Re: How long did it take you to get your boat in running order?
Put me down as a chronic upgrade/tinkerer. My buddy and I have similar boats and are both fishaholics so working on the boats during fishing season is not acceptable. He owns a huge heated shop with every tool you can imagine so I haul my boat up before it snows too much and we "upgrade" stuff. Takes most of the winter usually so by now we are chomping to launch and test all the new upgrades. And fish, of course. Sadly, the ramps are still too icy but that splash day is coming soon!
I know many people who would prefer to have the boat delivered exactly like they want and I can appreciate that. I think by nature, fishermen like to tinker with stuff. Different lures, bait, speed,'s endless. What I THOUGHT would be the ideal fishing boat would look nothing like what my boat does now. It's taken three years but every upgrade is well thought out, well placed and functional. Others are to correct problems.... like, "is that our net sinking off to starboard"?
I just love the process.