How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

What a deal! I would definitely not run a drop of old gas through that thing. Put in your lawnmower or something. I would take the boat to a shop and have them thoroughly check it out especially making sure the oil injection system is working as it should. It will give you a lot of peace of mind your first couple times out. Good luck, and what a steal.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

i agree with ezmobee. you do not have the technical experience yet, to do it yourself.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 5, 2006
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

My only concern would be getting a clean title and not having anyone come back and say that someone else didn't really have the right to sell it. I would check that out pretty well before handing over any cash or ATV's.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 17, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

I won it at a local motorsports store as some sort of raffle.


Why even try and twist the truth? What does that gain you?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 6, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)


Why even try and twist the truth? What does that gain you?

Alot of people think all things that come out of car auctions have salvage titles... which most do.

Picked up the Boat Today, dropped off the rest of the Cash and ATV... Took boat stright to Pro Marina on the Willamette and had my buddy Roberb Check it out... This guy robert purchased my 1st boat i got, the fiber flight that was a lemon, he fixed up better then new. Anyway, he told me if i ever wanted boat work, just to stop by.... So i took it to him, him and his mechanic and i spent 3 hrs checking Everything out, did leak down came back at 10-15 all around, the tank had been drained, so we put 5 gallons of fresh gas they checked out all the oil and stuff... motor started right up, they warmed it up, (then did compression actually ) turned it off. Checked out floors/transom, everything good as new, radio works, trailer bearings all good, tires fresh with tread, the boat is just a cherry, my buddy robert said the motor along would go for 2500-3000 alone in the summer... he said he has not seen a cleaner seaswirl in years =) Said the boat would fetch an easy 4500-5500 in summer ! After they checked out the motor and everything else, we took it on the water, and my oh my, 45mph has never been this fun ! The thing has a "power tilt dial" and it lets you know what angle its in the water, which made it go faster when we lifted it up, once planed... (all new to me). It was a Blast, boat drove like a dream, little torque steer, but thats an ourboard for ya !

Here are some pictures, i borrowed a friends truck, and got it home, i LOVE IT !






Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 6, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

My only concern would be getting a clean title and not having anyone come back and say that someone else didn't really have the right to sell it. I would check that out pretty well before handing over any cash or ATV's.

The people that he lent the money, turned the boat/title over to the guy i got it from.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Dec 11, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

Sweet deal! By the way can you help me get my next boat?LOL:D


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

Looks gorgeous. Love the swim step in back. Get yourself a transom saver.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 6, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

Yeah, I already got a nice transom saver I was gona put on my 14ft glasspar, but if it works on this boat, ill put it on. Since its so big, the motor, think I need to get a bigger on, then the cabelas spring loaded on?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 18, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

Looks like you done good!! Enjoy! :D


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 6, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

Agree with everyone else that it looks like a great deal on that boat. What happened with the four winns you were looking at? Enjoy and share lots of pics.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 6, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

Agree with everyone else that it looks like a great deal on that boat. What happened with the four winns you were looking at? Enjoy and share lots of pics.

After a week of badgering the owner to take it to the local marina down there just to have a basic inspection... he finally did this last Monday... after about 20min of checking out the boat, they pull plugs to do compression, and find pieces of the piston on the spark plug... motor was completely blown, and entire boat was a paper weight without the motor... they said there wasn't any rot, but the seats were toast, and transom was questionable, it looked like someone put on the pieces of alum, to cover up rot, but they couldn't tell for sure... i never got a call back from him, once the shop called me to tell me... and boy i'm glad i didn't get that ! Its seaSwirling time !


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 6, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

Glad you got it inspected. You will enjoy your new boat. I hate this waiting. I bought mine last month and on this side of the mountain, I am waiting until may to de-winterize it. Enjoy and happy boating.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 6, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

The boat has a total of 212 hrs on it, its an 89 says the title... and in the last year, has only been used once... I had the marina start it up, and run it, they said the plugs looked fine, but wouldn't hurt to replace... the "pee" stream was good also... Can you guys think of anything else i should do, before i start up with a summer full of boating ? I've been going through the manual, says oil change of engine ever 50 hrs of use, or 1 year of not... are those easy to do, or should i have a shop do it ? I'm uber good at car oil changes lol.

The old Glasspar has been relocated to the back of the yard, till i get the lower unit on, and it sold... i tried to back in the new seaswirl, but the outdoor carport was too small... so down it went, and i went to costco, got a new 10x20, its Much stronger, bigger, and taller, with plenty of room to go around/work on boat, and stay out of the rain.





Is there anything else i can do, to help the boat stay clean and prevent outdoor damage, besides leave it in this outdoor unit i got, my car garage is too small for the boat.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 5, 2006
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

I have the same tent over my boat and I do not put the cover on, not sure if this is better or not but I think with it in the tend with the cover off you are going to get the best air flow, that is what is needed to aviod mold as far as I know.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 6, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

the other day, we tested boat on water, put plug in boat, drove it around, came out, and pulled the plug at my house when i got home... the water that came out, was really nasty loooking, was redish/brown and small pine needles and such came out also... should i put a hose in the whole where the plug goes, and fill it up full of water, and tilt boat back to let it drain..


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 3, 2008
Re: How do you think i did on my NEW BOAT =)

How much water came out? As a buyer of two very used boats, It took me a while to realize that the bilge pump was for emergencies only and not routine use. Your boat shouldn't leak water at all. I used to think it was normal, but it isn't. Finally got mine dry as a bone by terminating scuppers completely. YES!!! If you must wash out the bilge, don't put much water in it. Hulls aren't desighned to take that kind o0f pressure from water in the inside the hull while on trailer. Any water you add with a hose through your bilge has the potential to get the foam wet, however, your's may be already. Don't freak out. Most everyone has had water in the bilge before.