Frustrated Pulling shaft from motor to change baring

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Apr 9, 2008
I was told you do not want the baring to go bad on shaft from motor. I have a 1995 Ford powered 302 Volvo penta. My reserarch says its a single baring unit. Should be able to pull it from rear. I wish now I would of left it alone. I have huge slide hammer and a brass pipe cut open to squeeze and protect splines. I have to best biggest vise grips money can buy. I can only tighten it so tight with big channels helping. I get several big hits before it slips off. I've moved the shaft about 1 inch out. The baring is now between the to large C clips groves. It will not move anymore. I even took a 3 pound hammer and hit it forward. Wont move forward either. Havent tryed my 13 pounder yet. What the heck is going on? If I could just hold on tighter without slipping off. I even took my Drimmel tool and made a C clip grove on edge of shaft slid a brass pipe over it put a C Cip on and still hold tight enough. How can it move 1" and no more? I don't want to pull motor although it mabe enevitable. May not be able to pull it anyway with a stuck shaft. Been working on this for about 1 month. May never get the boat back in water. What started to be maintance is ending up to be the worse decision ever. I am a decent mechanic rebuilding cars, other boats, sea doos. work at Ford as mechanic for years. It shows to be single baring. I dont believe I could of moved it an inch if it was a double baring. The boat had sat for 3 years. RUST maybe. Help
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