Increase in fines for talking/texting in Ontario

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
I know many folks travel to Ontario Canada and wanted to let those that do the Ontario Government is increasing fines for talking and or texting while operating a motor vehicle. It's not just talking etc. while driving just holding a device in ones hand is a fine as well. Entering data into a GPS is also a fine for distracted driving. They are talking about fining drivers for eating while driving as well. Anything a Cop feels is distracted driving will be deemed a finable offence. That's a huge can of worms being opened here. I recently drove my brothers new Caddy SUV. Everything other than turn signals and lights is controlled on the big touch screen. Will we be fined for changing channels on the radio too!! Someone has to pay for our "free" healthcare.

Please note as of January 1, 2019, a cell phone ticket in Ontario will carry a 3-day license suspension and a $1000.00

If you receive this conviction it will be seen as a Major Conviction (minimum surcharge of $350.00) plus a ratable license suspension (minimum surcharge of $150.00) and a guarantee for possible non-renewal/cancellation of your auto policy.

If you do drive in Ontario lock your phone and Big Macs in the trunk. Maybe the kids too.

No idea why the red font.

Johnny D
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Mar 20, 2002
What about hands free talking on the cell phone? Is that banned too? I had a Ford F-150 with Sync 3. All my calls are made hands free.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
WOW Go Canada ! Here in VT the first cell phone ticket is $162 and the second (or more) is $392 and they all carry 2 points

Work zones are higher, Texting are higher and "Jr Operators" are smacked hard too.........

I work for a Sheriff's Dept and I see all the results........... however, there are some idiots who just never learn.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
But is there any meat behind it? Passing legistration is one thing. Enforcing it is another.

Texting and talking on a phone, hands free is fine, has been illegal here for 2 years. Bet 60% of the people I pass on the highway on a given morning are on the phone.

Just another feel good law like seat belts around here

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
I work for a Sheriff's Dept and I see all the results........... however, there are some idiots who just never learn.

Yup. Amazing how many think driving regulations are an infringement on life, liberty, and the pursuit of ,,,,whatever. :)

I am sure as a First Responder you are a huge fan of seat belt laws as well.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
Yep, hands free is fine, as long as the Cop doesn't think you are distracted. Being of 100% Italian DNA I have to use my hands to talk so with hands free I steer with my knees.

Legislation is one thing, enforcement is another. In the winter when I want to be entertained for free I go the County Courthouse and listen to the most ridiculous excuses from drivers pleading their case. Last winter a guy charged with careless driving after he went into a ditch. His reason was he was trying to light his cigarette. The Magistrate threw the book at him after suggesting he quit smoking. A foreign visitor was caught doing 100 MPH in a 100 KPH zone. He thought the signs were in MPH like in the UK.


Jun 24, 2006
But is there any meat behind it? Passing legistration is one thing. Enforcing it is another.

Texting and talking on a phone, hands free is fine, has been illegal here for 2 years. Bet 60% of the people I pass on the highway on a given morning are on the phone.

Just another feel good law like seat belts around here

From my personal observation, hands free is no better than holding the phone and staring at the screen for most people. They're distracted either way.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
I am sure as a First Responder you are a huge fan of seat belt laws as well.

Actually, in our department it is split about 50/50 on the seatbelt debate and that is close to the wearing percentage. It really depends on the type of accident in which you are involved.


Jul 28, 2009
If that were here in the states, there would probably be a law suit stating it is limiting freedom of speech or some such nonsense.

I would say I see about 20% of all drivers with phone in hand, and it shows in the way they drive.

I change my sig about 3 years ago to reflect how I feel.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
From my personal observation, hands free is no better than holding the phone and staring at the screen for most people. They're distracted either way.

How is hands free any different than carrying on a conversation with a passenger?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 20, 2018
This is a big advantage in promoting the use of self-driving cars.


May 26, 2018
Mixed feelings here. Distracted driving is a proven and increasing cause of auto accidents and deaths. But Ironmaker's story sounds like serious badge overreach. My gripe is with new and emerging auto technology (lane departure warning, collision avoidance, bla bla) that are touted as 'safety features'. BS. These enable and encourage inattentive drivers.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
Mixed feelings here. Distracted driving is a proven and increasing cause of auto accidents and deaths. But Ironmaker's story sounds like serious badge overreach. My gripe is with new and emerging auto technology (lane departure warning, collision avoidance, bla bla) that are touted as 'safety features'. BS. These enable and encourage inattentive drivers.

Great point. They are building in more and more features in vehicles today that cars drive us not us driving them. Hands free can be just as distracting as hand held.

But nothing can be more distracting than someone sitting in the passengers seat bemoaning your every turn, speed, direction, shirt you have on and reciting the list of things you need to get done before the mother in laws annual 1 month visit. That's when you want one of those ejection seats like in James Bonds Aston Martin.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
Actually, in our department it is split about 50/50 on the seatbelt debate and that is close to the wearing percentage. It really depends on the type of accident in which you are involved.

May I ask why the split. I would never drive or ride without one on, always did if the car had one. The main reason I stopped riding my bike.


Jul 28, 2009
How is hands free any different than carrying on a conversation with a passenger?

Some studies have shown very little difference and little difference than when holding a phone. Cell and GPS account for less than 15% of distracted driving fatalities according to 2015 Studies. Cognitive distractions, ie -daydreaming, thinking about work or relationships are the leading cause at over 60% of fatalities

My daughter was a passenger in a severe accident caused by distracted driving. The driver did not survive and my daughter spent over 3 months in hospitals followed by 2 years of intense therapy recovering. I have researched it and have made several presentations to young drivers on the subject.


Mar 20, 2002
From my personal observation, hands free is no better than holding the phone and staring at the screen for most people. They're distracted either way.

Well, my perspective differs a bit from yours. I feel that hands free is much safer than having a phone in your hand and talking that way. I feel that hands free talking on a cell phone is safer than carrying on a conversation with a passenger in the other seat. Many of us look towards the person we are talking to often taking our eyes off the road for a short time. With hands free you can keep your eyes dead ahead on the roadway cognizant to what is happening ahead. I will take hands free anytime. It's no less safe than listening to the radio.

I respect your perspective and have no problem with your point of view.


Mar 20, 2002
I am actually going over to Canada on Wednesday to do some Christmas shopping. If my phone rings while I am over there I will answer. We'll see what happens.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
May I ask why the split. I would never drive or ride without one on, always did if the car had one. The main reason I stopped riding my bike.

Because the help a seatbelt gives varies based on the type of accident. Some accidents you are better off being thrown from the vehicle or being able to duck. Because of the nature of accidents we all feel it is up to the individual. Had an elderly man that snapped his neck and died in a 15mph fender bender because his bones were weak and they snapped when the seatbelt held his body in place. Have seen several decapitations because the person was pinned to the seat when they were run over, or ran under, the truck, etc. When it is yourself or loved one in one of “those” accidents, statistics don’t matter.

Had a close friend who was killed when an 18 wheeler crossed the median and hit him head on at 70mph. Friend was killed instantly. Insurance company payed 1/2 of the life benefits because he was not wearing a seatbelt. In that case, a seatbelt would not have mattered.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 20, 2018
Had a close friend who was killed when an 18 wheeler crossed the median and hit him head on at 70mph. Friend was killed instantly. Insurance company payed 1/2 of the life benefits because he was not wearing a seatbelt. In that case, a seatbelt would not have mattered.

Wouldn't that have mattered to his surviving family to get the full benefits?

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Because the help a seatbelt gives varies based on the type of accident. Some accidents you are better off being thrown from the vehicle or being able to duck. Because of the nature of accidents we all feel it is up to the individual. Had an elderly man that snapped his neck and died in a 15mph fender bender because his bones were weak and they snapped when the seatbelt held his body in place. Have seen several decapitations because the person was pinned to the seat when they were run over, or ran under, the truck, etc. When it is yourself or loved one in one of “those” accidents, statistics don’t matter.

Had a close friend who was killed when an 18 wheeler crossed the median and hit him head on at 70mph. Friend was killed instantly. Insurance company payed 1/2 of the life benefits because he was not wearing a seatbelt. In that case, a seatbelt would not have mattered.

The facts:

Doubtless the tin-foil hat brigade will have a different slant.