
redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
dammm.... that is nice. There is a place up the road that has a couple too many horses in a close to too small field i've thought about offering to clean up their field a bit.

I don't have the space for anything like that tho

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
here is the garden today.  I built a tomato climbing structure for my two types of indeterminates I've set from seed.  Just got them in two days ago.

starting in the front

the first row left to right is a sunflower at each end and a (smal at the moment) watermelon in the center.

then the squash plants. I thought I bough, or they were mislabeled - basic yellow squash instead I got patty pan. They are really pooping now so going to have to learn what to do with them

if you look real close i bought some vidalia sweet onion sets. right now they look about the size of lawn onions (weeds) but hopefully they'll do ok. Never have done onions before.

on the right side, just really starting to pop up are about 18 okra plants. gonna have a BUNCH of okra. I really like the flower and part of the reason I planted so many is as much for decoration. They'll end up about 6-8' tall

ok, by now you are really wondering my i have a giant white contraption of PVC pipes in the garden. There are strings attached vertically and they will support my massive tomato effort. 15 plants and I've been reading up on how to do this. Stay tuned, may be making tomato juice.

in the dirt we have some bush and cranberry beans

then some radishes (right) and zucchini (left)


my tomato sets about a week ago.  two types - a black russion (seriously) and a brandywine.  Can't tell which is which but will shortly I assume.


here are the zucchini and the radishes (light green).  On the radish note this is about 25% of what we have already grown, eaten and given away.  There are prob 50-75 in this little patch.


we have some small raised beds inside the fence.

working right to left, in the pot is a two year old parsley.  Didn't know they are only good for eating for the first year so I'm letting go to seed to start next year.

a few different kinds of jalepenos

a better boy tomato - went with a determinate here

you can't see but there is a pot of small cucumbers

a better girl tomato

last hard to see is a bed of peppers and pole beans and another pot of cukes


the beans and peppers.  we also threw in some carrots, never had success with them and they seem to be doing weell.

the carrots

the middle bed one of the tomatos and I forgot about the spinach (right).  we are spinached out.  going to cut, trim and freeze in small portions this weekend.

this is fun.  on the patio we have (lower) celery we started form a leftover butt.  it is amazing the celery flavor we get out of this compared to the crap you get at the store.  ya'll should try it.

the up to the right is two Tabasco plants.  in a couple months there will be hundreds of peppers on there.  We hot pickle them and use in our greens and other stuff.  

out in the gravel i made a 'pretty pot' of purple onions and sweet potatos and yes they are turning out pretty plus we'll end up with some food.

have you ever heard of trashcan potatoes?  We'll i'm trying it and looks like it is working.  When the leave die you dump the can over and get (purportedly) huge amounts of potoatoes.  I went yellow.

 we have an odd area in the gravel and trying to come up with perennials to put int here.,  We are thrinking artichokes but for now I threw in a rhubard.  We'll see if it makes it

and cannot forget my wifes lime tree.   in three years of hard labor battling scale and other stuff we have harvested a total of three fruits..


Rick Stephens

Aug 13, 2013
No Title

Your garden is beautiful! So much work went into that. You should be proud as can be. Looks like you can grow some plants that my season is too short for.

You do not need to become royalty of rotting things to have a small working compost pile to feed your plants. I know folks have done it in 4 x 4 foot area and on up. You can supplement with horse poop from down the street, but your garden and kitchen can supply most of the materials. I kind of went overboard because we, as a family, try to be self sufficient, or least try to learn how to be self sufficient - it is much much much harder to do than I thought. Amazing how much we still purchase for our day to day diet.. We live in the sticks, and we have the room, so I go overboard on some things.

The big outside garden is supplemented by a big half underground greenhouse. That was really a big part of the composting adventure. Years back my wife said she wanted to have a greenhouse. We are a hours drive north of the 45th parallel. And we are at 3500 ft. Any of our neighbors who try to greenhouse year round find they spend more heating it than they could ever get out of it. So I studied on it and designed up an underground unit that I never use power in except for a big blower in case it gets too hot. I went so far as to build an underground air supply tunnel to bring in ground heated air, but never had to use it, so it filled up with water and is no longer useable. Here's a couple pics. We can grow tomato jalepinos and cukes year round.

First year planting. We added raised bed boxes since then, and planted some trees. Plus hung grow lights that we never use.

Faces south. Anything not facing the sun is insulated to R42.


Gets to be a jungle pretty quick. Spend more time cutting back than planting. photo267296.jpg photo267297.jpg
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redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
Last batch of radishes, patty pan squash, and zucchini. Green beans were stir fried and I will begin canning them tomorrow.


redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
Wow Rick I somehow missed your post; love the greenhouse. I've read into that, thought about it but not ready to dive in yet.

Rick Stephens

Aug 13, 2013
Wow Rick I somehow missed your post; love the greenhouse. I've read into that, thought about it but not ready to dive in yet.
Hard get into a greenhouse a little at a time - kind of all or nuthin. They are fun though. I consider myself a greenhouse widow. My wife spends more time there than anywhere else.

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
yesterdays haul. I know now why they say 'pack the beans in the jar' its a lot of work.


redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
Well I see yesterdays pic didn't show up, but is was beans. Added to the previous few days and you get this. My first time. Got to buy me a canner and everything, so these beans can out to about $12 per jar versus 85 cents at the store. Kinda like fishing.


redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
speaking of rain, this week. We are expecting a couple more inches. Funny this year i ran a semi permanent watering system to both the big garden and the raised beds. So far, only used once and really didn't need to as it rained the next day.



Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Nice gardens and produce people.Me the only thing ive ever succeeded at was chili peppers and hot peppers of many varities.Then on the day i was going to harvest them my old mans idiot border collie ate all the ti and jalapeno peppers! No bad effects to him either so i didnt even get justice that way.

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
The okra is coming in
another 9 pints beans canned
12 zukes
8 squash
9 jalape?os

all going to the office tomorrow. Well not the canned i LOVE canned green beans.

the better boys and girls will be ripening on the vine over the next 10 days. We are out of country next 10 days. Our sklacker neighbors who planted late are loving us right now....

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
the second batch of beans. Got a gallon off this morning and wife took to work along with about 20 zukes.

her and the outdoor redheads this morning

the neighbor finally retired and downsized his green. he and the wife get along great. one of the first times she's mowed this year


redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
yeah not sure why it shows me only at 9% used, and i deleted a bunch of stuff and the newer pics are showing up but not some older, albeit recent ones.

PH is almost unusable now with pop ups ans such. Any other ideas?