How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?


Aug 11, 2002
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Whoops, in my post above I meant to say that the Gross score is really what I think matters, not the Net score. Guess I need to take my medication. :p


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

perty Greenwings.. <br /><br />AND JEWELRY TO BOOT ON THE GREENHEAD ... <br /><br />hmmmmm... I'm not jealous ... not a bit :p <br /><br />I haven't got a banded bird in four years. A buddy of mine got two with-in an hours time last month.<br /><br />Good show tylerin.. good luck the rest of the season


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Originally posted by ddaigle:<br /> You guys up north still have it good.I really envy you. Dont let your state get like Texas. Granted , we have some awesome deer and lots of em, but if you dont have 3-5 grand or know somebody with good land thats not leased your not going to get to hunt or will pretty much just be wasting time. I hunt on a friends land for cheap but this year was a disaster. First of all its a 9 hour drive( thats right 9 hours and Im still only halfway out of Texas)Then found out the people next to us built a game proof fence halfway around our land. There are so many high fences down here its pathetic. Then the people on the other side(city slickers)let their kids ride four wheelers up and down our fenceline all day. Needless to say all we saw were birds. :mad: But enough whining, at least the fishing is good.
Aint that the truth. Its a rich mans sport here in texas.<br /><br />Ken


Jul 25, 2003
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Barlow, that banded bird ain't mine. I've been hunting for years and don't have any. Funny you should say cause I was whining to Gauge in a E-mail this morning about guys who have banded birds from their first hunt, and I'm a big goose egg. Its the first thing I look at when retrieved. I think I want it to bad. Once I get one they'll start pouring in I know. My poor lanyard is naked.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

What do them bands say...The reason this duck came to you is it was a little girls pet and it was expecting you to feed it??? :D :D :D :rolleyes:

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Daigle and Ken- My grandfather has 300 acres of prime hunting land. In 10 years of mild hunting I have only killed one doe, the same for my dad. Its unbelieveable how bad our luck is. I have 36 acres of my own. The sat that season opened some freinds from San Antone came up. They wanted to see the place so I took them out. Now it was night time so I had the spotlight glowing the entire time. I wasn't looking for deer but we seen *9* diferent deer on that little property. I couldn't beleive I had that many. I reckon its because I said I ain't gonna hunt it. We will live there in a few years and both the boss and me like to see the deer just hanging around. What a bummer huh. We went wedsday to feed the pasture potatoes and in the neighbors feild there was 13 in one group. I might have to reconsider that "no hunting ban" I inflicted on my self.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

5-Doe / 4-Bucks (2-8,2-10)up at camp. I'm still Buckless but, maybe next weekend or Thanksging day I'll see horns..<br /><br />tylerin - the days commin' .. just keep shootin'.<br />Don't let this discourage you but, it took me 6yrs of blastin' until I got my first on a huge Canadian. Funny thing was that I wasn't shooting at that particular Goose.. was tryin' to poke a smaller one infront of it :rolleyes: :) ..that was 15yrs ago and I remember the moment like it was yesterday.<br /><br />neumanns- here's a pic of one...<br /><br />
:p :D


Aug 11, 2002
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Tylerin said;<br />My poor lanyard is naked.
....Here now, we'll have none of that sexual talk on this family site. :p <br /><br />Well, I shot an 8-pointer Sunday morning. Not a real big one. He weighed 150 lbs field dressed. Bad thing is, I passed this same buck four times so far. He came right under my stand real early Sunday morning. I could make out his main beams, but I couldn't count points cause it was so early. Shot him at ten yards. He had some serious ground shrinkage when I found him. Wish I would have let him go, but hey, ain't been the greatest season for me, and I was out of vacation time. Gotta let them smaller ones walk if you want that big one, right? <br /><br />Good luck guys.


Jul 25, 2003
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Congrats Carp!......................<br />,<br />,<br />,<br />,<br />,<br />,<br />,<br />,<br /><br /><br />Yeah thats it :D


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 9, 2004
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Primed to go. This will be my son's first hunt and he doesn't know he's goin yet. I plan on surprising him with the news tomorrow. One more week!<br /><br />Flahthead,<br />Hi. I am a dispatcher in Montco who helps keep your lights on. Well, sort of.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 14, 2004
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Just got back today...<br /><br />I shot a 6 pointer opening morning, but I let the doe go for now. Figured I would get her another day, but I have yet to see her again. Boy, was I stupid!! My wife shot 2 doe's so far.<br /><br />Anyway, my wife's friend who never gets up and goes decide to go Thursday morning. Guess what, she shoots a really nice non-typical 10 pointer. Imagine that...

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

Re: How are all you Whitetail hunters doing?

:) It is over for the seven in our camp!!!<br /><br />It's the first time that our camp has been skunked!! :rolleyes: <br /><br />One fella shot at a buck 30 yds. "yes i said 30yds." and missed !!! it's the 2nd one that he missed this season!!! he hasn't missed in 15 years!!! ;) :cool: