Hull repair help needed


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Hull repair help needed

Here are some better shots after more sanding was done. I will be laying some glass over this mess tomorrow if all goes as planned.



Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Hull repair help needed

i would just use a structural thickened resin.

25% resin
30% 1/4 inch short strand
45 % milled fibers...(powder)

catylize the un waxed resin first at 1.5%. then mix in the fillers to the catylized resin....mix well.

spread the filler into the prepped and cleaned area..

make sure to gish the filler into the exposed area.....really push it into the hole.
use the thick filler to make the shape of the chine or strake.

glass the wet layer with 2 layers of 1.5 csm.

let partially cure untill most of the heat is gone form the theromlitic reaction.

glass with another 2 layers of csm. each layer lagrer than the last.

let go to full cure.......

sand and fair.......apply gellcoat sand , fair, polish.

this is a standard repair and can be done in 4 hours including cure times.


Ok couple questions here:
1. does each and every layer of CSM have to be progressively bigger or just the final 2? and how much bigger say a half inch past the edges of the previous layer or an inch or 2 inches?

2. Can I add a layer of 1708 biaxle after the first 2 layers of csm? - I ordered it just incase and seeing the damage I'd feel better knowing I added it.

3. Do I need to mix wax into the resin for the last 2 layers of CSM so that I can sand before gel-coating?

4. How many layers of Gelcoat is recommended? Do I have to fully cure or sand between coatings? and should I add wax to all coatings or only the final?

Sorry for all the questions. And thanks again for all the help you guys have been.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Hull repair help needed

Well I found some answers to ?'s in my last post.

1. does each and every layer of CSM have to be progressively bigger or just the final 2? -YES how much bigger IDK?

2. Can I add a layer of 1708 biaxle after the first 2 layers of csm? - YES seen it done in a diff post. However, making this thick layer conform to the tight angles of the strake line while working upside down with such a large piece (10" - 30") was too much of a challenge for me as a novice and I was too scared to attempt it.

3. Do I need to mix wax into the resin for the last 2 layers of CSM so that I can sand before gel-coating? IDK. I opted to not use wax on the last lay of glass. I then came back later before it fully cured and brushed on a waxed layer of resin.

4. How many layers of Gelcoat is recommended? Do I have to fully cure or sand between coatings? and should I add wax to all coatings or only the final? Seen where 3 layers is typical. No can apply approx 40 min between coats. Add wax to only final coat.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Hull repair help needed

Here are some pics of my progress:
2012-05-12_12-41-18_272_small.jpg 2012-05-12_14-18-56_109_small.jpg 2012-05-12_16-56-06_989_small.jpg

I had some trouble getting the peanut butter to stick to the boat it kept falling off. I had to mix a new batch without the 1/4 chopped strands. I then had chunky apple sauce that wouldn't smooth out or build up because it kept dripping off. I had to go 2 - 3 batches (letting it set up between coats) to build it up then come back and sand it down smooth. I ended up with some small voids where I didn't build it up quite enough.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Hull repair help needed

Man you guys make it look so easy...;) I had quite a time working with the glass getting it to conform to the strake was the biggest pain and wetting it out while holding it in place on the boat:eek:. I had to pull the first layer I tried back off after I failed miserably to get it to conform to the strake. I had wrinkles and all sorts of air under it and it started falling apart before I could finish wetting it out. I made a new first layer and cut it into three shorter pieces. This helped me get the feel for it and things got easier from there. If I hadn't had someone else helping me hold it in place and work the air bubbles out, I would have been screwed. I had to do just one lay of glass at a time and then just wait 40 mins or so between layers. It took me all afternoon to do this and I didn't even do the gel coat.
2012-05-12_16-56-06_989_small.jpg 2012-05-12_19-33-57_557_small.jpg 2012-05-12_19-34-17_299_small.jpg
I put the final layer of csm on after this was taken but it was dark by then.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Hull repair help needed

So here is a update: Final lay of glass, then a coat of waxed resin. Then sanded everything down with 150 and 80 grit. The work is a little bumpy but smooth to the touch. The strake has a few dips and so forth but really won't be visible under the boat anyway.
P1060252-small.jpg P1060257-small.jpg P1060258-small.jpg


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Hull repair help needed

First run of gel-coat put on with roller. color is very close... lucky me. I used neutral mixed with off-white pigment. I probably should have used white + the pigment as neutral starts off kinda a gray and I was worried it would be too dark.
P1060264-small.jpg P1060266-small.jpg P1060268-small.jpg


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Hull repair help needed

This is 3 coats dry took just under a quart of gel-coat. I covered a bunch of scratches along the bottom on both sides while I was at it. I plan to sand this up a bit then add another 3-4 coats as it is still a little too thin (I can see some day light illuminating through the glass from the inside). I probably only need 1-2 more coats but I want a good thick layer along the keel and I have another quart of gel-coat that I need to use up.
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