I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV



Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

That's why the Red Cross, United Way, etal, do not get a DIME of my contributions.<br /><br />I send them through org's that I KNOW will get it there.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

One thing I find interesting is the fact that none of my elected officials are on the public airwaves initiating relief efforts within the constituents. They think of themselves as leaders, but only within the parameters of the political process? Unless of course, social engineering according to their world view is in play.<br /><br />This is a cornicopia of opportunity for leaders at all levels to make meaningful contribution to a disaster of historical proportion. So far I have heard nothing but blaming of Bush and hand wringing of responsibility. See mayor of NO, what a disgrace.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 21, 2005
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

I especially liked the video of the cops looting the Walmart for shoes.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Originally posted by OpK:<br /> I especially liked the video of the cops looting the Walmart for shoes.
Well maybe their's were all wet!<br /><br />On another note...N.O.P.D. does have a rep for having a little problem with coruption.

Sister Agnes

Sep 3, 2005
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Originally posted by One More Cast:<br /> Anyone watching that telethon where that dude just said " President Bush don't care about black people" <br /> This is a telethon to raise money for the red cross. What an idiot.

Sister Agnes

Sep 3, 2005
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Absolutely Stunned. I pray Christ will be found in your heart some day.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Oct 10, 2004
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

I hope the "sister" is talking about Kayne west (or whatever his name is). He needs Christ.

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Sister Agnes, <br /> Are you aiming that remark at me? <br /> Mr. West should be ashamed of himself for using a telethon in that way. He has the right to his opinion but what he did was uncalled for. Not one time during the last week have I even considered the color of all the people trapped and in need of supplies. To me they are all just Americans. Do I think the situation could have been handled better? Yes. Do I think it was handled the way it was because the majority of the people still there were/are black? I highly doubt it. This is a big enough problem we have here without turning it into a racial war.


Dec 29, 2002
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Originally posted by Flahthead:<br />
Originally posted by KaGee:<br /> <br /><br />On another note...N.O.P.D. does have a rep for having a little problem with coruption.
You don't know the half of it.<br /><br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Those people sitting down there with their hands out is nothing different. They sit with their hands out every day of every year. Poor me I am black give me sumptin. I am so sick of hearing racism! The cry equality is all they want but yet they separate themselves from every body else every chance they get. Black miss America comes to mind as well as the black TV station etc, etc. <br /><br />Minorities have tons of opportunity, Tons of programs designed to help them out. Some take advantage, most abuse it. But if you say something your a racist, never mind it's my tax $$ paying the freight.<br /><br /> Look at this realistically. They are black and poor, Do they do anything about it? Hell no! it's easier to sit with your hand out and take what they can get. Use the race thing as an excuse. This repeats itself in every city in the country. Can someone please tell me why. And why your at it tell me how it's my fault that they are that way.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

I am truly heartened to find out that racism is no longer a problem in this country.<br /><br />Just curious, though. How many of you that have shown your outrage here at any mention of racism happen to be black.<br /><br />To learn oppression is no longer a problem would have a bit more credibility if we learned it from the oppressed, and as opposed to the oppressors.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Glad you asked PW...<br /><br />I'm white, My mother's second marriage was to a black man when I was 11. I have two sisters as a result from that marriage. For five years I lived in and out of both community's....in Paris and Richmond, Kentucky. My high school was 60 % black. I was the only white boy on the football team. I was called "N'er lover" by whites and wasnt exactly excepted by all blacks. I've been spit on beat up and preyed upon by both sides. Today I can easily speak my mind about what I believe to anyone.....I think my perspective is somewhat balanced due to my circumstances and experience. And I never use the cliche," I'm not a racist!...some of my best friends are black". :D <br /><br />Good enough?<br /> :p :)

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Originally posted by PW2:<br /> I am truly heartened to find out that racism is no longer a problem in this country.<br /><br />Just curious, though. How many of you that have shown your outrage here at any mention of racism happen to be black.<br /><br />To learn oppression is no longer a problem would have a bit more credibility if we learned it from the oppressed, and as opposed to the oppressors.
Why does the person have to be black to be oppressed? I have been passed over for a job that a black female got. We had the same test scores, I actually had more education and experiance, but just slightly more. Since she was a double protected person (black AND female) she got the job. Sounds like oppression to me. I don't have a lot of room available but I will open my home to you PW. You can stay here rent and utility free for 1 year. I seriously bet the atitude will change.


Jul 30, 2005
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Originally posted by PW2:<br /> I am truly heartened to find out that racism is no longer a problem in this country.<br /><br />Just curious, though. How many of you that have shown your outrage here at any mention of racism happen to be black.<br /><br />To learn oppression is no longer a problem would have a bit more credibility if we learned it from the oppressed, and as opposed to the oppressors.
YAWN! That's the same old tired argument. Read Bill Cosby's Statement a few posts back. He's black, but you margionalize his comments because what he says doesn't fit your absolutely rediculas presuppositional statement:<br /><br />"To learn oppression is no longer a problem would have a bit more credibility if we learned it from the oppressed, and as opposed to the oppressors."<br /><br /><br />.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 4, 2005
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

How to beat supposed "oppression?" Two words, work harder.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

PW....I think the point here and in other threads since the disaster happened is, and this is just my opinion, is that as soon as a disaster, such as Katrina, or even 9/11 happens, someone usually jumps on the soap box and somehow injects "racism" into the existing mess. <br />Is there still racism in the US...hell yes. And it won't leave until the (broad statement here) "racist generation" dies off (that means those who are racist and those that spout racism) and are replaced by a generation that understands that skin color, any skin color, is a moot point with human beings.<br />I watched the Bill Maher show couple nights ago on HBO....and as usual, he had his show loaded for a one sided discussion on Bush/Government bashing. His guest included two Afro-Americans, a man and women and a white actor from the West Wing series. He also interviewed a meteroligist and jounalist. Off course his show showed how that it was all the Goverments fault that Katrina came and that everything happening down there was happening because of racism.....this was also the Governments fault. My point here is simple....this is a prime example of why folks get so hot during times of crisis or disasters. Instead of having a show that tries to expound the relief efforts or trying to give info on ways to help, the show and it's guests, makes the existing situation worse by pointing fingers and trying to lay fault and calling it, for the most part, racism. This is the kind of stuff that young people of any color listen to....and believe. Great way to raise America. Off course, any other type of show wouldn't make $ the way this one would.<br /><br /><br />OK...I'm off the soap box. I'm sure some will pick my post apart....but....hey...at least I have the freedom to post an opinion.


Aug 10, 2002
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Originally posted by PW2:<br /> I am truly heartened to find out that racism is no longer a problem in this country.<br /><br />Just curious, though. How many of you that have shown your outrage here at any mention of racism happen to be black.<br /><br />To learn oppression is no longer a problem would have a bit more credibility if we learned it from the oppressed, and as opposed to the oppressors.
PW2,<br />Where are people saying racism doesn't happen? What I see posted is people getting tried of racism being used as an excuse for everything that goes wrong. <br /><br />I have good friends from different races and religions. I'm white and have walked the "spanish only" streets in Miami/Hialeah, black only streets in Atlanta/NY/Washinton/LA, indian only streets in NewMexico...Mexico, Peru and more. You have real tunnel vision if you think racism is only a black thing. I've been threatened many times and pushed and beat up once because I was white on "non white" turf. One of those times in a Burger King on the NW section of Atlanta. A group of "non white" thugs came up to me while ordering and started f'ing with me for being white. In fact, ALL the "bros and sisters" in the place started doing it with them. It was more scarey than you know...like about 20 to 1 against me...yep, now you know why law abiding citizens get concealed weapons permits and arm themselves.<br /><br />Had this been the other way around a big lawsuit would have happend by the "poor oppressed" and they would all be retired with big fat bank accounts. A white guy would be laughed out of court claiming racism. Get a grip and don't lecture people on racism.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Originally posted by One More Cast:<br /> Anyone watching that telethon where that dude just said " President Bush don't care about black people" <br /> This is a telethon to raise money for the red cross. What an idiot.
Naw, didn't see it but I'm not surprised at all. It's just main stream TV/News and what they promote. It's a real shame to say the least.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

Look, I have no idea why the poor folks of New Orleans appear to be predominately black.<br /><br />I do believe the problem is more complex than "They're just lazy criminals"<br /><br />And I have no idea what the solution is, simplistic or otherwise.<br /><br />I do believe there is a problem, however, that needs to be addressed by something more creative than "Let's just shoot them"


Sep 3, 2005
Re: I can't believe what that dude just said on live TV

An Unnatural Disaster: A Hurricane Exposes the Man-Made Disaster of the Welfare State<br /><br /> http://tiadaily.com/php-bin/news/showArticle.php?id=1026 <br /><br />This article is excellent. <br />Here is an excerpt that nails it:<br />
<br />"What Hurricane Katrina exposed was the psychological consequences of the welfare state. What we consider "normal" behavior in an emergency is behavior that is normal for people who have values and take the responsibility to pursue and protect them. People with values respond to a disaster by fighting against it and doing whatever it takes to overcome the difficulties they face. They don't sit around and complain that the government hasn't taken care of them. They don't use the chaos of a disaster as an opportunity to prey on their fellow men.<br /><br />But what about criminals and welfare parasites? Do they worry about saving their houses and property? They don't, because they don't own anything. Do they worry about what is going to happen to their businesses or how they are going to make a living? They never worried about those things before. Do they worry about crime and looting? But living off of stolen wealth is a way of life for them.<br /><br />The welfare state--and the brutish, uncivilized mentality it sustains and encourages--is the man-made disaster that explains the moral ugliness that has swamped New Orleans. And that is the story that no one is reporting."