Good steady work


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
You have been unemployed, underemployed or on a constant layoff cycle for years now. Would you uproot the family and move to a location that held more promise in your profession?


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Good steady work

Before you uproot the entire might consider having a go at it alone to test the waters.


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: Good steady work

was going to say the same as above. if you have kids and what not, it's not fair to move them for a what-if. what many folks I know including myself do and have done is get a rv or camper(or an apt works too, just easier not finding housing while trying to start a job) and find what seems to be a steady job. go on your own first. if it works out and things are going well then move the fam.


May 17, 2010
Re: Good steady work

Yes, either that or consider another profession that is doing better locally.


Vice Admiral
Sep 20, 2010
Re: Good steady work

Yes I would go it alone and see if I could get a job, but you have to be pretty sure you can get one, send your resume and see if anyone is interested in you, they may even give you assistance in moving who knows.

What field are you in?


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Good steady work

Yes I would go it alone and see if I could get a job, but you have to be pretty sure you can get one, send your resume and see if anyone is interested in you, they may even give you assistance in moving who knows.

What field are you in?
No problem here. I'm in Sales/Project/Product Management in industrial electronics manufacturing. Own a custom rod shop and tech consult on the side.

I was talking to one of my cousins the other day. Trying to get him to come down for the holidays. His excuse.....the drive is extremely long (4.5 hours) and he can't afford the gas. He was laid off in August and doesn't expect to get called back until the beginning of the year. To him, layoffs are part of life.

He still lives within a couple of miles of his childhood home. The once prosperous, little Midwest manufacturing town is all but a ghost town anymore but he and a lot of others refuses to move to greener pastures. I was fortune in that my parents saw the writing on the wall back in the 60's and we moved.


Vice Admiral
Sep 20, 2010
Re: Good steady work

No problem here. I'm in Sales/Project/Product Management in industrial electronics manufacturing. Own a custom rod shop and tech consult on the side.

I was talking to one of my cousins the other day. Trying to get him to come down for the holidays. His excuse.....the drive is extremely long (4.5 hours) and he can't afford the gas. He was laid off in August and doesn't expect to get called back until the beginning of the year. To him, layoffs are part of life.

He still lives within a couple of miles of his childhood home. The once prosperous, little Midwest manufacturing town is all but a ghost town anymore but he and a lot of others refuses to move to greener pastures. I was fortune in that my parents saw the writing on the wall back in the 60's and we moved.
Oh Sorry dingbat I just assumed we were talking about you.


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: Good steady work

You have been unemployed, underemployed or on a constant layoff cycle for years now. Would you uproot the family and move to a location that held more promise in your profession?

That is a tough decision and would depend on a lot of factors beyond the job prospects alone. Family matters, prospects with a different company, or even changing professions would be additional considerations . . . all things that you will have to assess.

I would say, if you like where you live, I would stick it out and try to improve the career prospects. I have seen folks make moves based on job prospects and they proved not to be a panacea.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Good steady work

Heck my niece just graduated for UK with a masters degree in architecture engineering and can't find a Job were she lives. When asked had you tried of places in the country, her reply was no, she does not want to leave the area. A single 20 something living on her own (at least this is good to here) does not want to move. Next thing you know she will be crying the blues and her parents ought to be pushing after spending all the money for the education. So she works part time at Target and a waitress at a restaurant.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: Good steady work

In short....Yes !!!!
I moved my family to Canada in 1989 on a 2 year contract with option to extend. After 6 months the company asked me to tear up the contract and become full time. Never looked back.


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Re: Good steady work

I move around A LOT for my job... Apart from many others, I've done the 3 N's (Norway, Nigeria, Nicaragua). Stay still and vegetate.... We as a species are meant to be nomadic... We moved to where food and hunting were the best, and we moved with the seasons... Urban life is a fabrication of the last couple of hundred years, that's all....

If the money/employment are in a different place... That's where you should be going.... Ask a simple question... Do you want to provide for your family or not?




Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: Good steady work

yep but the background checks of previous employers get harder every year....LOL


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 23, 2012
Re: Good steady work

I agree on the moving bit. The key to the labor force these days is mobility. It can be tough on family life, but that's the 21st century for you. My own family are the opposite of me. My 2 brothers and one sister, all live within 5 miles of our family home and with the exception of my sister who moved 200 miles away for 2 years, then moved back, their horizons are pretty limited. I come from the UK and have lived and worked all over the UK and we made the move over to Florida (3000 miles0 14 years ago.
I think some folk get into grooves or ruts and find it hard to make the break. I had worked for the same employer for over 20 years until 1990 when the company went belly up. My wife and I decided to paddle our won canoe then and start our own business. We have worked for ourselves since then. We were quite frightened of the leap from working for someone to working for ourselves, but once we leapt, we never looked back.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Good steady work

If given the choice of not being able to provide or moving, I'd move in a New York Minute. However, given the choice between moving and starting my own business; if I thought I had a shot at being successful and I could make a go at it without putting my family on the streets - I'd do that before moving.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Good steady work

If the money/employment are in a different place... That's where you should be going.... Ask a simple question... Do you want to provide for your family or not?

I have a list from my grand mother and where they lived. They where share croppers, raised 9 kids and moved 31 times in 29 years. Moved one time across the street just because the rent was few dollars cheaper a month. I could and did move by gee wiz, that many times, I don't think I could do it. Real glad I didn't have to

yep but the background checks of previous employers get harder every year....LOL

And things like Facebook is providing all the insight they need. FB is allowing folks to dig their own grave


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: Good steady work

I've seen this in a bit of a different vein in a few different scenarios. One of my neighbors went and got his PHD and got a high paying, private contractor position with one of the military branches. Problem is that it was several states away...he's now commuted back and forth for about 7 years now as his wife refused to uproot family. It's very odd but they've made a go of it. I've got another friend working for one of the big food manufacturers...they have kids 12, and under, and have now moved 7 times to 7 different states as he gets moved up the ladder. It's been tough on their kids but he's now near the top and done moving.
If it were me and if I were a much hardier person, I'd consider getting a ND oil related job. I've got friends out in ND and while the cost of rent is high, the pay is very good for unskilled labor. Of course you don't move a family out there as I'm understanding.
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Oct 25, 2010
Re: Good steady work

My view is that its my life and the kids are along for the ride until they can be on their own. Of course I don't have kids but if I did that would be my philosophy. The amount of people I know that are successful because they were willing to go where the work is vs the amount of people that are successful because they never moved where the work was is hugely disproportionate. If you are steadily employed and are not in a position that you are screwed if you lost your job because there is nothing around your family will be better off in the long run.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 25, 2009
Re: Good steady work

I got laid off back in 81. Unemployment was 22% here and you got 6 months max, 5 months were already used with layoffs a week or two here and there. So went to work in Florida in April, wife and 3 kids came down in June.
Got a call back two years after layoff. So after some long talks, I came back to Ohio in April, moved the family back to Ohio the following July. Both moves wiped out the savings, but ended up being the right move both times.

Son took a job in Florida 7 years ago. When he took the job I told him he hit the lottery. :D
They have "the life of Riley" right now and call Florida home.

Son-in-law took a job in Florida, August a year ago. Wife,(daughter) and kids moved down this July. Time will tell, right now it's a toss up.

With all the government help now days I guess you can hold your ground longer. Just never liked leaving my faith up to someone else.

dingbat: yes your cousin can move and be fine.... if he's self motivated, if not, then it can be disastrous.



Lieutenant Commander
May 15, 2011
Re: Good steady work

If it were me and if I were a much hardier person, I'd consider getting a ND oil related job. I've got friends out in ND and while the cost of rent is high, the pay is very good for unskilled labor. Of course you don't move a family out there as I'm understanding.

I worked one week in North Dakota, and got locked out of my rental car @ -33F degrees. Within 5 minutes, my hands with the heaviest thinsulate gloves were really burning. The economy's great and salaries are high, but those guys' earn every penny working in oil.

It'd be okay to work there May to October, and go back south for the rest of the time. But life doesn't work that way.

I still don't understand why all the Dakotas farmers are not in Florida all Winter. Wait, they do move south for 4 months.