Re: Fuel Pump Obsolete
This had me very curious so I have found several pieces of information about this engine and your problem.
Here is just one excerpt from a thread on a Ford chat site, the url is also included below, these are the kinds of sites I think you should monitor, you could also maybe even call some garages on your area that work on Fords, if you find the right mechanic they may spill the beans for free....
Problem as stated...:
"I used to have a 302 cam in my 351W, this weekend I put a new cam in my 351w and now my distributor doesn't seat all the way down, it's up about 1/4", this is after the shaft twists into the cam gear.
I figure you would have to use a 351w distributor because of the higher deck height, regardless of cam.
Can you think of anything I should adjust or change?"
One answer....:
"The cam won't make any difference in how the distributor seats.
It sounds like you don't have the oil pump drive shaft fully seated in the end of the dist shaft. Or....when you pulled the distributor you pulled the oil pump shaft out of the oil pump.
Remove the distributor and use a 1/4" drive 5/16" socket on a long extension to turn the oil pump shaft to make sure it's in the pump. Put a piece of tape on the socket/ext so the socket won't fall off in the engine."
Good luck, you are close I can feel it....
p.s. btw here is my google search I used to find that one...."ford 351 oil pump shaft distributor"