Re: How would you handle this problem
Here is an update for you
Legal advice: Our attorney said the only thing we could get him for is harassment, but we need video proof. Another option is him sending a letter to the marina requesting action on the suspected person.
Friendly talking to: This has been done numerous times by many of the other dock patrons. I've never raised my voice to him and have always been nice to him as I am to others. It is passed this stage completely and useless.
Contact with marina: Today my wife called the supervisor that in charge of the marina for the owner. The super told my wife that there were 3 complaints other than ours from Memorial day. (I thought just 2). Then from this past Saturday night, the owner was called at home by 3 different people tha before

So now there are the total of 7 complaints all within 2 weeks. The super also stated that in order to remove him from the dock that they have to follow proper procedures. This time he gets a letter from the marina that states if he does not stop and decease, any more complaints will cause removal and termination of the contract from the marina as well as the park itself.
It turns out that many that know my wife and I are sticking up for us. Guess helping people with fuses, tape, wire, tools, etc. may have paid off after all.

Or it could be the fish I catch and fry up for everyone to enjoy.
I sorta figured that the bully would hang himself for acting like a child. BTW, the other guy that helped instigate him turning the music up louder,,,,,he is getting a letter also. He as been at the dock for (I think) 24 years. Even his wife complained about the loud music last year and told him that she wouldn't come back until the idiot is gone or his sound system removed.
Got fresh tape, battery is charged and a place in my dock locker for a camera to look through. Just covering some bases in case the letter from the marina doesn't work. I think it will, at least for the sanity for my wife, I HOPE SO! Thanks from the Dock Rat!!!!!!!