Re: Funny "TLC needed" boat ads on Craigslist.
In general I am sick of a lot of people being unable to spell. I posted a rant in my local boats for sale on craigs list. Someone or several someones didn't like it and it got flagged and deleted. Here is the letter I got from Craigs List:
Your posting has been flagged for removal.
Approximately 98% of postings removed are in violation of craigslist posting guidelines.
Please make sure you are abiding by all posted site rules, including our terms of use:
If you need help figuring out why your posting was flagged, try asking in our flag help forum: Include posting title, body, category, city, how often posted, any images, HTML markup, etc.
If your posting was wrongly flagged down (2% of flagged ads are) please accept our apologies and feel free to repost.
Sorry for the hassle, and thanks for your understanding.
Date:2010-06-10 13:45:56
boats) Will you people please learn to spell and use the correct words?
Trailer-used to haul things that cannot be driven. NOT traler, trawler, trailor, traylr.
Tri-Hull -a type of planing hull. NOT try hull or trihaul.
Motor-a device that powers a propeller or jet to create thrust and make a boat or PWC move across the water. NOT moter.
Propeller-a bladed device fit to the output shaft of a motor which when spun in the water produces thrust. NOT propellor, propelor. If in doubt just abbreviate it as prop.
I am sure there are plenty more. These are the ones that stick out the most.
While we are at it put a little effort into your ad. Post a picture to give people a general idea. Work on your description to make me interested. There is actually someone that posted "Boat, motor, trailer for sale. Call with questions." No price, no description of model, size, motor rating or condition.
Maybe posting an actual asking price in your subject line would be a nice addition too. Using $1.00 doesn't make me look, it makes me go past. If you want $12,000.00 for something then post it in the title. Someone looking in or over, or possibly a little under that price range may look and be interested enough to make you an offer you'd accept. That does not mean if you are looking to get $12,000.00 posting $12.00. That also makes me sail right past your ad without looking.
Just please care enough about selling your things to make people want to inquire about them.
Location: everywhere
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