April 2022
Last spring I had to make a decision. I still wanted to fill the "Halo" area and garage parking pads with asphalt, but that would cost about $6,000 and even as much as $8,000 because I wanted to add a paved parking area behind the garage. Pretty tough.
Next option was to fill those areas with bluestone gravel.
Cost would be about $1,500 - $2,000. Easier on the wallet and it would look very nice but came with a subset of maintenance issues that I just didn't want to undertake. I'm too old and too beat up to mess with that stuff. The boy will be leaving home in the spring of 2024 and my wife isn't physically capable of doing the work.
That left one option: more sod!
I only needed two pallets of sod to complete the Halo, which only cost about $300 for the pair. Plus, I paid the boy a couple bucks, so my total sod cost for the Halo area was only $500. Done deal!
I picked up the first load of sod and "we" got to work.
There are about 150 pieces on each pallet and the boy offloaded and placed about 130 of those by himself. I just couldn't do much.
I went for a second load of sod.
Adding the sod to the trailer really "goosed" my wife's truck!
But it worked out just fine once the load was centered.
By the time we did the second load of sod, I'd figured out how I could actually do some work. I found that I could carefully rotate myself and lift a piece of sod, carry it to the work area and drop it nearly in place. The boy would then rearrange the pieces and get them into final position. As a result, I was able to offload 130 pieces myself! Yay!
This is how I supervised.
My wife showed up and brought us food. Nice.
Finally got it done!
The sloped area with the limerock on the left got cleaned up later, but we'll probably add more sod there in 2023.
And the area by the garage parking pad was done too.