had a bad day, admiral says shes done boating


May 16, 2011
geez...take the admiral 4 wheeling.....let her get the purse literally full of mud, sooth the bug bites, and the scrapes from branches etc, then wake up the next morning with aches and pains, . she probably will rethink boating. lol


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2008
She may have just had a bad day. Happens to the best of us. I've pulled up to the dock before swearing I was going to sell the boat and call it quits. LOL. My admiral leaves her purse at home. Anything important (ID, fishing license, cell phones etc...) go in a dry box before we leave the dock. Dogs stay home. Kids do to most of the time. Less stress on us. Allows us to do what we want to do, when we want to do it. For some folks that's not an option, but it's great to get out sometimes with just the 2 of us and no one to answer to or entertain. Ask her what her perfect day on the water would be and go from there. You never know what stresses a woman out.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 6, 2011
she put a big open full topheavy cup of water in one of those rocking cupholders and put her open purse right under it, then after it dumped she wanted me to go at a idle speed, she wanted to go all the way up the river to the shallow and anchor where there would be no wakes from the crowd of boats and pwc. at idle speed it to us 3 hours to get there with her complaining that its hot. I wanted to say we could have been sitting in the shade hours ago if she put all her bs away and let me get on a plane but I kept my mouth shut. I think the plugs are fouled from all the idleing, and by the end of the day I was about ready to tie her to the anchor and throw them overboard, but I don't think the river is deep enough. it takes an hour just to load all the carp she needs to bring with her every thing from the fridge to the kitchen sink. when I go by myself I might grab some crackers and a couple bottles of water
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Chief Petty Officer
Jul 16, 2013
Two thoughts come to mind........One she does not care for boating! and two you better hope she does not read your last post!:laugh:


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 26, 2014
she put a big open full topheavy cup of water in one of those rocking cupholders and put her open purse right under it, then after it dumped she wanted me to go at a idle speed, she wanted to go all the way up the river to the shallow and anchor where there would be no wakes from the crowd of boats and pwc. at idle speed it to us 3 hours to get there with her complaining that its hot. I wanted to say we could have been sitting in the shade hours ago if she put all her bs away and let me get on a plane but I kept my mouth shut. I think the plugs are fouled from all the idleing, and by the end of the day I was about ready to tie her to the anchor and throw them overboard, but I don't think the river is deep enough. it takes an hour just to load all the carp she needs to bring with her every thing from the fridge to the kitchen sink. when I go by myself I might grab some crackers and a couple bottles of water

Yup, High Maintenance, just like I thought and just like mine. Face it, boating has nothing to do with it. Step up to the plate and be her skivvy for life, it's easier all round, or take the walk of shame to the bleachers while leaving your wallet behind.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
she put a big open full topheavy cup of water in one of those rocking cupholders and put her open purse right under it, then after it dumped she wanted me to go at a idle speed, she wanted to go all the way up the river to the shallow and anchor where there would be no wakes from the crowd of boats and pwc. at idle speed it to us 3 hours to get there with her complaining that its hot. I wanted to say we could have been sitting in the shade hours ago if she put all her bs away and let me get on a plane but I kept my mouth shut. I think the plugs are fouled from all the idleing, and by the end of the day I was about ready to tie her to the anchor and throw them overboard, but I don't think the river is deep enough. it takes an hour just to load all the carp she needs to bring with her every thing from the fridge to the kitchen sink. when I go by myself I might grab some crackers and a couple bottles of water

Wow, seems a little deeper than a boat ride there. Having said that I hope everything works out.


Sep 24, 2004
One thing I have learned about women is sometimes they are not upset about the current situation. Sometimes they are upset about something you said, didn't say, didn't do or did do , yesterday, earlier in the day or year ago. Something you can't remember, but she can't forget. I try my best not to do or say anything remotely resembles me being uncaring or a smartass because pay back is a b****** and it usually happens when you are feeling the most content--ie boating :(


Jun 6, 2007
Don't cha know? Take her out, and get her a new purse! And a bottle of white zinfandel for you both to share!


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 6, 2011
Two thoughts come to mind........One she does not care for boating! and two you better hope she does not read your last post!:laugh:
she likes to boat so long as we go slow and the boat doesn't rock and make her lose her page and I pack plenty to eat and drink and its not too hot or too cold and nobody throws wakes at us and I don't forget the tp and the bugs stay away and and and


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 6, 2011
Simple solutions.
1) Put purse away - you don't need it on the boat
2) Exchange water for wine
3) Leave the dog at home
4) Fix the motor
1) She wont leave the purse, she actually brings an extra one full of towels books and skin care products
2) I think glass bottles are not allowed, maybe some from a box
3) We decided he stays home, unless shes not going
4) My plugs were dirty and worn till the gap was almost 50, I got new ones today, will set them at 40, hope it fixes it, but now her pool is leaking and I best fix it first
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May 16, 2011
1) She wont leave the purse, she actually brings an extra one full of towels books and skin care products
2) I think glass bottles are not allowed, maybe some from a box
3) We decided he stays home, unless shes not going
4) My plugs were dirty and worn till the gap was almost 50, I got new ones today, will set them at 40, hope it fixes it, but now her pool is leaking and I best fix it first
......time for a trade in, or find a new hobby that she likes and you hate. jmo

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Being on a boat when your other half is having a bad day is just no fun, All the things you mentioned are part of boating unless you own the Queen Mary. Being prepared and being part of the solution generally help but some folks prefer to be an obstacle. I hope you can find her happy spot and she eventually finds the joy in boating. I can think of a few ladies that just don't belong on boats, have no interest, and it would be very unwise to even consider trying to do so. I left them long ago.

Like others mentioned, a few minutes planning can make the boating experience so fun, and not planning, just a little, will ensure a terrible time. I have run into this "lack of thinking" element more than I care to admit, but it's not hard to deal with once you start checking things off both list's. Did you eat?pee, clothing, phone wallet, whatever, just make sure you are thinking for both parties.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
there are 4 bottles worth of wine in a box. plus the box doesnt shatter when you drop it


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
she likes to boat so long as we go slow and the boat doesn't rock and make her lose her page and I pack plenty to eat and drink and its not too hot or too cold and nobody throws wakes at us and I don't forget the tp and the bugs stay away and and and

she sounds just like mine..............and I have a sailboat so....yeah throw in a little heeling and she goes berserk.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
....yeah throw in a little heeling and she goes berserk.
... which is why Admiral Southkogs mothballed the blow-boat fleet here in TN. We only go out on stuff that can break and leave ya' stranded. :rolleyes: :D


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
... which is why Admiral Southkogs mothballed the blow-boat fleet here in TN. We only go out on stuff that can break and leave ya' stranded. :rolleyes: :D

yep exactly the reason for my previous thread about boat values. shopping for a motor boat. last night I was shown what she thought would be a nice boat to ride around in......a 31' cruiser yacht. I can see this will be a challenge to find something we both like.(and want to pay for) LOL
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