Is your city this bad?


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Is your city this bad?

Wow, that is bad.
I always thought that Wisconson was the place where all the Norwegian lutheran bachelor farmers produce great milk and church attendance.Lake Wobegone must be a fairy tale.
Although it is not much different from any other inner city,the necrolophy really does take the cream.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?

This might shock you: Guess how many school districts in America report that more than 50% of their students earn above-average grades?


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Is your city this bad?

Rolmops, most of Wisconsin is Great. Lots of small town people who would give ya the shirt off their back. Milwaukee is really the only bad spot.....again only parts of it. I agree this is a problem based on years of poor education and welfare laziness.

Thank goodness we moved when we did. My grandma lived there until 10 years ago and was robbed a few times. My dad had a gun held to his head not too long ago. I love where I live, just wish it was a little further north.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?

Pony, a naked underage asian boy was encountered by Milwaukee police running down the street. They thoughtfully handed him over to Jeffrey Dahmer for additional torture, because they were afraid of being insensitive to a member of the homosexual community. Neat how effective a sensitive police force can be.

We don't even have to talk about the deep tunnel debacle, how many millions of tons of raw sewerage dumped into lake Michigan this year.

How about the pension plan rip off. There is a nice piece of theft of the taxpayer to government employees. Unforgivable.

One of the worst school systems in the country and the party of "choice" are spending tons of dollars trying to live up to their bribe from the teachers union and eliminate school choice.

Bridges to nowhere. Watch the blues brothers movie, the nazis drive off of it.

A bunch of idiots doing anything, regardless of how it works, to bring light rail to a city who can't fill the buses. Looking for millions and millions of tax dollars.

A murder rate that rivals Bagdad.

Sexual harrassment by the mayor Nordquist.

Murder threats by a city council member directed at his mistressd:). Compounded by lying in court. Yes I know its just about sex so lying about murder because of sex is ok as well, I'm learning. (Junior McGee)

Former police chief Art Jones, was a racist. Got fired, played race card, got nothing, and the city lost its suit brought by white cops who were discriminated against. New police chief, a woman, has absolutely no clue what to do. And the crime rate climbs.

And on and on and on. And who will be elected in the next elections? Incumbants. Politically correct government, ain't it great.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?

dang, was a nice place in the late 80's when I spent a year at great mistakes. in fact febuary I will be in milwalki for a week. I hope its not as cold as I remember.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Is your city this bad?

Im not disagreeing with you reference was to the PEOPLE here. Its no secret that out State Government is full of lies, sex, and bribes. Its not a secret that Milwaukee's crime rate is absolutely dreadful.

Rodbolt, if your lucky it wont be like last February. Last year the coldest week of the year was that month, along with the biggest snow storm. I think it was -23F or so here near Milwaukee, where I was it got to -32F...........I happened to decide to go isce fishing in that weather :)


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?

Rodbolt, can you say Global Warming. Stay on Water street/third ward area and use cabs and you should be fine. They put on a good face for visitors, just don't look too deeply. Go to Maders and have some German food.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?

Pony, The finest people in America live in Wisconsin. (See, Pony, Roscoe, Pointer, eeboater, javsam, PJC, bekosh, and so many others not mentioned) 95% of folks you could leave your child with no problem. Beautiful in so many ways, and clean (except off the coast of Milwaukee) Unfortunately Milwaukee is in the downward death spiral, one failure or scandal just feeds the next and the next and the next.

We also have some of the nations more colorful charactors. Ed Gein, Jeffy,


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Is your city this bad?

I would also suggest Rock Bottom Brewery.............along with a Loui's Demise on tap.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?


FYI, Louis Demise is a product of the Milwaukee Ale House in the third ward. (The owners named the beer after his great uncle who got drunk in a bar in Sheboygan and got in a fight and was killed with a bottle. Drink slowly its a Strong beer) They may serve it at rock bottom as well, I can only hit one of those places a night and still function.:p


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 20, 2006
Re: Is your city this bad?

POINTER94 said:
Pony, a naked underage asian boy was encountered by Milwaukee police running down the street. They thoughtfully handed him over to Jeffrey Dahmer for additional torture, because they were afraid of being insensitive to a member of the homosexual community. Neat how effective a sensitive police force can be.

We don't even have to talk about the deep tunnel debacle, how many millions of tons of raw sewerage dumped into lake Michigan this year.

How about the pension plan rip off. There is a nice piece of theft of the taxpayer to government employees. Unforgivable.

One of the worst school systems in the country and the party of "choice" are spending tons of dollars trying to live up to their bribe from the teachers union and eliminate school choice.

Bridges to nowhere. Watch the blues brothers movie, the nazis drive off of it.

A bunch of idiots doing anything, regardless of how it works, to bring light rail to a city who can't fill the buses. Looking for millions and millions of tax dollars.

A murder rate that rivals Bagdad.

Sexual harrassment by the mayor Nordquist.

Murder threats by a city council member directed at his mistressd:). Compounded by lying in court. Yes I know its just about sex so lying about murder because of sex is ok as well, I'm learning. (Junior McGee)

Former police chief Art Jones, was a racist. Got fired, played race card, got nothing, and the city lost its suit brought by white cops who were discriminated against. New police chief, a woman, has absolutely no clue what to do. And the crime rate climbs.

And on and on and on. And who will be elected in the next elections? Incumbants. Politically correct government, ain't it great.

Damn that's one totally F'd up mess. To many new Dems in that city.
Chicago is a joke. The majority of public schools are actually just pre-penitentiaries. The Chief of Police, a large CPD presence, increased school security and metal detectors such as at airports was what was necessary to herd the savages into Kennedy High on the first day of school. No hope. The school system passes, to be politically correct, "students" , ha!.....for just showing up. Don't have to learn anything. Just show up and you pass.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Is your city this bad?

Yup Pointer I think they serve it there as well.........though maybe I am confussing myself. I like Rock Bottom better as far as atmoshere so maybe thats why I thought that.

I drink Lous Demise all the time..........on tap at the Gasthaus down at UWM. It is strong but has a nice flavor.

The one thing I want to start trying is the New Glarus stuff.

You are right on about Milwaukee. Its a sad thing. Roscoes New Orleans reference is scary close.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Is your city this bad?

What you have is a situation out of control, and throwing more police and policy at it won't cut the cake.

Now imagine that every citizen in good standing was armed (if by choice)... better? (shock and dismay all around)

Think about it... think about the next drive-by shooting (some poor slob opens up with his 9mm on a crowd... 25 of the crowd open up on him with their 9mm... one less slob, and a lesson learned)

Some fleabag goes to rob a granny, granny shoots him where it hurts... another lesson learned.

If every Citizen was armed and deadly, and the laws protected those citizens, you would have less street crime, less home breakins, less muggings... less crime altogether. (Don’t get me started on “THE WAR ON DRUGS”

The wild west was real not so wild... people were polite, minded their own business, didn't break and enter, and only shot up the town when they where drunk. (think 25 people with 9mm's... would only happen once, and for only 3 seconds :^

Gun control?... should be taught at the local community college... both eyes open, modified Weaver grip.... and gently squeeze the trigger.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?

but can ya suggest a good pub?
-32? can humans actually survive at that temp ?
not sure of the motel but its about 2 miles or so from the airport.
I cant believe the knucle head shop forman choose WI in febuary.
however he has to do the school and kennesaw GA was full. so back north I go. best I remember the beer was good and the pubs were cozy.
maybe I can meet some of the iboats board, if we call a truce and disscuss no politics :):)
first round's on me.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?

No problem with the cold. Just bring long pants. I am having trouble posting the link but simply check out the Rock Bottom Brewery, Milwaukee and The Milwaukee Ale House, Milwaukee.

Once you are there you are in the middle of nightlife central. Just stay on Water Street. Let us know where you are staying. Two Miles from the Airport won't get you downtown. But you will be just a couple of miles from one of the most unique Marine Supply stores I have been in. Kendor Marine.

puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: Is your city this bad?

What you guys are saying is unbaleavable. Every where
ive lived if you did not graduate from high school you were looked at as a idiot. That came from the other students. Maybe out of 500 kids, 6 would not gaduate.
But i think we are starting to have the same problems in our larger citys.In Quebec today some one went into an school and opeaned fire.One dead and i think 12or 16 hurt.In Vancover it seems like every day on the news some one has been killed from drug gangs .
O well if you keep you nose clean you have a verry good chance it wont catch up to you.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?

I do have me won o dem high skewl de plomys.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Is your city this bad?

and nows thet I gots me sum cash, I mae have to gits me a 9