My boat pops out pretty easy, so I don't think it matters much how I get through the plow. Recently while running in a new lower unit I was taking it super easy and it was sort of cool to see how slowly I could get from idle to plane. It was a bit surprising to me that by going super slow with the throttle, the bow didn't rise as much as if I just punch it. Still got up on plane eventually, just sort of slowly rose out of the water instead of a lift and jump.
That said, now that it's all broken in, I'm pretty much back to punch it, then pulling back to hold around 3k as it comes up on plane. As for that feeling of acceleration, I much prefer the rush of pinning it while already on plane and going from 3k to 4400 rpm. That sweet 4.3 wail and the sound of the ripples as she gets trimmed out. sweet.