So close yet so far... everything is bolted down as appropriate now.
Battery box is installed as well. However, I learned that my battery charger that I've had for years has died. Can't charge the deep cycle battery for the trolling motor! My neighbor says he has one to loan me till I replace the defective unit.
Fired up the Johnson this afternoon in a drum of water. One pull starting! (After I remembered to undo the kill switch after the third attempt. Duh. :hopelessness: Dang near pulled my bad shoulder out when I set the switch correctly because the engine fired before the starting rope had come 3 inches out of the housing and my shoulder had no resistance to the effort. Ouch!) :facepalm:
The engine runs very well. I added some SeaFoam to the tank and let it idle for a good half hour. Revved it up every once in awhile and I could tell that the SeaFoam was doing good stuff in there. The "miss" was diminishing. But I could also hear a pseudo-random "tick tickety tick tick" sound coming from under the hood. Sounded much like the sound of a spark plug hood being partly off. The hood latch is either broken or not stock and is held down with a turnbuckle jerry-rig. I didn't do anything with it because it was too late in the day and I was hot and tired and had enough.
Also, I found that the starting pull rope is starting to unravel. Another thing I've not had to deal with before. My 73 y.o. buddy might be able to help me with that tomorrow.
Had hoped to splash today but just couldn't make it happen. Tomorrow is iffy because of the battery and starter rope issues. And the day after that is out because I have to go down the road for another doc appointment.
But we'll get there!
Thanks to all for your inspiration, encouragement, compliments and support as I struggle forward. Onward, always onward! :lol: