I hate car shopping!!


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
I know of no law that tells you what color you can paint your car.No lights or siren, kosher.Around here their all black ,black and whites are still around but now their going for stealth .They still stick out big time and only fool the totally uninformed.My speeding days are long gone particularly in our province with our stunt speeding laws.On some of our roads I'm surprised they don't force us to walk ahead of the car with a flag .
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Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
I took the Kia for a spin today. My wife is going to drive it tomorrow. It will not tow my boat safely. Towing is one thing stopping is another.

We have a guy out here 82rude that has an old OPP car complete with front crash bar and he has a light bar on the roof. Fake serial numbers on the fenders and trunk. Just he alone has probably done more for speeding here than all the public service announcements they put out.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 29, 2016
I’ve owned many trucks and suv but if I’m buying a car it’s gotta be a Camry we’re on our 3rd my uncle is on his 4th cousin is on his 3rd. Like the Nissan, they just friggin run great....


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
In Canada Honda civic has been the best selling car for 20 years in a row.The hatchback turbo looks real good.Me I have a water budget but seem to pick champagne cars to look at,lol.Looked at and loved a 2016 vw tourag with tubo diesel and awd ,then went home and looked up the price on the dealership website.61,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's about 35 to 40 grand more than I'm willing to spend.If only I could use my Polaris ace around town ,lol.I mean they allow those stupid ebikes all over the place why not my atv with street tires.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
Big good news today guys. My wife found a car online yesterday, called the dealer, asked the right questions, researched the car on a few sites. We went today to see it, she made the deal and thank God she bought it. I'm proud of her. A 2016 Kia Optima with more bells and whistles she will ever use or learn to use, a neat sunroof and fixed moonroof . A little 2.5 lt 200 HP. that I was surprised to find packed a little punch in 6 speed manual. We drove it for about 45 minutes in the city and 401 hwy and it averaged 7.5 lts/100 kms. That is good mileage and I didn't drive it easy either. The best is I get my truck back unless the weather is bad.

They had a new Honda Civic parked at a Tim Horton's today. Grand Prize in a contest. What a car !!!!! This ain't my Dad's little Honda Civic in 70'.

I gave a buddy's son the 07 Nissan. He is 23 and with the employment situation today has never been able to afford a car. It will need work but may give him some incentive to finish his apprenticeship. I'm paying it forward. Dad's buddy sold me a 63' Pontiac Parisienne 2 door hard top in 1971 for a dollar. When I was 23 I had a 1 year old Vette Stingray, a winter beater, my own home with a renter who paid most of my mortgage. I think a bank would laugh at a 23 year old working Joe looking for a loan let alone a mortgage today. It must be tough for these kids today unless they finished first in their College graduating class, and it's tough for that kid as well.
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Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Ha ,I was actually going to suggest something similar to the optima but thought you guys were suv,ing.Im a pretty good predictor of the future though.OLD to wife ,honey it looks crappy outside why don't you take the truck?MRS OLD ,dear why in the world would I want to drive that old thing??Tell her congrats ,that's one hell of a nice ride.How about the new Stinger ? 365hp of nice performance sedan!https://www.kia.com/us/en/vehicle/stinger/2018/overview

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
Ha ,I was actually going to suggest something similar to the optima but thought you guys were suv,ing.Im a pretty good predictor of the future though.OLD to wife ,honey it looks crappy outside why don't you take the truck?MRS OLD ,dear why in the world would I want to drive that old thing??Tell her congrats ,that's one hell of a nice ride.How about the new Stinger ? 365hp of nice performance sedan!https://www.kia.com/us/en/vehicle/stinger/2018/overview

We weren't really looking for what they call a Crossover/SUV. To me an SUV is a 4x4 not an all wheel drive but basically a truck with a back seat rather than an open box. We came across a young lady in the ditch on Christmas day during a snow storm that took out a few signs and you could see where she went in and ended up facing the wrong way on the opposite side of the road. She told me she couldn't believe she lost control because after all it was all wheel drive!!

We buy whatever meets our needs and is of the best value. She will drive the Silverado until spring or the weather is mild like today, calling for 15C here today. The only Kia I have driven is our elderly next door neighbours Kia Soul. It's a sewing machine compared to this Kia. I'm just happy to have a car in the driveway I can use. Need to find some wheels and snow tires ASAP.

Thank you for all the help everyone.


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
I have a 4x4 truck which in reality unless you have quadratrac is not really 4 wheel drive.The problem is not awd its the owners who think that means they can drive above the road conditions.When I owned my first 4x4 I was guilty of said stupidity but learned superfast that black ice does not care if your 10 wheel drive..What bugs me the most are the people the own 4x4 but wont use it going up the hill just east of my house in the winter and you see them sliding sideways and backwards and little sissy missy in her awd car goes right around them and up like a sunday drive.Me I'm in and out of 4x4 all winter long.And my motomaster tires are great in the winter(10 ply by cooper ).

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
I have a 4x4 truck which in reality unless you have quadratrac is not really 4 wheel drive.The problem is not awd its the owners who think that means they can drive above the road conditions.When I owned my first 4x4 I was guilty of said stupidity but learned superfast that black ice does not care if your 10 wheel drive..What bugs me the most are the people the own 4x4 but wont use it going up the hill just east of my house in the winter and you see them sliding sideways and backwards and little sissy missy in her awd car goes right around them and up like a sunday drive.Me I'm in and out of 4x4 all winter long.And my motomaster tires are great in the winter(10 ply by cooper ).

Yep Rude it isn't the vehicle it's the idiots driving them. I always put the truck in 4X4 once a week whether needed or not. "If you don't use it you loose it."

The Optima has been great, not the 285HP the Nissan had but it's a car you drive it doesn't drive you. Averages 6 letters per 100KMS on the highway. 35 MPG?? 8 lts City. I love driving, always have since we field bombed as teens down near Batavia NY. I don't know what the future will be in 20 years, or less with the auto driving cars. Will they not need to take a road test some day? I don't know many new drivers that can parallel park today, many older as well like my wife. She did it once 35 years ago during her road test.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
My calculations say 39.2 MPG. Not bad at all! 29.4 in the city.


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Oh I cannot wait to see self driving cars up here in the winter,it will be a hoot.Winter theres no lines ,snowbanks ,blowing snow,moose ,and the list goes on.If I was king of Canada self drivng cars would be illegal.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Oh I cannot wait to see self driving cars up here in the winter,it will be a hoot.Winter theres no lines ,snowbanks ,blowing snow,moose ,and the list goes on.If I was king of Canada self drivng cars would be illegal.

plenty of times I have drove down the highway judging where the road was by the distance of the snow-bank to the fenders because I couldnt see any part of the road.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
I was watching a Canadian show on the weekend, Driver TV me thinks, a leading expert from Transportation Canada said we are 20 years out from auto drive vehicles will be on the road in Canada. I'm not sure if there are any on the road today, here or south. The new Cady commercial shows the new C6 as driverless. How far away are we from these things being driven by private citizens? Indy and F1 rookies have markings on the rear to show drivers to beware they are new to this. These pilotless vehicles had better have a big red sign on the rear ends. I wonder how they will handle when a big Buck or worse Moose jumps out in front of them while doing 80KPH? It is law here in Ontario not to swerve for animals on the road. How will the computer handle that? Does it see oncoming big rigs too or the right side unguarded curb drop the 50 feet to the river? Like many spots locally.

And yes 82rude I just saw the commercial for the Stinger for the 1st time with the great Emmerson Fittipaldi driving it on an oval. Sure looks slick, I don't know about the name though, not much thought put into it. Maybe Stinger in Korean is cooler. Do you think when Emmerson looks at his collection of Ferrari's, Lambos, Bentleys and Maserati's etc. he chooses a Kia to drive for fun? I think no.

I don't know if I mentioned it a buddy just bought one of those 700 plus HP Challengers as an investment last month. He won't let me take it for a spin. Hell I let him stay at our lake shack for a few days and it's worth way more. Not fair I say.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
The "I hate car shopping" thread piqued my interest since that is what I did today.

I am very particular and always do it the same way - today was aggravating. Ended up on the dark side.

Won't even discuss a riceburner, but that's my opinion, no need to discuss further. The Ford vs. Chevy debate - Chevys all the way, Fords are crap, another no need to discuss.

I was a Pontiac guy all the way, until they went out of bizness - now a Chevy guy.

Since I recently retired and don't have to park a car in a parking lot all day any more, I figured I'd move up to a Caddy......didn't happen. I did all the research, got the trade-in value, the new car true-market-value, etc., and marched in to the dealer with cash in hand to get a factory order placed and the $%#^& wouldn't deal. Left in a huff.

On the way home I passed a Lincoln dealer and stopped in for the heck of it and actually liked them better than the Caddy.

They say about 8 weeks to build and deliver. OMG, the old commercials said "There's a Ford in your future". Hope it lasts as long as my last 2 Chevys.
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Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Well welcome to the dark side ,lol.Only gm product id even look at would be the cruze diesel.Ford should get off their butt and build a fair priced small diesel or even diesel electric hybrid.The problem with driving supercars is your noticed big time where as a 345hp kia flies under the radar so to speak.Soon as I win the lottery OLD I'm getting a telsa 100d ludicris edition and going dodge hunting.awd 777hp 700 plus foot pounds and full tourque from zero .Theres a 1100 or 1400hp electric coming out also but not by telsa.Until the dodge demon came out there was only 5 cars in the world faster in the quarter and 0-60 than the lowly telsa.And they were all foreign supercars.
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Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
They sure are intriguing aren't they?

Comfortable too, if you've never sat in one.


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
JimS123 make sure you drive into the first dealers lot that wouldn't budge and wave.Up here trucks are so popular they wont move a penny.And they will also load up transports and take them across the river to Michigan where the girobbled up fast.