i'm in to win


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: i'm in to win

treedancer said:
I think that a Hillary Clinton Presidency with Bill Clinton as Vice Pres. has a nice ring to it.8)

Does that mean Bill will be wearing the dress this time, instead of the dress wearing some Bill? 8)


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: i'm in to win

Really interesting that old Jesse Jackson has been so absent from the political spotlight for the last 6+ months. The Rainbow Coalition must be working triple time to figure out who they can shakedown for the most $.

Oh wait, he shakes them all down, doesn't he?
Most of them so he will leave them alone.
Then one of them, for his endorsement, to be paid for after they are elected.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: i'm in to win

roscoe said:
treedancer said:
I think that a Hillary Clinton Presidency with Bill Clinton as Vice Pres. has a nice ring to it.8)

Does that mean Bill will be wearing the dress this time, instead of the dress wearing some Bill? 8)

No! He'll be baking the brownies.<:) He just won't eat them. >o


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 17, 2004
Re: i'm in to win

I'm thinking it's going to be Rodam/Hussein on the ticket, but nowdays who knows for sure. Isn't it another year until the primaries?


Apr 21, 2004
Re: i'm in to win

jtexas said:
"the country listened to the conservatives last time" - there are those who would debate that point

You're right, Jtex. The current batch of right wing whackos, and their mouthpieces, are a lot of things, but conservative isn't one of them. I thought of that when I posted, but then they generally call themselves conservatives, and who am I to argue with them?

Still I consider myself as sharing some conservative values, and I don't recognize any of those values in most spokepeople for the vocal right.

Still, I am generally impressed with Hillary, although I am a touch put off by what looks to be political pandering to the base by Hillary. It's early yet.

Still, I think the country generally is tired of the constant tactics of fear and ridicule as espoused by the vocal right, and will give her an honest hearing.

I hope so, but time will tell.

Bob Fort

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 9, 2005
Re: i'm in to win

Do we really want just two families to control the Oval Office for over two decades....?


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: i'm in to win

Bob said:
Do we really want just two families to control the Oval Office for over two decades....?

Obviously, it's one too many.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: i'm in to win

Bob said:
Do we really want just two families to control the Oval Office for over two decades....?

I personally want the best possible person to lead this country, regardless of their last name. I'm not suggesting that is Hillary, or even Jeb Bush.

The last name should neither be a qualifying, nor a disqualifying factor.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: i'm in to win

PW2 said:
Still I consider myself as sharing some conservative values,
I honestly believe this to be true.

PW2 said:
Still, I am generally impressed with Hillary
She doesn't seem a little obsessed with power? And maybe this appearance is spin by the press but if so:

PW2 said:
I think the country generally is tired of the constant tactics of fear and ridicule as espoused by the vocal right
Is this spin by the press too? Or do you honestly believe that "the right whackos" are incapable of critical and logical thought?


Nov 30, 2006
Re: i'm in to win

Hey Guys, Saw the first li'l glimse of MSM talkin' 'bout Hill's bombin' 'Bamma, (I know I'm mind readin' here; actually: jus' guessin' as I really don't know the source), on Howie Kurtz this mornin' on CNN. C Page, (a windy city talkin' head/collumnist), instinctively defended 'Bamma and was allowed to do it with out a credible source, (on Reliable Sources no less). Real interestin' watchin' their favorite against their creation! Respectively, JR ps MSM may ignore the whole deal poor Hill!!:$:'(


Apr 10, 2005
Re: i'm in to win

Quote Omerr

Hey Guys, Saw the first li'l glimse of MSM talkin' 'bout Hill's bombin' 'Bamma, (I know I'm mind readin' here; actually: jus' guessin' as I really don't know the source), on Howie Kurtz this mornin' on CNN. C Page, (a windy city talkin' head/collumnist), instinctively defended 'Bamma and was allowed to do it with out a credible source, (on Reliable Sources no less). Real interestin' watchin' their favorite against their creation! Respectively, JR ps MSM may ignore the whole deal poor Hill!!:$:'(



Nov 30, 2006
Re: i'm in to win

Havin' trouble followin' Tree? Stay tuned maybe somethin' will make it all click for ya at some point.8)8) JR


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: i'm in to win

treedancer said:
Quote Omerr

Hey Guys, Saw the first li'l glimse of MSM talkin' 'bout Hill's bombin' 'Bamma, (I know I'm mind readin' here; actually: jus' guessin' as I really don't know the source), on Howie Kurtz this mornin' on CNN. C Page, (a windy city talkin' head/collumnist), instinctively defended 'Bamma and was allowed to do it with out a credible source, (on Reliable Sources no less). Real interestin' watchin' their favorite against their creation! Respectively, JR ps MSM may ignore the whole deal poor Hill!!:$:'(


This guy's writing is almost as bad as ebonics.

English translation:

Hey Guys, I saw the first little glimpse of main stream media talking about Hillary's "bombing" Barack Obama (I know I'm mind reading here. Actually, I'm just guessing as I really don't know the source), on Howard Kurtz this morning on CNN. Clarence Page, (a Chicago Tribune news columnist), instinctively defended Obama and was allowed to do it without a credible source, (on the show "Reliable Sources" no less). It was real interesting watching their favorite against their creation!

Respectively, JR

ps The main stream media may ignore the whole deal - poor Hillary!!


Nov 30, 2006
Re: i'm in to win

BoatBuoy said:
treedancer said:
Quote Omerr

Hey Guys, Saw the first li'l glimse of MSM talkin' 'bout Hill's bombin' 'Bamma, (I know I'm mind readin' here; actually: jus' guessin' as I really don't know the source), on Howie Kurtz this mornin' on CNN. C Page, (a windy city talkin' head/collumnist), instinctively defended 'Bamma and was allowed to do it with out a credible source, (on Reliable Sources no less). Real interestin' watchin' their favorite against their creation! Respectively, JR ps MSM may ignore the whole deal poor Hill!!:$:'(


This guy's writing is almost as bad as ebonics.

English translation:

Hey Guys, I saw the first little glimpse of main stream media talking about Hillary's "bombing" Barack Obama (I know I'm mind reading here. Actually, I'm just guessing as I really don't know the source), on Howard Kurtz this morning on CNN. Clarence Page, (a Chicago Tribune news columnist), instinctively defended Obama and was allowed to do it without a credible source, (on the show "Reliable Sources" no less). It was real interesting watching their favorite against their creation!

Respectively, JR

ps The main stream media may ignore the whole deal - poor Hillary!!

VERY GOOD BB!!! JR8)8)8)


Apr 21, 2004
Re: i'm in to win

QC said:
PW2 said:
Still I consider myself as sharing some conservative values,
I honestly believe this to be true.

PW2 said:
Still, I am generally impressed with Hillary
She doesn't seem a little obsessed with power? And maybe this appearance is spin by the press but if so:

PW2 said:
I think the country generally is tired of the constant tactics of fear and ridicule as espoused by the vocal right
Is this spin by the press too? Or do you honestly believe that "the right whackos" are incapable of critical and logical thought?

I don't know about the "obsessed with power" bit. Anyone seeking to become president wants power. By definition. Are you suggesting it is not a lady-like trait?

And I have no idea whether the right wing wackos are capable or not of critical thought. When the topic turns to Hillary (or any other Dem, but especially Hillary) they always turn to and rely on ridicule and fear. They *Never* attempt to accurately present the other view, and rationally debate it.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: i'm in to win

PW2 said:
QC said:
PW2 said:
Still I consider myself as sharing some conservative values,
I honestly believe this to be true.

PW2 said:
Still, I am generally impressed with Hillary
She doesn't seem a little obsessed with power? And maybe this appearance is spin by the press but if so:

PW2 said:
I think the country generally is tired of the constant tactics of fear and ridicule as espoused by the vocal right
Is this spin by the press too? Or do you honestly believe that "the right whackos" are incapable of critical and logical thought?

I don't know about the "obsessed with power" bit. Anyone seeking to become president wants power. By definition. Are you suggesting it is not a lady-like trait?

And I have no idea whether the right wing wackos are capable or not of critical thought. When the topic turns to Hillary (or any other Dem, but especially Hillary) they always turn to and rely on ridicule and fear. They *Never* attempt to accurately present the other view, and rationally debate it.

Always and Never are a li'l inclusive aren't they PW2? 'course I dunno what U mean when U say "right wing wackos" could mean anybody to the right o' Uncle Joe Stalin? Right PW2? 8)8)JR


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 2, 2006
Re: i'm in to win

Great ....I can just see another 4 yrs of the clampetts in the whitehouse again getting trashed and midnite pizza/cigar parties going on all friggin nite...geez....billery back in....she's just pissed cuz she got thrown out of the daily presidential briefs with the joint chiefs cuz she was the first bimbo.....she's still pushing socialism medical care....sorry...but I lived back in Va back then and she just really grates on my nerves...I'd vote for anyone else but her and her pet monkey bill!!....:devil:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 13, 2004
Re: i'm in to win

don't think Bill can be her VP, the 12th amendment does not allow the Pres and VP to be from the same state.

But after saying that, does Bill claim NY as his residence? Or somewhere in Canada? (Where his current girlfriend lives)
