Just bought a boat, what is it?


Fleet Admiral
Apr 3, 2002
Re: Just bought a boat, what is it?

different rules in Maryland, New York, Virginia and Michigan. In Michigan, just go in to the nearest Secretary of State's Ofc and find out what you need -- probably the easiest state for transfers of the four mentioned, in my experience, with local offices all over the place. If the prior owner's state issued titles, you need the title to transfer ownership (sec of state will check and tell you if the other state issues titles, so can't fake it.) Good Luck.


Rear Admiral
Sep 27, 2012
Re: Just bought a boat, what is it?

Then it's a Seabreeze as that would be the manufacturer, not the model. The boat registration you have IS the title, is simply transferable ;) My'99 Bayliner was that way, my FourWinns has a separate title for both the boat and trailer - I'm guessing its based off length for the boat whether it has a title or not in NYS.

Sometime in the 80's NY finally decided to title boats. Before then, just transferable registrations. I think 1984 but not 100% sure