Going to a single


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
After much thought and consideration, I have decided to go from a duo prop setup to a Single. Some people will probably think I am crazy but the reasons for me are simple. To replace my duo prop propeller, the cost would be $800 for a new aluminum or about $1600 for a stainless vs $350 for a four bladed SS Prop(which I am getting). That pricing to me was a burden on boating. I didnt want to spend that much. My boat is a 22' cruiser. If it were a 25' or bigger, I would've stayed with the duo.
I have already picked up a volvo penta 280 drive. The drive is clean. U-joints appear to be in good condition and it even looks like the input shaft seal was changed within a few years ago. There does appear to be some light(almost wipe it off with my finger) surface rust on the u-joints but I suspect its from sitting in a damp garage or something.
I will post pictures but in the mean time, what should I do to the drive before install? I checked the prop shaft and input, no play in them.
What do you think I could get for the DP-A drive? I'm not going to sell it till the 280 checks out on the water.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Going to a single

I understand the cost prohibitive DP prop sets. Boating in the shallow lakes around my area would keep me from considering the DP as well.
Not being familiar with the differences between the dp a and 280, i would wonder if the 280 will even fit correctly...Perhaps you just need an SP lower to swap for the DP, or is that your plan?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
Re: Going to a single

The 280 will bolt on according to some people here and my friend that owns the local marina. All I have to do is unhook the bellows, helmet, shift cable and drive the two pins out. Do the reverse to hook on the 280. I wonder if the 280 lower will bolt onto the DP-A intermediate housing....

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Going to a single

The 280 drive will not fit on the DP-A transom shield. But you can still change only the lower unit from the 280 to the DP-A.

It will also be necessary use the bearing race from the 280 drive for the vertical shaft where it fits into the intermediate housing.
Keep the bearing race from the DP-A lower with the unit.

You will need to reshim the 280 race in the DP-A housing.

View attachment reshim.pdf


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
Re: Going to a single

The 280 will bolt on according to some people here and my friend that owns the local marina. All I have to do is unhook the bellows, helmet, shift cable and drive the two pins out. Do the reverse to hook on the 280. I wonder if the 280 lower will bolt onto the DP-A intermediate housing....

Hi Don, Thanks for your input.

I thought that the 280 would've fit the transom shield. If not at least I can still get the job accomplished with the 280 lower. Would a 290 have fit the DP-A transom shield? That could have been what I thought.
anyways, When you say reshim the 280 race into the DP-A housing, will those shims be comming from the 280 intermediate?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Going to a single

Hi Don, Thanks for your input.

I thought that the 280 would've fit the transom shield. If not at least I can still get the job accomplished with the 280 lower. Would a 290 have fit the DP-A transom shield? That could have been what I thought.
anyways, When you say reshim the 280 race into the DP-A housing, will those shims be comming from the 280 intermediate?

Yes, the 290 and DP-A used the same shield. But that changed again with the DP-C.

will those shims be comming from the 280 intermediate?

Hard to say, it may takes some from each. You just have to do the measurement shown in the file I posted above, then use a combination of what you have to get the calculated amount.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
Re: Going to a single

The bearing race from the 280 intermediate, how does it come out? some kind of puller?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Going to a single

I've always used a slide hammer.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
Re: Going to a single

Would I use the slide hammer with special tool "884168"?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Going to a single

That tool is for installing the race, and you don't need it either. I always tapped the bearing race in place with a brass hammer.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
Re: Going to a single

I guess Im not sure how I would use a slide hammer to grab onto a bearing race and pull it. I am quite mechanical so perhaps when I have the lower end off the method will be obvious.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
Re: Going to a single

I guess Im not sure how I would use a slide hammer to grab onto a bearing race and pull it. I am quite mechanical so perhaps when I have the lower end off the method will be obvious.

So it was quite obvious how to pull the bearing. I have pulled the bearing race out of the DP-A intermediate and out of the 280 intermediate. It has been properly shimmed and installed in the DP-A intermediate. Now all I need is seals. Do you know which ones I need Don?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Going to a single

One each of the following.

941820 oring,
925256 oring
125017 oring


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
Re: Going to a single

Thanks for your help. Very helpful as usual.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
Re: Going to a single

Do you know what weight oil I should use in the drive? I think I used 90w in it as a complete DP-A, I wouldn't figure that would be different now...
The gear ratio, it is in the top section right? If so, do I have a gear ratio issue when going from the duo to single? Would I counter that with a prop pitch? Instead of running a 19" pitch perhaps a 22 or 23?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Going to a single

Do you know what weight oil I should use in the drive?

30W engine oil in the single prop drives.

The gear ratio, it is in the top section right?

Gear ratio's are in the lower unit of Volvo drives.

If so, do I have a gear ratio issue when going from the duo to single?

Depends on if you have the right ratio for the drive you have and what engine you have.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
Re: Going to a single

This 280 drive came from a 22' boat powered by a 350 engine.
Is the lower unit the same on the 270,280,290 drives? Essentially I have a 290 drive now?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Going to a single

Essentially I have a 290 drive now?

No, you essentially have a SP-A with a 280 lower. There are some differences in the lowers of the 3 you mentioned, but they are still interchangable as to fitting the SP-A upper and intermediate housings.

Drive Chart
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Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2010
Re: Going to a single

Do you think I should get props for a 280 drive? is there a difference between props for a 270, 280, 290, SP-A, etc drive?