Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
1,171 <br /><br />2 7th graders caught with guns in school. One kid gets shot in the leg... not serious but shot nonetheless. Read the story.<br /><br /><br />This is in my hometown. Think it cant happen to you? <br />I personally have no guns, but I have no problems with people that have them. Just lock them up. If you feel the need to sleep with one under your pillow... fine. I could care less if you shoot yourself in the head while your sleeping. A very simple thing to do when you wake up.. Get a permit and holster it or lock it up.<br /><br />I hate bureaucratic bull crap but lets face it.. I'm starting to believe that before you are allowed to own a gun you must first take a govt funded gun safety course that includes classroom time and 7 hours of emergancy room voyeur time. Sad thing is I think with all the shock factor news we see on a daily basis, I dont think any of it would sink in anyway.<br /><br />Dont think it can happen to you or yours? I can almost guarrantee if you had a chat with the parents of these kids over coffee, they would all say "I cant imagine what got into him, he's just not that kind of kid." <br /><br />Now go ahead think to yourself... "my kid would never do a thing like that." How about you eliminate the "impossibilities of your kid ever doing something he or she isnt supposed to", by just locking up your guns when your not sleeping with them or cleaning them.<br /><br />The kid you save may be your own, or perhaps, the kid you save maybe be saved FROM your own.


Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

I remember taking guns to school to demonstrate how they worked. All that as a pre-teen.<br /><br />Since our society is so freaked out about firearms, nobody teaches children how to repect them.<br /><br />I have actually talked to otherwise smart adults that think guns can indescriminantly fire themselves. <br /><br />That's like thinking that your SUV sneaks out at night, by itself, and runs over people. Although that is what the media would have us believe. :rolleyes:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 13, 2005
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

It just happened here in Texas.<br /><br />LANCASTER, Texas -- A 4-year-old girl died after she was shot in the head in what police said appears to be an accident Thursday at the Lancaster home of her grandmother, Dallas police officer Faye Mays.<br /><br />Lancaster Police Lt. Joe Hall said investigators do not know whether the child got a hold of the semiautomatic handgun or whether it fell as she got into a bedroom closet.<br /><br />"Everything that we have learned so far leads us to believe it's a tragic accident and there is no reason to believe that foul play is involved," said Lt. Joe Hall with the Lancaster Police Department.<br /><br />She was home with her grandparents and 9-year-old sister.<br /><br />"They were in the process of getting supper ready and helping the older, little girl with some homework when they realized the younger one was missing," said Hall.<br /><br />Police said the family in the home never even heard the gunshot, but found the girl in the closet when they realized she was gone.<br /><br />Hall said that the child was taken to Children's Medical Center Dallas, where she was pronounced dead.<br /><br />Neighbors said they were stunned to hear the news of the girl's death. "For something to happen to somebody so young, you know, it's just devastating," said neighbor Keaira Littleton.<br /><br />Mays is an 18-year police veteran and may be under investigation if it is determined the gun found by the little girl was issued by the Dallas Police Department.<br /><br />The child's name has not been released.


Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

I do not want to sound uncaring here, but, it's the parents/guardians fault.<br /><br />That little girl could have just as easily electricuted herself or drowned in a pool.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

Cop Shoots Himself In the Leg During Safety Lecture to Kids In School <br />DJ, Watch this... see through the irony and sadistic humor of this and see if you don't agree with them. <br /><br />There only a couple of truths when dealing with guns, unloaded guns do not have hair triggers. Properly locked and stowed weapons will not shoot themselves, Properly Stored weapons will cause minimal damage if some strange phenomenom causes them to discharge. I have not read the statistics but I cannot imagine that there have been many deaths associated with stowed, locked, and unloaded weapons. <br /><br />Lock them up when not in use! ESPECIALLY with kids in the house!


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

hey Cranky, heard that story on the radio this morning, sad story.<br /><br />My sister, lives alone, got a .38, took the gun safety course, pretty responsible adult. One year at Christmas time, family get together at parents house, several kids including my other sister's two boys, age 5 & 6, I noticed her zippered holster on a low shelf in one of the back bedrooms. I suggested (respectfully) that she put where kids can't get to it. "oh it's okay, they don't know what it is, they won't bother it." Asked if it's loaded "yes but the safety's on." I got other family members involved to pressure her into moving it to a better place.<br /><br />Not critizing Officer Mays, just pointing out that sometimes otherwise rational, intelligent, responsible adults make unexpectedly bad choices. Let's all be careful out there.

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

I don't have any kids and i don't have the need for any type firearm.<br /><br />My opinion,<br /><br />Kids and firearms are like oil and water, they should never mix, kids lack the experience and judgement of a rational adult.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

Originally posted by Vlad D Impeller:<br /> I don't have any kids and i don't have the need for any type firearm.<br /><br />My opinion,<br /><br />Kids and firearms are like oil and water, they should never mix, kids lack the experience and judgement of a rational adult.
Lately it seems as though so called adults lack the judgement of a rational adult.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

Hmmm. <br /><br />Our pastor came to our house when I was about 5. He and my stepdad got out all of the family guns and taught each of us (5) what it was and how it is used. Then they demonstrated what they could do on a bunch of over-ripe melons.<br /><br />Then they put them all away, and my SD told us that anyone who touched the cabinet without a true emergency wouldn't be able to sit for a month.<br /><br />We believed him.

sid the squid

Aug 7, 2005
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

I taught my son to shoot when he was 6 years old, he learned firearm safety at an early age. If people would get their heads out of the sand and teach kids about guns it would cut down on accidental shootings. When you remove the mystery surrounding guns and teach them proper handling they are less prone to discharge the firearm accidentally.


Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

I have no problem with the big bail if:<br /><br />1. The kid doesn't rot somewhere for year awaiting a court date.<br /><br />The kid was an idiot and yes, I sure hope he doesn't have "priors" as a twelve year old. Good grief.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

Im with DJ on this one.<br /><br /> A locked up gun is a usless piece of steel. <br /><br />Kinda like if you have padlocks on your ankles and someone yells fire. Before you find the key or the combination, you are dead. :eek: <br /><br />We used to have our hunters safty class at the school after classes were out.<br /><br />Some of us used to take our 22s to school so we could shoot squirels on the way home.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 30, 2005
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

It really is a pity that that's changed LubeDude. Ever notice how before all this anti gun crap there were very few people being killed by firearms. If everyone owned a firearm and they all taught their kids to properly handle and respect them, then we wouldn't be having all of the problems that we have today.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

Originally posted by LubeDude:<br /> Im with DJ on this one.<br /><br /> A locked up gun is a usless piece of steel. <br /><br />Kinda like if you have padlocks on your ankles and someone yells fire. Before you find the key or the combination, you are dead. :eek: <br /><br />We used to have our hunters safty class at the school after classes were out.<br /><br />Some of us used to take our 22s to school so we could shoot squirels on the way home.
This is a very over used excuse. Guns make men feel manly and therefore they should be able to do what they want. Everyone wants to protect themselves. From What? If you have pissed someone off thats liable to shoot you... sounds like a personal problem. If you live in a bad neighbor hood and are subject to breakins? Move. Bottom line is this. If a car is speeding towards you, you find a way to get out of its path. Find a way to get out of that neighborhood. If you have kids... best not be in that neighborhood anyway. <br /><br />If you really think about it, there is always another solution. Personally when I was young and dumb, I lived in an apartment in a shady neighborhood. I kept a loaded shotgun by my bed. STUPID STUPID STUPID Now I am older and wiser, I have no more guns, and I found that keeping a job allowed me to moved to a better neighborhood on and on and on. <br /><br />Think hard enough, do you really need a gun for protection? If so, shouldnt you start thinking about moving your loved ones to a better place? (let me guess, you cant afford it) Sell your guns, get a job, and move!!! I've been so broke that I was selling stuff to keep food on the table. I grew up and realized crappy boss or not, I needed to feed myself and my family. <br /><br />Quit allowing testosterone to cloud your judgement. I have nothing against owning guns, using guns or otherwise. Just use them wisely and keep them out of reach of kids. Dont let your mistakes kill other people thats all.<br /><br />---->soapbox moved to cornor<----


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

Originally posted by AJ168:<br /> It really is a pity that that's changed LubeDude. Ever notice how before all this anti gun crap there were very few people being killed by firearms. If everyone owned a firearm and they all taught their kids to properly handle and respect them, then we wouldn't be having all of the problems that we have today.
I agree with you completely. I handled guns as a kid, but only with a responsible adult nearby. (except bb guns) I grew up with a respect for them and never even considered pulling the trigger on another human being. Too many gun owners are either too lazy or not responsible enough to spend time with their kids to teach them.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

I own several guns:<br /><br />2 framing <br /><br />1 finish<br /><br />3 staple<br /><br />5 caulking<br /><br />3 grease<br /><br /><br />I lock none of them. <br /><br />I used to have several firearms, but got rid of them so psyco ex wifey could'nt use them on me. I do plan on getting another one for protection soon. Depressing the safety on the framer and firing just dosn't have the same stopping power as my old .38 special did.

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

I was taught to use and respect firearms at a very young age. I also taught my two girls and two step kids to use and respect firearm at an early age. They had toy guns but had to treat them as if they were real. I also think its misguidance on the parents part.I think maybe to many people have guns and just keep them for "protection" and never actually use them or even know the correct way to handle them. All the kid knows that finds it in the closet is what he/she sees on TV.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

Originally posted by LubeDude:<br /> A locked up gun is a usless piece of steel.
Which is exactly what I want when young ones are around.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: Got kids? LOCK UP YOUR **** GUNS!

Originally posted by BoatBuoy:<br />
Originally posted by LubeDude:<br /> A locked up gun is a usless piece of steel.
Which is exactly what I want when young ones are aroung.
ZIGACTLY!!! Or when my kids are in school or anywhere else for that matter