I got a new job!!!


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 10, 2009
Re: I got a new job!!!

I'm glad to hear it, sounds like a good job. The best thing about driving is the quiet time, or, you could always come equipped with a cd player and listen to all the good music, with no kids or wife to yell at you to turn it down. And you get Fridays and Saturdays off to use the boat? Perfect schedule!


Jan 25, 2008
Re: I got a new job!!!

Haulin hogs out of Vegas... that wouldn't be for RC farms would it?

It actually sounds like a pretty good gig since you don't have to, handle them, 99% of the time you are up-wind and someone else gets to wash the piggy goodness off the trailer.

I bet those guys at the Barstow truck wash just LOVE :rolleyes: seeing one of those company trucks come rolling in.:D

CN Spots

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 19, 2005
Re: I got a new job!!!

A whole new meaning to "bringing home the bacon"!:D



Lieutenant Commander
Feb 28, 2009
Re: I got a new job!!!

Haulin hogs out of Vegas... that wouldn't be for RC farms would it?

It actually sounds like a pretty good gig since you don't have to, handle them, 99% of the time you are up-wind and someone else gets to wash the piggy goodness off the trailer.

I bet those guys at the Barstow truck wash just LOVE :rolleyes: seeing one of those company trucks come rolling in.:D

lol, no not RC farms. I work a few miles down 5th st. from there right now though. We haul hogs from Utah down to LA. Oh, when we go to get washed out, theres usually 4 of us together:eek: so we keep em busy haha. Sooo, I'm going to need all of u to start eating alot of pork so I can keep working:D


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: I got a new job!!!

Oinkers Away :p
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Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: I got a new job!!!

Grilled pork loin is on the menu tonight ... happy to oblige! (Do you have any coupons so we can get a discount? ;) )


Aug 3, 2007
Re: I got a new job!!!

We haul hogs from Utah down to LA. Oh, when we go to get washed out, theres usually 4 of us together so we keep em busy

great luck on your part. i would gladly pay $10 not to have to put on a wet suit and over boots.

we did cattle and sheep. sheep by far the nastiest.:mad: don't know how hogs would be. likely depends on what feed the are on.

can you count past 21 with out help:D


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: I got a new job!!!

I think that was a Vegas reference ^^^^^ We had a dealer pay the whole table this last weekend and he had an 8, 4, A and . . . then . . . another 8. This guy can't count to 21 and he was dealing at the Las Vegas Hilton :eek: I considered telling him, but thought the rest of the full table might have killed me, plus I thought I might have had it wrong, but after 5 minutes and taking my shoes off and counting my head, I am still convinced that was a table that all got beat. Not one bust either. He even said "everybody's a winner" . . .

Oinkers Away :p
That deserves some credit LOL :D

I keep thinking about their little nose, snout, thingy deal sticking out of the holes in the trailer . . . They look sooooo happy :eek:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 8, 2009
Re: I got a new job!!!

Congrats on the job. It's difficult to find a decent paying one these days. Hope it works well for you and they treat ya decent. :)


Lieutenant Commander
Feb 28, 2009
Re: I got a new job!!!

I think that was a Vegas reference ^^^^^ We had a dealer pay the whole table this last weekend and he had an 8, 4, A and . . . then . . . another 8. This guy can't count to 21 and he was dealing at the Las Vegas Hilton :eek: I considered telling him, but thought the rest of the full table might have killed me, plus I thought I might have had it wrong, but after 5 minutes and taking my shoes off and counting my head, I am still convinced that was a table that all got beat. Not one bust either. He even said "everybody's a winner" . . .

That deserves some credit LOL :D

I keep thinking about their little nose, snout, thingy deal sticking out of the holes in the trailer . . . They look sooooo happy :eek:

Wait, Wait......so you were here last weekend and didnt call me up for a drink?????:eek: oh man.

it is funny lookin in the mirror and seein all the snouts and ears stickin out lol.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 22, 2008
Re: I got a new job!!!

congrats! nothing wrong with driving (hence my handle)! honest work! we bring the good stuff!


Aug 3, 2007
Re: I got a new job!!!

hmm...im missing something here i think

well if you can only count using your fingers and toes, thats 20.
put it this way; your wife can only count to 20

old newbe,green horn,ect joke- the only way thay can count past 20, is if there going pee:rolleyes:

god am i getting that old, that old jokes are gone too?


Jan 25, 2008
Re: I got a new job!!!

We had a dealer pay the whole table this last weekend and he had an 8, 4, A and . . . then . . . another 8. This guy can't count to 21 and he was dealing at the Las Vegas Hilton :eek:

That happened to me once or twice,,, I considered it a gift...

I was playing black-jack at a little place in the middle of no-where (BFE Nevada) and had a cute lil' dealer who was giving me the eye,,, she would do the standard card peek to see if she had black-jack and let me know if I should take a card, double down, even money for a black jack. Easy pickin's right there :D And you wonder why they have those little black things built into the table that tell the dealer if they have an ace/blackjack now...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: I got a new job!!!

Wait, Wait......so you were here last weekend and didnt call me up for a drink?????
I thought I posted that I was going but I realize now that was in a Mod thread . . . :redface: My oldest boy's 21st B-day, so it was his invite list and we followed his agenda. It has been 16 years since we went to Vegas without the boat, and it was a mistake . . . We were sitting around the pool after being there for one hour saying "man, I wish we were at the lake". And everybody's head was going the same direction . . . Doh!!! I knew better too :rolleyes:


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 23, 2007
Re: I got a new job!!!

Congrads on the new job.
We lost our biggest contract today so the lay-off that was suspected is now a for-sure thing.
I could get laid off this week or next or I could make it till thanksgiving they won't tell who or when til it happens.
I have escaped 6 lay-offs in the last year, but it looks like my number is up.
Hold on to that job, they are getting harder and harder to come by these days.


Lieutenant Commander
Feb 28, 2009
Re: I got a new job!!!

Congrads on the new job.
We lost our biggest contract today so the lay-off that was suspected is now a for-sure thing.
I could get laid off this week or next or I could make it till thanksgiving they won't tell who or when til it happens.
I have escaped 6 lay-offs in the last year, but it looks like my number is up.
Hold on to that job, they are getting harder and harder to come by these days.

man, i hear ya. I went from never getting laid off or fired, to getting "fired" once and laid off 3 times all in the past year and a half. it sucks, and i hope this is the winter savior for us.


Lieutenant Commander
Feb 28, 2009
Re: I got a new job!!!

well if you can only count using your fingers and toes, thats 20.
put it this way; your wife can only count to 20

old newbe,green horn,ect joke- the only way thay can count past 20, is if there going pee:rolleyes:

god am i getting that old, that old jokes are gone too?

I am kinda young at 30 I guess, never heard that one before :D.

as for your sig, Like the old commercial goes,

"Every kiss begins with Kay" :)

Im glad my girl doesnt like diamonds. or maybe shes lucky cause she wont be disappointed haha. just kidding. hope she doesnt read that, sometimes she does get on here. :eek: oops.


Aug 3, 2007
Re: I got a new job!!!

one thing i can tell you; there is an art to keeping a tally.
you might want to get a little pocket bound book to carry and on of those thumb counter clicker deals that fit in your palm.