Re: Fuel Pump Obsolete
Here is the latest, and yes Im still down.
After opening the cover to the timing gears to get to the eccentric I noticed the timing chain had a 1" deflection and decided to change it. Put the new one on, had the engine at TDC on the compression stroke for the #1 cylinder. Aligned the dots of the cam and crank sprockets, which had either a keyway or dowel pin to assist in alignment. Put everything back together with new gaskets etc...
Put on the new fuel pump. No Fuel... long story short. The new fuel pump would not pump. Wrong pump I guess.
So back to the old pump I go ( which was not the problem in the first place, it was the backed out bold from the cam and the tab broken on the eccentric)
So now Im getting fuel flow to the carb, so no more fuel problem.
I adjust the points and get her to start briefly. As soon as I try to give it a little throttle, it puffs and dies.
ALL this time I do have a mechanic with me and we have checked each others steps along the way. So after various tweeking of the carb and distributor timing, we are still not able to get it running. It may idle for 15 seconds and then we give it gas to keep it going but it puffs and dies. We checked #1 spark plug location and everything checks out on the timing chain install. We even pulled the distributor and modified by 1 worm tooth, smae results. Whats going on???? I need help, both of us are stumped.
When all this started it was from a brocken eccentric, could something have happened to the cam?
Our compression check yesterday came out at all cylinders between 130- 135
And by the way all the spark plugs were fouled with gas after trying to start.
Possible scenarios? Coil going bad, batteries getting weak, wrong timing gears? Wrong gear install