Re: Is limbaugh preparing for the big times??
Pure BS, rodbolt. I don't think you could convince even yourself with that arguement.<br /><br />Everyone who has exposed the soft white underbelly of the left's power structure or has been successful in defeating them at the polls has become a target, and the only way the left can hurt them is to try and destroy them personally with allegations. Witness Rush, Bill Cosby, Tom Delay, and others. If you believe all that crap about these people and that they should be ruined, then surely you believe that Ted Kennedy should be in prison for first degree murder.<br /><br />Your treatise on Mexico is but a further display of your willingness to spew uninformed, politically motivated drivel. You state that a fence will not work. I don't think you can back that up, though you expect us to just swallow it. Further, it is not the job of the American people to take care of poverty in Mexico. The problems in Mexico are caused by the fact that about twenty extremely influential families are in complete control of that country's wealth. These people see themselves as better than all the rest of the Mexicans and Americans, upon whom they wish to foist their ignorant and indolent masses (and that is indolence borne out of deep-seated despair, not the color of their skin).<br /><br />AND, you have attempted to force a false premise into consideration, that false premise being that there is no difference between being a loser crack addict and someone who becomes dependent upon a painkiller used to combat genuine pain. There is a world of diference, and if you can't admit that to yourself, you are simply refusing to accept reality.<br /><br />"I am glad he kicked his addiction and hope he will remain free from it now."<br /><br />I don't believe that is your sentiment at all. I think you'd jump for joy if something happened to Limbaugh. Maybe I'm wrong...I hope I am, but that is the only inference I can draw based on the hateful things you've said about him, and you certainly have a lot of company.<br /><br />It must suck to be on the left and losing all the time.<br /><br />*glub, glub*