The "I hate car shopping" thread piqued my interest since that is what I did today.
I am very particular and always do it the same way - today was aggravating. Ended up on the dark side.
Won't even discuss a riceburner, but that's my opinion, no need to discuss further. The Ford vs. Chevy debate - Chevys all the way, Fords are crap, another no need to discuss.
I was a Pontiac guy all the way, until they went out of bizness - now a Chevy guy.
Since I recently retired and don't have to park a car in a parking lot all day any more, I figured I'd move up to a Caddy......didn't happen. I did all the research, got the trade-in value, the new car true-market-value, etc., and marched in to the dealer with cash in hand to get a factory order placed and the $%#^& wouldn't deal. Left in a huff.
On the way home I passed a Lincoln dealer and stopped in for the heck of it and actually liked them better than the Caddy.
They say about 8 weeks to build and deliver. OMG, the old commercials said "There's a Ford in your future". Hope it lasts as long as my last 2 Chevys.