it is to believe supporting foot bathes will defeat the US. Come on now, "connect the dots." :) Don't both support the middle east? Isn't the middle east predominately Muslim?

The pointing of the finger by the right is nothing more than that person trying to dissimilate themselves from those, in their view support Muslims. My point is that if you buy middle eastern oil at the gas station, we are probably not that dissimilar. You can argue from where your oil comes all you want, you in no way can convince me to believe that you have never bought middle eastern oil if you buy oil regularly. On the other hand, if it makes you feel better to believe you have never bought their oil, fine by me.

As I have said prior, I agree with you when you say, "Public pandering to any religious sect is wrong......." I guess I react when a finger is pointed in my direction.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

...I am refuting your suggestion that I am supporting the defeating of this country.....

Let's just say then, that in your case, it is a circumstance of unintended consequences.

By subscribing to the ideological and political philosopies of a party and it's constituent factions, that in many ways are trying to bring this country down to a lower level (including defeat in the war on terror) you are, defacto, supporting the 'defeating of this country'!


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

solving the world's problems one pissing match at a time :D



Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Kansas City Mo airport builds muslim foot baths...

Please show me in this thread where I said you are supporting terrorism.
That was my question to you. And you didn't answer it. No need to.

I didn't say you support terrorism.

But I do think you are rationalizing why the footbaths are ok.