Help! I need a cop.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Yeah, I was waaay worse than my son, but of course I only let him know about a little of that to gain some credibility. He started to tell me that the cop was a such and such and I stopped him midsentence. "He doesn't want little punks going 92 on his beat, period."<br /><br />BTW, I love to drive fast, but I use a 5 MPH over rule in town and 10 - 15 on the frewway/interstate. Definitely not 37 mph over!!!!


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Help! I need a cop.

DD, that for sharing the stories.<br /><br />I know a lot of times officers want to blame speeding, but I dont always agree.<br /><br />I blame stupidity.<br /><br />Speeding at night while drunk is stupid.<br /><br />There are times and places where going 80+ MPH is fine by me.<br /><br />Ken


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Definately speed has it's place. On I80 here the limit is 75 but if you don't hold steady at 85 or 90 you are causing more trouble than anyone.<br /><br />This particular wreck was not caused by speed, but was compounded by it. If not for a very high speed she would have stopped after skidding 450+ feet on the pavement, or after skidding over 100 feet down the ditch. Even the first rollover would not have killed her. It was nosing in and going end over end that did her in. A slower speed she would not have flipped that last time, or even the first time. <br />The problem with high speed is most people do not think of things like reaction time and road conditions. If your running way over, someone comes to an intersection ahead of you they will look both ways. They will see you 1/2 to 1/4 mile down the road. If driving a reasonable speed they can pull out at the intersection. Not knowing the speed of the approaching vehicle and assuming they are traveling the limit the pull out. In that time it is too late.<br /><br />If people understand that and constantly take into consideration then speeding is not very dangerous but the problem is most people don't think of what the other driver will do or how the other driver sees their driving. I still get my monies worth out of the speed limit and a little extra, but I am more alert when I am cruising fast because of the other drivers.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Help! I need a cop.

F_in, I think LakeLivin has the right idea....Consult a lawyer, and see what you can do to cut a deal...Prosecutors don't want to waste time on cases, they want to get through the easy ones to leave time for the complicated ones....I bet you could call the D.A. him/herself and get a reduction.....They will be more than happy to take the easy money, I'll wager...I wouldn't roll over just yet....JK


Aug 23, 2001
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Again in my defense, I have driven for 22 years on average 45,000 miles a year (work truck) and person miles. I was on a rolling road like you see in Arizona, just rolling hills for miles. It didn't even seem like I was going "that fast". Not much faster then some people do around the Capital Beltway (I-495, second worse road in the country). I just happened to crest a hill when the cop came up the other side. <br /> I have also done a couple jobs over the years for police photographers who were not shy about showing off there work.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2003
Re: Help! I need a cop.

I drive on I95 everyday in Maine. What part of Maine were you in? <br /><br />I average 75 mph, never get pulled over that way they wait for guys like you doing 87 :) <br /><br />North around bangor ive had the cruise set to 100 mph for extended periods but ya gotta be careful its hit or miss. Once you get up around this part of the state theres seriously nothing but trees and the road for miles upon miles. 87 mph here is more than safe. Theres hardly any exits, no traffic, and did I mention trees? <br /><br />FlyRod- the comments regarding the tooth brush might be why we are so against out of staters, you all come up here and feel as if we are know nothing hill-billys and your here to educate us. I deal with this mentality all the time, I live on a lake and most of my neighbors are from mass and conn. and come up just for the weekend. Not trying to be a jerk here- I just get tired of dealing with it. I can sum it of with one word- arrogance.<br /><br />-John


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2003
Re: Help! I need a cop.

By the way the cop doesnt decide how much to charge you, its all spelled out you make your own fine depending upon the mph over. I dont know if its this way in other states or not (im not trying to be a smart a$$!!)<br /><br />-John