How to repaint the motor cover


Jul 13, 2011
I have a 1999 mercury 150 Bluewater and the motor cover is faded out from sun damage. Can anyone explain to me how to repaint this motor cover. I would like to get it done by tuesday if possible, all suggestions welcomed.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 11, 2010
Re: How to repaint the motor cover

That should be fairly simple. Do a search for Woodonglass or friscoboater and search for painting techniques.

Some basic advise would be to get your prep out of the way. remove all the stickers, and sand the surface with some 150 grit, then re-sand up to maybe 600 grit and lay down some decent primer. Honestly, if you wanted to you could probably put down a decent paint job on the engine cover with rustoleum rattle cans from Wal-Mart. Just prime and sand smooth and then use a paint that will work well on plastic, so that it will flex without cracking.

The key will be getting everything nice and smooth with your sanding, priming, sanding, cleaning / tack cloth, then laying on the paint in thin even coats. Don't rush the job and it should turn out very nice! You can even sand lightly between coats and lay on a clearcoat when you're done. It all depends how much time you want to spend on it.