How do you store your gun?


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
On my deer rifle there is no visable hammer.<br /><br />Do you suggest to keep it stored with it cocked on saftey, or dry fire it for storage.<br /><br />I have always heard it is bad to dry fire a gun, it can break the pin.<br /><br />Ken

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: How do you store your gun?

I store my semi-autos, pumps and bolt actions with the bolt closed and the safety on. I would never dry fire my guns but this is just me opinion. <br /> EDIT: after talking to the Ruger co. I will now be dry firing my guns.

Grant S

Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 26, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

Doesnt that mean that the pin spring is compressed? I wonder whether that matters.

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: How do you store your gun?

I dry fire mine. I figure that you are gonna wear out the spring. I have never had a pin break. At almost any gun show they allow you to dry fire so it must be ok.

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

After its cleaned, empty, etc. pull the trigger as you close the bolt- that will release the firing pin or hammer spring, or dry fire it if its a semi-auto.<br /><br />Its arguably a solution for a problem that may not exist, but taking the tension off the firing pin or hammer spring while its stored can't be a bad idea.<br /><br /><br />Dry firing can break the spring that retracts the firing pin in some 'floating firing pin' type weapons such as revolvers that don't have the pin attached to the hammer itself.<br /><br />Dry-firing a .22 or other rimfire type weapons will trash the edge of the chamber. The firing pin will hit the edge fo the chamber where the brass is supposed to be and (over a few hundred times) will flatten the tip of the firing pin and roll up a big ding in the chamber itself. <br /><br />On the others (center fire primed cartridges), its more of a myth. In the Marine Corps, we dry fired both rifles and semi-auto pistols about a million times each,,,, as did those who had been issued the same weapon before us, and as the ones who came after would. The same even for crew served weapons like heavy machine guns.<br /><br />Never heard of it damaging one. A common practice for gunsmiths is to dry fire a weapon about 250 times after doing trigger work to be sure its 'just right'.<br /><br /><br />If you have any quams about it, just put a spent brass in the chamber as you dry fire it for however many hours you practice your trigger control and aquiring a good sight picture quickly.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: How do you store your gun?

Modern era weapons will not be damaged by a dry fire. <br />Many HAVE to be dry fired to proceed with the breakdown procedure, such as my Glocks.


Nov 27, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

I have a Winchester 12 guage Model 97, with a hammer, bought around 1912. It's not a modern era weapon by any stretch and it's been dry fired thousands of times without harm. If a gun has a problem being dry fired, get another gun.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 11, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

Dry firing modern firearms will not harm them. Most are now designed with floating pins, and in some cases two piece pins. Dry firing will not damage them. <br />However for the cap and ball folks don't dry fire them unless you have a cap on the nipple. Not only will it damage the nipple but also the hammer in time.<br />Winger, most of the time in the corps the weapons had the firing pins removed. At least when I went through in 68 at San Diego our M-14's diden't have firing pins untill we got to Camp Mathews. They were installed there for live firing.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: How do you store your gun?

Thanks guys, sounds like dry firing is no longer a problem.<br /><br />We do own a very old double barrel shotgun that one pin is missing, but it is very old.<br /><br />Ken

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

Originally posted by alderman:<br /> our M-14's diden't have firing pins untill we got to Camp Mathews. They were installed there for live firing.
I'd heard of that, but never met anyone that had it done. I went through Parris Island in '73. They issued us a M-14--- Our Platoon & Series was the last to train with the M-14. Everyone that got picked up at Recieving a few days later was issued rat guns.<br /><br />We got our M-14s about day #2 or 3, and there was about 4-5 names on the custody card above mine. It was the one, and only one, I carried the whole time, 'Snapped in' with, and qualified with. <br /><br />Heck, we even did bayonet training and hammered them dummies with the same rifle we went on and qualified with. No hanky panky with the bolt/firing pin either. The Armors spent about 20 seconds checking/inspecting them before we fired on the range, and handed 'em back. We came off the Range, and carried them just like that until the day before Graduation when we turned them in. <br /><br />No other Marines I ever talked to mentioned they'd removed the firing pins from the old Garands, M-14s or M-16s for basic training, or to snap in with during Boot Camp, or out in the Fleet either. I re-qualed on Okinawa with my assigned M-16, and several times at Quantico with the .45 and M-16, removing the firing pins was never mentioned,,,, or done.<br /><br />At all the Air bases I was at, we were assigned a rifle that was kept in the Armory. It was our's alone. We had to clean it once a month, draw and use it for re-quallification once a year, or if we were in a parade or something. Even if we were part of the color guard at a NFL football game-- it was a 'live' weapon,,,, firing pin and all. I just can't even imagine a world where any US Marine--- reguardless of the circumstances is holding a rifle, or wearing a pistol that won't shoot.<br /><br />While at MCB Quantico from '77-'80, I had buds that were on the Shooting Team and/or Snipers. They snapped in and dry fired about a million or two times a year with M-16s, M-14s, .45s, and bolt action rifles--- they never took their firing pins out.<br /><br />Even the folks on the Silent Drill Team when I was up there, you drop a round in their Chromy-go faster drill rifles, pull the trigger, and they'll fire.<br /><br /><br />I wonder if the CO of the MCRD at the time just didn't trust you guys or something.<br /><br />.<br /><br /><br />MCRD San Diego '68 huh? Most of the older NCOs, SNCOs, & Pilots I served with would say that was a good time to be getting out of the Corps,,,,,, not coming in. Good to see ya made it back bro.<br /><br />S/F,<br />Ed.

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: How do you store your gun?

Once again you guys DO know what you are talking about. I just got off the phone with Ruger and they say to dryfire and then lightly oil your firearms. See, you can teach an old dog new tricks.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 11, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

Ed, It may have been something that was just done at the battalion level or maybe even below. Who knows maybe some of those old hard A**ed drill instructors were afraid of some of those drafties they were getting about then for bullet stoppers. Best I can remember there were only 25 of us that had inlisted in my paltoon, rest were drafted. I know they put pins in the 14's after we arrived at Matthews and took then out again after qualifaction. <br />I'll send you a e-mail that only another former Marine can enjoy.<br />Ray<br />PS thanks for the welcome back.<br />Semper Fi

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

Originally posted by kenimpzoom:<br /> We do own a very old double barrel shotgun
Sounds like that's one due for 'Honorable Retirement'.<br /><br />I'd clean it real well, take the other firing pin out, put a thin layer of grease inside the action & bore, wax the outside with a good car wax-- maybe even 'Pledge' ( that way it won't rust OR gather dust), and then hang it on the wall.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: How do you store your gun?

Thats where its at Winger. We arent sure of the barrel design, and are afraid to shoot modern shells through it. It did have some antique shells with it, I wouldnt trust them either.<br /><br />It has hung on the wall ever since my dad inherited it.<br /><br />The other gun my dad inherited was a 38 revolver (not a 38 special). We still shoot it when we can find the ammo. It was his grandfathers gun, and was leased for 99 years back when you couldnt purchase a gun. I wonder if the will ever try to collect it back?<br /><br />Thanks for the advice guys,<br /><br />Ken


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 11, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

Ken, If you want to figure out the barrel material on your side/side take the barrel's off and hold them by the locking lug under the barrel's. Now strike the barrels with something like a vary small hammer or large screwdriver. If they ring like a bell they are steel, if they go thud they are twist steel. If they thud they are not safe to shoot with modern ammo, black powder only. <br />This is called ringing, old gunsmiths way of figuring out types of steel. <br />Ray

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

It has hung on the wall [/QB]
That's cool. <br /><br />Since its in a handy, easily accesible place like it is, and you're not going to shoot it anymore anyway- I'd encourage pulling the other firing pin out. Then you'd know there'd never be a 'accident'.


Apr 16, 2002
Re: How do you store your gun?

My brother and his wife have an ancient side/side double barrel shotgun with Damascus(sp?) steel barrels. Absolutly beautiful to look at but non-fireable.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

I had a side-by-side double one time. It had hammers. On the barrel was written "Belgium laminated steel". I dove hunted for years with that gun until a gunsmith told me it was the same as Damascus. I never fired it again after that. I guess I'm lucky.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 11, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

Some of the fine old doubles made around the turn of the century were actually steel barrel's. The makers like LC Smith, Lefeaver, and others used to coat the barrel's with a special finish so they apeared to be damascus. There reason was for sales, since most doubles had been produced with twist steel barrel's the consumer still thought he was getting the best. Change is not always easy to sell. Just ring them and you will know for sure. Once you hear the thud twist steel makes there will be no questions.<br />Ray


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 15, 2004
Re: How do you store your gun?

If dry firing concerns you, why not buy some snap-caps?<br />They are available in most of the popular calibers and are fairly inexpensive. Most firearms dealers, Cabelas, and Walmart carry them.