Today I finally defeated that tough paint on the cowl hood. It's off there!
As a final attempt to clean it
after stripping, we used the sand blaster with the walnut media. Which did nothing! That media is pretty weak.
BTW - I accidentally discovered that leaving the stripper on that tough paint for 30 minutes really helped. The stripper didn't evaporate but just kept on cooking.
I'd still like to know about the deeper scratches and "high-build" primer. I know nothing about such things but from some of the videos I've seen online it looks like it's what I need.
We did
another leak test today! I'd been so focused on the stern issue that I completely forgot to mention that I had a couple of seeping rivets up forward. When I repaired the stern the first time I'd sealed those two rivets but had the stern full of water and completely forgot about the forward rivets. Finally got around to testing those today and all's dry!
It took several applications and a few hours, but all that paint finally came off.
I'd mentioned in a prior post that the plastic scrapers were losing their effectiveness even when "sharpened." The plastic softened close to the cutting edge from exposure to the stripper. So I dug up my old miter box and had the boy cut new edges farther from the end. I then sanded new bevels and that did the trick! Working great again!
Cleaned up the cowl latch hinge cover. And the hinge is broken. I've known that ever since I bought the motor.
Found a replacement hinge online... for $26!!

But I guess I have to do what I have to do.
After he washed the hinge latch cover with 1/2 cleaning vinegar and water, the boy painted it up. His first time painting!
He did a good job!