Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 11, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

My problem with these liberal arguments is precisely illustrated in your post. The argument tends to go to imaginary liberals with imaginary positions, and how dangerous they are.<br /><br />I could do precisely the same thing by inventing a conservative with ridiculous imagined arguments, and tearing them down. It adds nothing to the debate, however.<br /><br />For example, as an adjective for liberal, you use "peace at all costs" as if that is the standard of all liberals. Exactly which liberals are you referring to?<br /><br />Real liberals are as concerned as you are with the safety and security of this country, and are more than willing to devend this country by any means necessary. However most thoughtful liberals prefer to use military action as a last resort, rather than the preferred method.<br /><br />Perhaps the greatest liberal in the history of this nation was FDR, and he could hardly be termed "peace at all costs" (That distinction was held by the conservatives of the day, BTW)<br /><br />We prefer to engage the world in diplomacy where possible, and react militarily only when a real threat exists.<br /><br />We also believe in learning from history, and not entering into conflicts, as another liberal did in Viet Nam, without a real reason, and an exit strategy that makes sense.<br /><br />Your argument about liberals is simply specious, and is directed at some imaginary liberal that for the most part, does not exist. (I am sure there are extremes on either side of this issue, from those that are "peace at all costs" to those on the conservative side that view this as another religious crusade to rid the world of Islamics)<br /><br />In the current conflict, for example, which we are probably no more than days away, our goal of turning Iraq into an oasis of democracy is simple fantasy--Not to mention that we have shown with out actions thruout the world that simple democracy is not good enough--we demand a democracy that agrees with our position.<br /><br />I hear from conservatives that the last 12 years of diplomacy in Iraq "has been a failure", yet the containment policy has left Iraq with a military of dramatically reduced strength, which has no capability of being a threat to anyone anytime soon ,let alone to the US. Hardly a failure. And so our argument goes that they could supply our enemies with weapons. Well, that same argument could be made for any number of countries--are we to preemptively attack them all?<br /><br />And we are leaving poor Tony Blair out to dry on this one. We have argued that this is about disarmament, as has Blair, but Bush made clear in his recent speech to the AEI that this is really all about regime change. With the result this imagined oasis of democracy.<br /><br />I firmly believe in the safety and security of the US and our allies. I believe with this action we are alienating our allies, and creating a situation that far increases the worldwide threat to the US, and makes us far less secure and safe. Iraq has known nothing but strong dictatorial rule since the days of Nebekadenser (sp?) and giving over the rule of this country to at least three separate, warring groups, all vowing to be the pre-eminent power in the region, all hoping to get control of what weaponry is there, is foolhardy, IMO. Not to mention wildly expensive.<br /><br />And we have not even mentioned the truly serious threat that North Korea poses to our real substantive allies.<br /><br />I don't think there is any way in the world that we can impose peace and security in the world thru military means alone. We should use other means whereever possible, and military means when no other option exists, against real threats.<br /><br />It is hardly a "peace at all costs" strategy.<br /><br />I really do hope I am wrong, and that somehow this action makes the world a safer place. I have a hard time even imagining how that could possibly happen, but time will tell. I don't believe there is any way to stop it at this point, so we will surely find out, I guess.


Chief Petty Officer
May 6, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

What concerns me about this thing with Iraq is that a lot of people are taking any negative statements about the US going to war as being the same as being anti-american or not supporting the troops. This isn't the case.<br /><br />I don't think our going to war with Iraq will do anything to stop terrorism (it will probably make the threat worse) or help out our economy (which is taking a back seat to this whole afair).<br /><br />When this adminstrations took office Bush was going to be the education president. His latest budget hasn't even given enough funding for this own education initive. Then we were going to root out the terrorist is Afganistan, this has been a success but the country is still not self governing and we will still have military there to keep the peace. Bush's new budget also doesn't include any funding for our work in Afganistan.<br /><br />I fully support our military and America. I do not support our starting a war with Iraq. I can't see any good coming from it.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

The Middle east has been boiling for a long time, and the froth has finally spilled into our country. The status quo is unworkable. The "diplomacy" option is not an option, because without this good cop (UN) bad cop(USA) thing working, which cannot be maintained, the diplomacy has no teeth, even negative teeth with our supposed allies(France comes to mind) making deals and providing money and technology for oil. The sensible and cautious peace loving liberals have no, yes no workable solution. Their efforts will have the exact opposite effect on peace. You are all going to change your minds when 300,000 of your neighbors are killed in your city. That will happen if we do nothing with people like Saddam allowed to develop and spread that capability. Let our President do his job. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

wvit100, maybe you are right. But it looks like , smells like ,sounds exactly like what occurred in the late 60's, and those of us that remember it don't like it.


Nov 29, 2000
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

I don't listen to conservative talk radio, what must be ringing true must have some other explanation.<br /><br />Also, I have not yet joined the debate. Until now.<br /><br />I agree with many of your points in the last post about categorizing. That is why I do not claim to be a republican or a democrat because I will not turn over the control of my own beliefs to a party. <br /><br />I have to admit that I am guilty of categorizing. I group those with nearly the same position and put a label on it.. Right or wrong.. There is a lot of it going around.<br /><br />I am divided personally on what we should do. I don't know what is right. I rely on what I feel in my gut, not what some talk show host is telling me. <br /><br />My gut tells me this is a lot like raising kids, of which I have four. Each one is motivated by different things and the apporach to discipline varies depending on the individual kid.<br /><br />I am very cognizant of setting consequences for actions. I set them and fully intend to carry them out. If I don't, I have no discipline. I am not controlling my kids, I am directing them to make choices in their best interests.<br /><br />The UN has set consequences over an over again and we have not backed them up. It is time to back them up. War is ugly, yes. But the choices have been outlined for Iraq and they have chosen. Again I stress, Iraq has chosen its path. Iraqs actions are akin to the kid who has parents who never followed through on the consequences. Saddam is banking on us not following through.<br /><br />Simplistic view you might say. So be it. Saddam is using and abusing your priveledge of free speech to get himself out a jam. Just like kids, Saddam needs to be aware of his miscalculation.<br /><br />If the world rallied around the US position in the latter half of last year, I would wager that we would not have an issue today. Saddam being the savvy dictator is emboldened by the worlds reaction to war and I would also speculate that the anti war rhetroic is moving us further from resolving the situation. Am I the only one that sees this as a poker game. Saddam is calling our bluff. If the world engaged in the poker game instead of folding, there would be no issue.<br /><br />Containment is crap. The situation needs to be resolved. For the people of Iraq as well. AS I see it, there is two alternatives. Throw our hands up and say, you win.. We pull out and let whatever may happen. Remove containment and nullify any resolutions.. Is this the best for stability in the region. My guess is no.. Saddam will be given the golden ticket.<br /><br />The other alternative is the path we are pursuing. This approach does not guarantee stability nor does it guarantee success. However, it is the option the world can control. Not Saddam.<br /><br />Containment is the water over the rock approach. This has worked beautifully with Cuba and its dictator. The standard of living in Cuba makes me want to inflate a rubber raft and leave today..


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 10, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

The only similarity between NOW and the '70's is that the US still has 50 states and ONE President.<br /><br />I have complete certainty that Bush will NOT HAVE Powell or Rumsfeld, negotiate with So-Damn-Insane, as to what routes the bombers will fly, where and when they can bomb, and what troops will be allowed to defend what small piece of dirt for how many days before it is returned to the enemy.<br /><br />HEY LIBS (precieved or real)!<br />What should we do to defend ourselves?<br />Well here! I've talked about it. Do you "FEEL" safer yet?<br /><br />Oh, I see, we need to wait untill we are again attacked? Nope. that wont do it. You will still say NOoooo! <br /><br />When, JUST answer WHEN, IS ENOUGH- ENOUGH?!<br />How many more AMERICANS must be murdered until you guys smell the coffee.<br />But of course, when it does happen again, you'll just say that "somebody should have done something to prevent it"<br />And of course,.. when it happens, you'll not blame the terrorists (who carrie out the terror), you'll blame Bush for not paying blackmale like the french are doing.<br /><br />Please,...<br />No platetudes,....<br />Just answer the question<br />When is enough -ENOUGH!?<br />And what is YOUR plan for ENSURING peace?<br /><br />Korea. I love this one. Oh,.. OK,..OBVIOUSLY you are also UNINFORMED about what had happened in the 90's vs. what IS happening now. We have moved into Gwam in force as well as increased our Naval presence in the Pacific. <br /><br />When the stuff starts, I know you'll spew some crap about how we should habe negotiated and payed bribe money to Il like the last administration DID and then maybe, they won't hate us anymore.<br /><br />have a nice day


Chief Petty Officer
May 6, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

Hey Klondike7,<br /><br />You said how many more Americans have to die. How many Americans has Sadam killed? The terrorists that killed the people in the World Trade Center were not from Iraq. The administration has done a good job connecting the two in everyone's mind but the facts are that there is no connection between the 9/11 and Iraq.<br /><br />US policy, conservative or liberal, has never been premptive strikes on other countries. How and who decides what countries are dangerous, what country is next on the hit list? Once we get done with Iraq where do we go next, Pakistan is a hotbed of problems, Korea, what about all those countries in Africa that keep causing problems. Should we have attacked Iraq back when the same terrorist group that brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11 tried to blow it up in 1993. Remember the 1993 attacked, that was Bush senior.<br /><br />You keep saying the last administration like all these problems were caused by Clinton's administration. The current vice president was involved with our arming Sadam and giving him the very germs that everyone is now worried about him using. Back then we were worried about Iran and were willing to get into bed with Iraq as a way to keep Iran under control. This all was happening under Bush senior.<br /><br />All these problems go back a number of years and I think there is enough blame to go around for everyone. You need to stop trying to turn this into a republican versus democrate thing, it isn't. <br /><br />This is an issue of a complete change in the foundation of US policy abroad.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 10, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

>"Please,...<br />>No platetudes,....<br />>Just answer the question<br />>When is enough -ENOUGH!?<br />>And what is YOUR plan for ENSURING peace?"


Chief Petty Officer
May 6, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

There is no plan that will ENSURE peace. There will always be conflict. The history of the world is full of conflict. You think that our attacking Iraq will ensure peace? What are we doing about Isreal and Palistine? India and Pakistan. Korea. Human rights in China. If you think that the US attacking Iraq will ensure peace then you have a very simplistic view of the world.<br /><br />Iraq has not attacked anyone since the Gulf War, that seems peaceful enough. There has been talk about his weapons programs, but that's all I've seen is talk. Have the inspectors found anything of any substance? <br /><br />Sadam doesn't have the money or power anymore to do much. He doesn't even have control of the skies over his own country. His army doesn't have the people or equipment to threaten his neighbors. He is about as powerful as Cuba and we have lived with and contained them only 90 miles off our border for the last 50 years.


Chief Petty Officer
May 6, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

Here you go Klondike7, how about this for a policy for ENSURING peace:<br /><br />A Real Policy For Peace<br /><br />There is only one nuclear power in the Middle East: Israel.<br /><br />There is only one country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Israel.<br /><br />There is only one country in the Middle East that refuses to allow international inspections of its nuclear facilities: Israel.<br /><br />There is only one country in the Middle East that stands in defiance of more than 60 United Nations resolutions: Israel.<br /><br />There is only one country in the Middle East that invaded and continues to occupy land belonging to its neighbors: Israel.<br /><br />I am not setting out to bash Israel, but merely to point out undeniable facts that most of the America media and American politicians studiously ignore. Is it too difficult for Americans to grasp that the United States has a blatant double standard and that the people in Arab countries justifiably resent that double standard? The Arabs do not expect or demand that the United States become the enemy of Israel. They recognize the close ties between the two countries. All they ask for is simple fairness.<br /><br />It's not fair to threaten Iraq with war for allegedly violating U.N. resolutions while protecting Israel from any consequences for violating more U.N. resolutions. It's not fair to go to war to undo the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq while condoning the continued occupation by Israel of portions of Lebanon, Syria and Palestine. It's not fair to threaten Iraq and Iran about weapons of mass destruction while remaining silent about those possessed by Israel. It's not fair to harp on the crimes committed by Saddam Hussein while rationalizing the crimes committed by Israel. Do you realize that in just the past week, as of this writing, the Israelis have killed 33 Palestinians?<br /><br />Do you realize that if the United States announced that its policy is to rid the entire Middle East of weapons of mass destruction, including those possessed by Israel, that the United States would receive the overwhelming support of the Arab world?...<br /><br /> http://reese.king-online.com/Reese_20030307/index.php


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

Wvit, we got evidence , we got violations, we declared war on terror, this is a continuation of the 91 war cause Iraq didn't abide by the terms of the cease fire(to disarm). That ceasefire deal is null and void. The stakes have changed. It is a new world with new threats and we must adapt or go the way of the dinosaur. We are vulnerable, and your proposals that we cannot act because we have no proof( not true)would render us entirely, completely, and utterly vulnerable. That is because we would never be able to satisfy your standard of proof. They could simply use terrorists and cover their tracks better and we would not be able to prove or do anything. Our founding fathers did not intend for us to allow this to happen, and by their foresight, it will not happen to us, at least not during this administration. The current police action must hunt down known terrorists. Our government must deal with the rouge governments that would develop and distribute the means for the terrorists to attack us. One question for your speculation Wvit. Why were the 911 terrorists so interested in crop dusters?<br /><br />ps. This isnt a fairness issue. Israel needs nukes for deterrance, Saddam needs them for aggression. They want to commit genocide on Isreal, and the US. Why can you not see that distinction.


Chief Petty Officer
May 6, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

Here's a quote from another article that gives you some things to think about.<br /><br />The president confidently (dare I say "religiously"?) asserts a worldview that most Christian denominations reject outright as heresy: the myth of redemptive violence, which posits a war between good and evil, with God on the side of good and Satan on the side of evil and the battle lines pretty clearly drawn.<br /><br />War is essential in this line of thinking. For God to win, evil needs to be defined and destroyed by God's faithful followers, thus proving their faithfulness. Christians have held this view to be heretical since at least the third century. It is the bread-and-butter theology of fundamentalists, whether Muslim, Jewish or Christian. <br /><br /> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19122-2003Feb28.html


Chief Petty Officer
May 6, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

SCO, <br /><br />You talked about terrorists several times in your post. The terrorists you talked about were trained in Afganistan, schooled in Pakistan, and most of them were born in Saudi Arabia.<br /><br />Where in all this is the connection with Iraq?


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

Someone needs to do their homework on the middle east nuclear capabilities.Pakistan has had Nukes since 1998.Two to be exact.Technology smuggled and sold to them by the nuclear scientists after the fall of the Soviet union.They even have a scale model of the mountain where it was successfully tested and passers by often kneel before it to show homage to their countries achievement.This is the same country that the Al qaeda operative was just recently arrested in.


Chief Petty Officer
May 6, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

SCO,<br /><br />So you truely believe that Iraq could possible have any hopes of committing genocide on America or Isreal. <br /><br />The original Gulf War started because Saddam invaded Kuwait, that's a long way from Isreal. He did send a few missles at Isreal, that was an attempt to draw more of the Islamic countries into the war. It didn't work. Saddam's biggest enemy to date has been Iran, they fought a bloody war for years that ended in a stalemate.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

Actually, I don't personally need a connection. You would agree that Saddams purposes are aggressive wouldn't you? Who does he want to be aggressive to? Who does he hate the most. Who has had their thumb on him for the last 12 years? Why does he need wmd's so bad he will go to war for them? Powell made the case for connections to terrorism. I reject outright that we have to prove connections to the specific 911 attack. That's the newest liberal criterion assertion because they were stumped on the general terrorism connection, but I bet connections are there. Atta went to Iraq a number of times I heard. They were interested in crop dusters...why. That's an Iraqi specialty. We have declared war on terrorism and those who support it.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

So far Wvit, I'm answering your questions, and you are not mine. No, I don't think he can commit genocide on us, but he could get a lot of us. He could finish his nukes and maybe wipe out Israel. Your handcuffing standard of proof would allow it to happen is my point. I'm trying to show the fallacy of your arguement. We see exactly what that man is doing, and he needs to be stopped. Why on earth allow that man to continue with his plans of destruction. I think the potential shown by 911 is plenty enough to recognize his potential for danger to us, regardless of whether or not that was an Iraqi plan.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

Then we'll refer to them as an Islamic nation with regional capabilities,divided by what you are pleased to call the middle east by the gulf of Oman.Fact is , is that your nuclear facts are flawed .Will a war with iraq create and preserve peace?Definately not.Will it stir more hate and disdain for the U.S.?Probably.Should we just sit back and worry about appeasing the U.N. until we have a more desperate reason for disarming psycho dictators?Not in my opinion.Should we perpetually police Iraq with military presence because Sadam can't be trusted?Do you not think that North Korea has reasons for nuclear armament and tells the U.S. to get out.50 years ago it may have been none of our business,however today is is our business what these countries are up to.


Chief Petty Officer
May 6, 2002
Re: Have We Forgotten!!!!!!!

OB, what part of the facts are flawed?