Is your city this bad?


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Is your city this bad?

Check out the "Safe House" bar down there on Water street somewhere in the ally if its still there, Great entertainment, and the password to get in is "I'm looking for a safe house". Go sit on the lowing stool at the bar..thing is ya don't know which one it is, and I aint telling ya. ALL cities have problem, thats why I left the frozen midwest for rural Pacific Northwest. Still love the hard working, hard partying people there, and the great food (I was just back in the Chicago suburbs, and the pizza is to die for, as the Italian Beefs!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 11, 2005
Re: Is your city this bad?

Milwaukee is a walk in the park compared to North or East St. Louis. St. Louis has been losing it's city population for years, everyone is getting out heading to the suburbs and I can't blame them.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?


No the new password is "The safe house is a safe place." 8)


Re: Is your city this bad?

We ACTUALLY wonder about this?

We're smarter than ever, yet incredibly STUPID as to what it takes to make a society work.

A society, for starters, should be, people actually talking to one another (not over the internet). Our parents understood that. We don't. Our children don't talk, they "TEXT" each other, from five feet away.

Do you know your neighbor, my guess is-NOT.

As far as the schools go. We've completely abdicated our responsibility of raising our children to paid administrators/nannies/buearocrats. It is NOT the schools fault, it's the parents FAULT.

But, we've also learned that we can be irresponsible and get RICH, via the tort system.

A look in the mirror is a HARD look. It all boils down to one word----SELFISH.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Is your city this bad?

This is why I am glad I went to a private High School..........and why I will send my kids to one when I have some.

My school's graduation rate was 98%. I never once had a classmate get expelled or suspended for drugs. The Germantown High school kids keep drinking tickets on their keychains as bages of honor, and drugs are a huge issue here in suburbia.

On the neighbor thing, I agree most people prolly don;t know theirs.......I am great friends with ours. I go camping with the ones across the street, fishing with the one next door, and the other neighbor is over here all the time and has been a family frined for 30 yrs.


Nov 29, 2000
Re: Is your city this bad?

Parental enagement and generally parents who care and are good role models is where the problem lies. There is a reason private schools put out better educated kids. the parents are involved enough to care to send them to a private school. yes, the resources and teachers may be better, but you can't teach someone who doesn't want to be taught or who doesn't show up.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Is your city this bad?

Glad to hear its still there...really fun place a old girlfriend took me one time while we were riding around Door County, and heading home. Still have 2 "Spys Demise" glasses here in the kitchen cabinet![ Those puppies REALLY get ya wasted. Have to remember the new password! Took us awhile to get in before! Great times in Milwaukee, but like any other town, it has its good and bad sections. Went to all but the last Harley birthday Reunions, and the Park on the lake is one nice place!

quote time=1158294211 user=roscoe uid=17069 fid=20 tid= rid=45]

779 North Front St

It says International Exports, Ltd. on the door.[/quote]


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?

Hey SCAATY, we want everyone to get the "full" experience at the safe house don't we?

djohns, NY was a hole until Rudy came along and empowered the police to actually enforce the law. And things improved. Things inproved alot. Meanwhile society continues to reinforce that petty crime isn't really crime, there is no consequences for bad behavior. Judges are no longer judges they are politicians. People are not responsible for themselves or their actions. There are no penalties for bad behavior. More like rewards. Those who claim to be unifiers are busy subjegating society into little subgroups based on race, sex, sexual orientation, age, income. Success is vilified while deviance is rewarded. We have become a society of excuses. Milwaukee, at one time was one of the safest cities in America now it is one of the top ten most dangerous.

Heaven forbid we point out the liberal policies of Milwaukee for the past 30 years. And of course point out the downward spiral with regards of the quality of life in the metro area during this time period.