Help! I need a cop.


Aug 23, 2001
Well I was on vacation this past couple weeks. A very long road trip. <br />While on I-95 in the back woods of Maine I had the conversion van at sub light speed and you guessed it, I got caught. The first time I have ever had a cop radar me coming from the opposite direction (at speed), slam on his breaks, smoke'em through the medium and chase me down. It was like the "Dukes of Hazzard". No joke but I wasn't driving the "General Lee". Now he got me for doing 87 in a 65 zone. A ticket with a fine of $215.00. Again in the middle of know where. Everyone I told this to up there says thats about the average speed through those parts and the fine was excessive to say the least.<br /> A couple questions. Do you think the fine was legit for the crime? Do I have any recourse besides going to court 750 miles away (it would not be cost effective)? Will I end up with the points if I pay the fine?<br /> thanks


Re: Help! I need a cop.

F'in,<br /><br />You're missing something.<br /><br />87 in a 65 says 22 over. You're lucky you're not in jail.<br /><br />The answers to all your questions are: yes, no, yes.<br /><br />Pay up, and forget it. You're guilty.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Help! I need a cop.

only $215? Be glad you aren't in Wisconsin


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 12, 2004
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Checkout<br /><br />I think the site mainly deals with CA traffic citations.<br />Maybe Maine will allow you to plead and do a trial by declaration through the mail.


Oct 12, 2003
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Try that fine here in California... More like $350 if your lucky.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 19, 2005
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Where I live the cops never bother to show up at court and you can get away with it. I've had two friends save their licenses from being suspended by doing this. I'm not sure how well that works over there though.<br />Eric

Drowned Rat

Jan 20, 2004
Re: Help! I need a cop.

I agree. $215 is not bad at all. As DJ said, the cop showed mercy because you're not in jail. If someone told you that 87 is the normal speed for folks down there, that's problably why the cop was there in the first place.


Aug 23, 2001
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Don't get me wrong, the fine is not the issue. I live in Maryland between Wash DC and Baltimore. I know fines and I have seen a few but I have always gone to court to "beat" the points but going 750 miles each way is a little to much for a 5 min court appearance. I have herd in the past that the points would not follow and I have also herd they will. Just wanted to clear it up. If not may save me a trip. If so......I am not sure what I am going to do.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Help! I need a cop.

I guess you have to decide which is cheaper, the gas and your time and still paying the ticket (because you know that the officer will show up knowing your luck) or paying the ticket. That's really your only options. Good luck...


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Dadgum, in jail for 22 miles over the speed limit???<br /><br />I guess it would be execution for running a red light. :rolleyes: <br /><br />Here in Texas, that is a normal speed.<br /><br />Anything under 25 mph over the limit, and you can take traffic school.<br /><br />Ken


Mar 4, 2002
Re: Help! I need a cop.

I agree.. Pay-up and take your medicine.<br /><br />Around here... You'd be spending the night with Tryrone in the gray-bar hotel. :eek: <br /><br /><br />H.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Get a local attorney to handle it. I got a ticket in Florida broward county last Feb. got a hold of a local attorney cost me two hundred bucks but saved me money in the long run not to mention the points Your auto nsurance would be raised if they caught you on a scan.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Help! I need a cop.

:) 1st mistake ya made, was you went thru Maine with, "out of state plates"!!!! They hate out of staters, they just love taken your money!!!!<br /><br />Did you know that Maine'rs are famous for inventing the, "TOOTH BRUSH"!!!!!! ;) :cool:


Jul 15, 2002
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Can you fix tickets in that state? here in MO, all speeding tickets can be "reduced" to a non moving, non points infraction.<br /><br />a $75 speeding ticket... You would pay a law school flunky lawyer $50, he would call the PA, they would mail you a letter saying your new parking ticket is $150 and no points go on your license. It's worth every penny.<br /><br />If this state has the same, call a local traffic lawyer.<br /><br />Now, it's up to every city to decide how they want to do this. I got a ticket in Kirksville MO almost 8 years ago, It was cheaper for me to pay the $50 ticket, take the points, let my insurance go up for 3 years. The way kirksville fixes them is you "donate" $500 the school fund and they reduce it.

Bob in Calif.

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 4, 2002
Re: Help! I need a cop.

F-In....<br /><br />You might to find out if your state and the opposing state have an reciprocal agreement for the sharing of traffic matters regarding the driver's from the two states.<br /><br />If they don't have the agreement, all you will be out is $215.00 and a bruised ego.<br /><br />Example: Right after the Federal speed limit was lowered to 55, I got pulled over for doing 68 mph, in a "newly 55'd", two lane, rural road, in Iowa.<br /><br />Officer "Barney" asked why I shot up to 68, from 55 and back down to 55. I told him I was behind an old stake bed that was loaded junk and doing about 40 mph, with no other traffic in sight. I advised him I was in a similar situation about 10 years prior, where a 4X4 came off a truck and ended up going thru my windshield. Just then the old truck pased by. I said,Hey, there's the truck!<br /><br />I told "Barney" that's why I sped up to pass the truck and reduced back to 55 mph after I got around him and I didn't feel it to be too safe to pass him at 55. <br /><br />"Barney" wouldn't budge and I got the "scratch." He actually took a personal check, where as I wrote in the lower left, on the memo line..."L E donation." <br /><br />A month later I received a registered letter from the Iowa DVM, advising my driving privilage had been suspended in their state for 30 day's...BFD. It ended up on my Calipornia driving record as a traffic violation, with no further information. I called my insurance agent and explained the situation. He said his company is aware of some ot the mid-west tactics against out of state drivers and it was just for the revenue and they wouldn't hold it against my "Snow White" driving record.<br /><br />Four hours later I got puled over for doing 72 mph, on I-80, in Nebraska. A local was pulled over at the same time. "Barney II" walked up to me and said "you're under arrest for speeding." He said he would take me to a magistrate to contest the ticket or I could pay the fine on the spot. I asked if he would take a personal check,to which he said, "No." He settled for two $20.00 t-checks and excorted me to the nearest post box. This did not appear on my driving history.<br /><br />So, if it won't appear on your driving record, I would just pay it and drink off-brand beer for the next couple of months.<br /><br />...Bob in Calif...

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Here in Cal. they would get you for wreckless driving, and speeding, If you have minors with you, is also child endangerment. Plus the officer has the option of impounding the vehical too. And it goes as a mistermener on your record.<br />Now your insurance checks your record once a year, so depending on your cycle. There is a very strong possibility they may not catch it.. until a year later.. Once the ticket is intered in the system it takes another 30 days to post. Being it is out-of-state it may take 90days from the time posting at the courthouse.. So Pay it, I totally agree with DJ. Pay it ASAP.. Believe me it is very cheap concidering how fast you were going.. My last ticket was over 7 yrs ago.. I had a hot Berreta and I was passing this B-tch talking on a cell phone.. I passed pushing a 100mph. I had to wait for the cop to catch up with me. I really had no idea how fast I was going becuase the dash lights burned out a few days before.. If a cop tells you how fast your going, you better agree. The last thing you want is them to have to chase you down.. He gave me sturn lecture and lower ticket speed.. Because my record was clean my ticket cost 67 bucks and 20 for the school.. I got so lucky and it never happened again... Hope you guys are sitting down.. I pay 29 dollars for the toy. on farm cov. and 208 dollars for full coverage for 6 mths.. YEP, see I am a very very good girl...


May 15, 2004
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Wasting finite resources too.<br /><br />And anything over 20 mph over is points. 25+ is a felony.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Iowa Iowa Iowa.... They finally raised the speed to 70mhp.... <br /><br />Must have been awhile ago Bob... now the NE speed limit on I-80 is 75 outta town. <br /><br />I was headed from KC,MO to Des Moines Ia one evening. Headed to meet some folks to pick up a small a late start. Headed up I-35 got just before the Iowa border and new we were way late. I see this flat bed dually commin up behind me. He was goin pretty fast and since I feel more comfortable when others are goin just as fast as me I picked it up....and up and up. Were cruisin about 90mph with him following me, after a bit we come up over a crest...and low and behold comming the other way is a MO state trooper... lookin in the rear view mirror I see his a$$ end whip around so fast...I hit the cancel on the cruise. Lights come on flat bed pulls over.... trooper pulls up behind him... BIG release in breath. I progressed the rest of the evening goin 60...Lets just say we were late


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: Help! I need a cop.

Call an attorney local to that area who specializes in traffic tickets & see what he says. You may even be able to have it reduced to an "Improper Equipment" violation. Probably not being you were 22 over AND in excess of 80 mph. But at the very least, I'd wager that he could plead it down to below 20 mph over. Which I believe would make a big difference w.r.t. a raise in insurance rates... <br /><br />More & more states are linking databases. And I'm sure your insurance co. has access to all states. If they find out, I bet any fine PLUS $100-$150 for an attorney will be much less than the rate increase you'll see if your insurance co. has you on record for doing 80+ and more than 20 mph over. I think the penalties may be worse for the same number of mph over the limit at higher speed limits than at lower speed limits (or put another way, you may get nailed for breaking 70, 80, or whatever their cutoffs are, regardless of how few mph over the speed limit that is).