Handgun advice


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Handgun advice

Rick, it's really important to go to your local indoor shooting range, first! <br />They will let you shoot different pistols. There isn't any reason to rush your decision. Spend some time actually shooting the pistol before buying it.<br />No one brand, style, caliber could possibly serve everyones needs.<br /><br />There are far to many variables from handsize, purpose and individual practicality.<br /><br />I have an older one of these in 22LR. It's a blued model, it's simple, fun and a good plinker. The first 2 cylinders will have snake load in them when I'm in the saddle. This pistola doubles as the wifes toy and she fires it with proficientcy.<br /> http://www.chuckhawks.com/ruger_single_six_syn.htm <br /><br />Now, I like the feel of a real slim high capacity auto. Here is where those individual shooting preferences or feel come into play. I traded a Walther P38 for this pistol about 10 years ago. It's way to complicated for the wife to field dress. However, I'm absolutely deadly with it and this was my primary consideration with this pistol. It made qualifying for my CCW impressive and easy. It carrys very, very well. My Mohoska.....<br /> http://www.securityarms.com/20010315/galleryfiles/2300/2370.htm <br /><br />By far my favorite personal protection tool I've ever owned. I never leave home without it. I can carry this thing in my pocket anywhere, anytime. Completely out of sight and out of mind.<br />It isn't a plinker or a toy and again, not for everyone.<br /> http://www.naaminis.com/lrifle.html <br /><br />On those rare occations I get a decent tax refund, I make it my duty to run out and buy a new firearm. I have less deductions these days with the kids gone and all. So I'm thinking of selling my Mohoska and adding a dinky refund towards one of these.<br /> http://www.berettausa.com/product/spotlight/spotlight_od92_main.htm <br /> <br />I can feel my trigger finger getting an erection........ :eek:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Handgun advice

For intimidation factor and effectiveness in short range combat get a shotgun.<br /><br />9mm is a good all-round pistol caliber for an inexperienced shooter; .357mag for an experienced shooter.<br /><br />Ruger makes the best single action revolvers in the world, and among the best automatics. Ruger offers probably the most quality per buck of anyone.<br /><br />S&W makes the best double action revolvers in the world.<br /><br />Colt makes excellent pistols of whatever persuasion.<br /><br />Beretta and Browning make the best 9mm automatics. The Glock (so darned ugly) is close.<br /><br />Save the larger calibers until you are experienced with muzzle blast and recoil. Then consider a 1911a1 Colt .45ACP or a Ruger Super Blackhawk in .44 Mag.<br /><br />Good luck. :)


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Handgun advice

I'll step away from the average postings here. If it is strictly home defense, a short barrel 12 gauge shotgun with improved choke is a better bet. I say this because you don't have to be that great of a shot. Just aim for the shape in the doorway. Also, chambering a shotgun round has a psycholically debilitating effect on an intruder. Something about having your intestines spread all over the wall behind you tends to cause you to want to cease and desist all current activity and leave asap. Obviously, as with any weapon, you want to become proficient in its usage, and you need to be willing to use it. Otherwise, a baseball bat is the better bet. I personally like Glock handguns, but they do not have a true safety. Fumbling around in the dark could cause an accident, so proficiency to the point of not having to think about it is key, as with any weapon.

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Handgun advice

Many points have been made about a gun not being powerful enough. I have to abandon ship with those comments. On duty I carry a Beretta 92FS 9 mm loaded with 147 grain Black Talons, or Win Silver tips. Sometimes I will carry my S&W 686 357 mag with HOT loads. If going on known raids or exacuting warrents I also carry a 25 (yes I said 25) in my pocket as a "OH CRAP!!" back up in case I lose my primary gun. I have no problem with the "more power" theory on the street. Its in the home that I do though. I keep a 410 pump shot gun ready to be racked into action. I have it loaded with #9 shot. I will also have my 357 loaded with 4 rounds of the rat-snake shot with the remaining two holes loaded with hot rounds. My thoughts are that I am not wanting to kill anyone, just get them away from my family and home. I have two children and would hate to kill one of them. The light loads I use will not go through two layers of sheetrock and hit them while in bed. It "should" not kill them if they take a direct hit either. Everybody is gonna say I'm wrong, lets kill the theif in my house but they really don't want to. Even justified killing is hard on a man that did the killing. Overall you really just want to remove the threat.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Handgun advice

What Boom said re handguns, what JasonJ said about the shotgun. Shucks, get a cheap, used, double barrel 12g, saw the barrels off at 19 inches (so you don't get in trouble for it being too short even if you make a miscut), and load it with 00 buckshot. Both barrels will do a lot of damage - good home protection, and it will give you peace of mind till you are proficient with the handgun.<br /><br />Some sales around here will have a cheap double barrel going for about $35-50.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Handgun advice

I still say the best home protection is a dog. Most theifs I talk to say their biggest fear is not the homeowner shooting, it is noise and dogs. barking dogs give them away, and keep them away. A dog bite scares the pee out of almost anyone. <br />Unless you have looked down the barrel at another human with the hammer back, you don't know what it will do to you. As Kenneth said even a jsutified killing is hard to deal with. It doesn't sound like it would be, easy to talk about, but until you are face to face with someone squeezing back on the trigger you don't know. <br />Most people plant the first shot in the floor at their feet. <br />In most states if you do fire on someone and wound or kill them, you will be sued and will lose everything. In most states unless you can prove that the intruder is trying to take your home or your life, you are nit justified in using deadly force. Civil Courts view it as a human life in exchange for the property (T.V., Money, Stereo) that they are stealing. No, for home protection get motion lights and a dog.<br />Now for fun, try them all and see what you like.


Jul 25, 2003
Re: Handgun advice

Para Ordinance 45 Holds 14 rounds+1,
Quote from Spratt Hey fixin...a good shot only needs one round
Not if your shooting a 22 or even a 9mm. P-shooters if you ask me :p

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: Handgun advice

I have two children and would hate to kill one of them. The light loads I use will not go through two layers of sheetrock and hit them while in bed.
Good point Ken.


Dec 29, 2002
Re: Handgun advice

S+W 357 model 60 stainless. Easy to carry, easy to take care of, easy to shoot. With a bit of range time you can hit pretty well with the S+W revolvers. <br /><br /> As others have said,,I would shy away from the 22 and 9mm for stopping power.<br /><br />DD makes a darn good point,, easier said than done when it comes to taking the life of another human being. I would let someone walk off with all my material possessions before I dropped the hammer on em. But dont mess with my family.<br /><br />Home defense,,, 12 gauge hands down.


Jun 20, 2003
Re: Handgun advice

All great suggestions. Thanks. I do have a dog(90lb Boxer) so I have a first line of defense. I guess I want it more for target and protection in wilderness, camping etc. Right now I'm leaning towards a .357 S-W. Sounds pretty versatile and fairly fool-proof compared with semi-auto. Does a new gun need breaking-in? I feel better buying new since I don't know what to look for in a used firearm.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Handgun advice

The gun does not need broken in, only you do! :D S$W is a fine choice. If you really want to use the .357, be sure to get the heavy frame. Medium frame .357's are brutal to shoot and will not hold up as well with heavy .357 usage.

Terry H

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 25, 2001
Re: Handgun advice

Sounds like you are on the right track. Revolvers are safer, more powerful, and more durable than their auto counterparts. My personal choices would be a 6"barrelled Smithy in .357, or, like some of the sheepherders are carrying, Taurus revolver in .40 or 41 mag (I am not up on that brand), and made from titanium. It's very lightweight for carrying. I do like my S&W tho.<br />I havn't read all the threads here, but I would also recommend that your family take a gun safety course...just a thought :)


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Handgun advice

DD is definately right. Unless he has a weapon and you can show he is going to use it, you would be in deep doo doo if you shoot an intruder. That was largely why I went with a shot gun, in the hopes that the intruder would understand that leaving is a wise thing. A dog is a great idea, but not everyone like dogs or wants to deal with the hassel a dog can be. Me personally, I like dogs when they are other peoples, but they are too much maintenance. A weapon just sits there. My sister has four Greyhounds. That doesn't sound menacing, but they are very protective, have more brutal teeth than a doberman, and just try to outrun one, let alone four. She has no intruder worries. No matter what you choice, you need to run a lot of rounds through it, get comfortable with it. Then you won't have that whole first-round-in-floor-at-feet problem. Good luck and be safe...


Aug 8, 2003
Re: Handgun advice

Laws vary from state to state, so any opinions as to what will happen should you have to use a handgun are not worth a dead fly. Review the laws of California (good grief...you could be in for some trouble), and it may be worth getting familiar with local cases of handguns having been used in home- or self-defense.<br /><br />Chief's suggestion of a gun safety course is an excellent idea, as is his recommendation of a Smith & Wesson .357 revolver. I'll be a bit more specific and suggest the Model 686, Model 627, or a Model 27 (if you can find one).


Jun 20, 2003
Re: Handgun advice

Hey dogsdad, I looked for a 686 and I find at least 8 versions. Some are different barrel length but there must be other differences. Some say "plus" or "PP". I was looking at a 65. The specs seem very close. Any specs I should pay attention to, to make a decision? I'd like to keep it in the $500-600 range. Or less, of course!


Jun 20, 2003
Re: Handgun advice

Hey dogsdad, I looked for a 686 and I find at least 8 versions. Some are different barrel length but there must be other differences. Some say "plus" or "PP". I was looking at a 65. The specs seem very close. Any specs I should pay attention to, to make a decision? I'd like to keep it in the $500-600 range. Or less, of course!


Oct 13, 2004
Re: Handgun advice

Originally posted by JasonJ:<br /> She has no intruder worries.
I saw a couple pair of size 24 sneakers at the shoe outlet the other day. Thought was, if I put a pair at both front door and back door, they just might provide all the argument I needed for someone not to break in this big guy's house!!!

Terry H

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 25, 2001
Re: Handgun advice

Rick, you should get the 686 in .357 mag, and I would recommend a 6" bbl. The longer barrrel aids in accuracy, and unless you are gonna want to carry it concealed, the larger size has more of the "scare factor". <br />Hopefully whatever you end up with will be used for target practice and honing you shooting skills, and, not ever have to pointed at any persons in anger...just some friendly advice :)


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: Handgun advice

Rickfifty -<br /><br />Have you had any experience at all shooting a hand gun .. ??<br /><br />If so .. could you post it.<br /><br />anything .. which gun? Caliber?<br /><br /> .. your thoughts on them if you have shot them <br /><br />.. or if you are a beggining shooter...?<br /><br />this could / would help clarify and also give us a better understanding in which we can give better and more precise advice to your particular situation.<br /><br />so far a lot of great advice .. but the range is very broad and could get confusing.<br /><br />-------------------------------------------------<br /><br />one thing to note: <br /><br />the average room in a house is no longer than 20' - 30' in any direction wall to wall..<br /><br />..this relates to 10yds or less in any direction. <br /><br />So look at ease of use and comfort being the main thing when chosing a handgun for home defense and plinking... looks like you've already got a budget selected.