How would you handle this problem

Dock Rat

Jun 8, 2009
I have rented the same slip now for 4 years. This year is no different that previous ones. Same grips and complaints about the same trouble makers.

Here is the problem that many of us on the dock have to endure. There is one guy that has been very annoying to many of us with his extremely loud music. We have all complained but nothing seems to take care of the problem. This guy will turn his music up and then leave his boat unattended while he goes to visit his other buddies on the dock. He shows no signs of respect at all.

Two weeks ago, I called the proprietor of the marina and filled him in on what has been going on. So now, my wife and I are being ridiculed and black balled for being snitches on the dock. Now it is even worse as he pushes his limits by playing his music even louder than before throughout the day, but he is now turning it off before the quiet time of 10pm. Just a day after our phone call, there was a rush for many of the party goers to get their dock stickers on their boats as well as getting their boat registration sticker. That stuff should have been taken care of before putting their boats in the water for the season.

Its not fun spending time at the dock socializing anymore as the music is just way too loud to hold a conversation. We have been threatened that if we would call "anyone" that there will be H*ll to pay. This is something that sure has taken the wind out of our sails. Feels like we are in an area that is controlled by a gang.

I know in due time he will have to pay the consequences for his actions. Just wished I knew how to do it without being the bad guy. Thanks for any ideas that won't get me or my boat damaged :D


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: How would you handle this problem

Three choices:
1. Ignore it until others drive him out or he grows up.
2. Sit down with him and explain your side and see you can reach a compromise on the issue.
3. Find another marina, this one has gone to the water rats.

I would try 2, begin 1 while I work on 3. My heart says get a bigger sound system and force the issue with everyone. Then try c4.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: How would you handle this problem

1. Swear out a public nuisance warrant.
2. File a civil suit seeking damages for loss of peace and quiet and for extortion (intimidation). Sue the perp and the Marina.
3. Let your attorney handle all contact. Stay in the background and refuse comment to the media.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2009
Re: How would you handle this problem

Anyway to cause a power surge to his ship to shore cable? Blow every fuse in his boat!

Or go elementry school and start a good ol fashioned roman candle fight. LMAO

Actually I don't know what to do. Is the dock in city limits? Does the city have a noise ordenance? You might want to try that angle if it works.
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Aug 24, 2004
Re: How would you handle this problem

My policy is to always try to deal with whoever is doing me wrong before involving another party or authority (If I can do so safely). Most people will respect you for that. The ones that don't deserve none either.

Dock Rat

Jun 8, 2009
Re: How would you handle this problem

One of the long timers at the dock sold his houseboat this spring. It turns out that they were tired of dealing with this guy. They said they were just fed up with the inability to get him removed,,,,,,,,,,BTW this couple works for the marina.

There is no other marina at the lake and the other lakes don't offer electric or don't allow horsepower over 10hp.

Stooping to his level is not my style. There is other things that I could report him on, but the retribution from it could and can be worse than what he is doing now. He is a pretty hefty size guy and just loves to be intimidating.

Dock Rat

Jun 8, 2009
Re: How would you handle this problem

1. Swear out a public nuisance warrant.
2. File a civil suit seeking damages for loss of peace and quiet and for extortion (intimidation). Sue the perp and the Marina.
3. Let your attorney handle all contact. Stay in the background and refuse comment to the media.

Thank you wise one. I probably should have contacted an attorney earlier. He will be the one that can give me some leverage :D Thanks


May 17, 2001
Re: How would you handle this problem

Get some fish guts from the cleaning station and toss them in his bilge :D


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 2, 2008
Re: How would you handle this problem

Is there another part of the marina you can transfer to? Can you get a group of 6-8 others together and tell the marina OWNER that the idiot gets tossed or none of you will be back next year.

Dock Rat

Jun 8, 2009
Re: How would you handle this problem

Is there another part of the marina you can transfer to? Can you get a group of 6-8 others together and tell the marina OWNER that the idiot gets tossed or none of you will be back next year.

Nope, all the slips are full. That is another problem that I have. The dock has electric but some slips have boats in them that do not require shore power. These slips are rented for the same price as a non-electric dock. Some of the houseboat owners rent the slips around their houseboat to accommodate smaller boats or pontoons that do not require electric. So when someone wants to come to the lake for shore power, they are turned away due to the slips being rented out of non shore power boats. Doesn't sound like a way to make more money if you asked me. If I was the owner, I would say if you want a dock by your boat, you have to pay full price since it is supplied with electric.

My wife is calling a friend that is an attorney. I''ll post when I get some more info

I like the idea about the fish guts,,,,, almost sounds like something I would do, maybe I'll toss them on top of the float under the dock :D


Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: How would you handle this problem

1. swim underwater scuba style with a 1/4inch bit drill a small hole someplace in the middle of the boat. Just enough to make it take on water and leave the guy praying his bilge pump works. Should be able to use a good old fashion hand drill for that.
2. Get a bigger stereo than him, and blare the most obnoxious music you can find that's not obscene.
3. Cut his ropes at night and let him find his own boat in the morning.... repeat if necessary.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2009
Re: How would you handle this problem

I've got another idea....invite him for drinks, when he's not looking squirt some Visene in his drink. Visene has a laxative in it. He'll never know what hit him......


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2007
Re: How would you handle this problem

Sooooooooooo from what I can figure out is that you are the only one on that dock that has any type of b@lls? I am assuming that the other "tenants" on the dock are on the same page as you, they don't care for this joker either?

Personally if the idiot walks away from his boat and leaves his music blaring then I'd go turn it off. If he has a problem with it then he can go tell it to his mammy. When he comes back with an attitude about his music being shut down I'd tell him how rude it is to walk off and leave his music running.

If he wants to get physical about it then, it is what it is. Seems kinda silly to get into a fight about though.

Or you can go to the owner and tell him you'd like a refund for the rest of the season and that you will be pulling your boat out of his marina because of mr. inconciderate. Be sure to remind him that you have been renting that same slip for four years. see what he says.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2008
Re: How would you handle this problem

go scuba diving and wrap stainless steel wire leader or heavy fishing line around his prop shaft It'll cost him and maybe after a few times he'll learn

Dock Rat

Jun 8, 2009
Re: How would you handle this problem

Lots of things I could do to his boat, but right now I hope nothing does happen to it as I would be first to blame. I don't need that. Keep in mind, my boat is very near to his.

I fish right at the dock off the back of my boat. Fishing from the dock is not allowed, but you can from the boat. When the music is up, the fish don't bite at all. That is the part that sux. Have thought about sitting on the back deck with those big hearing protectors on, fishing like nothing is wrong. :p

Right now it seems to be permitted to walk around the dock and on the boats with alcoholic beverages. I drink once in awhile, but mostly in my cabin when I do. What I have interpreted from the law is that alcoholic beverages are permitted in a state owned park as long as they are inside an enclosure such as a camper, tent, or boat. So when the ranger comes down, I just wonder how many people are going to find out what the law is. :eek:

He asked me why I never asked him to turn it down. I replied I did 4 times last year and your response was "Turn your boat around if you don't like it".
Then another time he turned it up and when 8 slips down.:confused: One time he asked me if it was too loud and I said yes, of course you can only imagine what he did.

Maybe if I contact Bully Beatdown that is on MTV :D


Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: How would you handle this problem

Or stab his drive bellows.... at least the boat will come out of the water to get fixed

Dock Rat

Jun 8, 2009
Re: How would you handle this problem

Or stab his drive bellows.... at least the boat will come out of the water to get fixed

That thought crossed my mind.

What would an ignition module out of a furnace due to a satellite receiver if connected to the coax? Of course it would be the high voltage type :D That way if the TV is out, he will have to spend time with his two girls when he has them on his weekend.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: How would you handle this problem

Gentlemen we are a family forum. Please understand that sabotage or physical violence is not approved of here.

We have a member who ask for advice so..... lets keep it within those limits;)