From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

at least we won't be subsidizing gold palaces and luxury cars made of pure silver among other things.

We actually are......for the folks at Halliburton, Shell, etc.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 4, 2008
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

We actually are......for the folks at Halliburton, Shell, etc.

LOL, no kidding and the profits are utterly ridiculous, but how do you put a stop to it as long as we're still stuck in the oil groove? We're tethered to oil with red tape that will take decades to undo. But, at least we've started.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

I can never understand people's thought process when mention of more oil reserves in the USA is made. Somehow, they think suddenly they will have 99c a gallon gas again and they can keep on guzzling a limited fossil resource.
Well I hate to bust their bubble, but irrespective of where the oil is produced in the world, that oil will be traded on the world market and world market prices will prevail. Oil produced in the US will command world market prices, simple as that UNLESS the government want to subsidize it to their citizens as is the case in Saudi Arabia and Venezuala. I think Saudi's pay cents for their gas.
We are living high gas and oil product prices (and always will)...get used to it.

Yes i understand your point and acknowledge it..Change is inevitable that is a known fact, today Toyota produce's a car that average's 50 mpg...unheard of just 7 yrs builds a truck that can do 17mpg in the city..again unheard of just a few yrs ago..Our emission control system's are better than they have ever been....Gas comsumption is down so drastically state's are dreaming up way's to cover the short fall..Warren Buffet has and is revitalizing our nation's railraod infrastructure..think a lot less heavy trucks on the road...we are evolving... growing.... changing.

A few years ago we were told the end of big oil reserve's today we are awash in it...What is so important about's there to fuel a new recovery..literally. Soon all form's of energy will have to compete with each other that drives innovation and capitalism. That's not a bad thing it is a very good thing...for example say Toyota drops a fuel cell in there hybrid..they are closer than you think..what are the ramification's of that..Today airline's own there own refinery' that shook the market place a bit..dont be surprised at all to see them comeup with a new process or a more efficent process for refining jet's in there own best intrest and they have the tech to support it.

Change is coming. When Buffet the bought the railroad it left me stunned....a ancient old system that was on it's death bed...what do you suppose he saw in something like that....change.
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Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

, today Toyota produce's a car that average's 50 mpg...

A 1970 Toyota corolla could get nearly 50mpg Highway and 35mpg city with a simple air cleaner change and a muffler change. Granted at 51hp it couldnt get out of its own way. The same era Honda CVCC could get similar economy.

dont get me started on todays need for hybrids to get good fuel economy. we have added complexity and mass to vehicles. The Prius is an ecological joke and should be getting close to 100mpg

heck, my Hot Rod in college could turn 12 second quarter mile times and got 32-34mpg on the highway and was a blast to drive.

Give me a VW BlueMotion here in the US and I would be happy....wait, we have crappy diesel here.... and can only get the bloated over-weight US only models :facepalm:


May 27, 2007
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

From the 1980 movie "The Formula" with Marlon Brando as Adam Steiffel......

Arthur Clements: ...The people will accept the 12 cents now because we can blame it on the Arabs!

Adam Steiffel, Chairman Titan Oil: Ah, Arthur, you're missing the point: We *are* the Arabs.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

A 1970 Toyota corolla could get nearly 50mpg Highway and 35mpg city with a simple air cleaner change and a muffler change. Granted at 51hp it couldnt get out of its own way. The same era Honda CVCC could get similar economy.

dont get me started on todays need for hybrids to get good fuel economy. we have added complexity and mass to vehicles. The Prius is an ecological joke and should be getting close to 100mpg

heck, my Hot Rod in college could turn 12 second quarter mile times and got 32-34mpg on the highway and was a blast to drive.

Give me a VW BlueMotion here in the US and I would be happy....wait, we have crappy diesel here.... and can only get the bloated over-weight US only models :facepalm:

Dont look at the darkside...there is a cost to all thing's...But the fact is 24k gets you a 4 door sedan that does 50...Now do you have to buy it of course not do you have to like of course not...hell im not advocating them...but they are here and making a big impact. Stand back and look at the entire picture all thing's you can factor in..Change is on the way big time.


May 16, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

We will always be "dependent" on foreign oil as long as its cheaper the domestic. The same way we are "dependent" on Wal-Mart for low cost goods.

i just wish some lawyer could figure out how our oil ended up under their sand!!! that would be wonderful! :lol:

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

Tail_gunner, I live on the darkside.....LOL

I just have a bad taste in my mouth for nearly all of todays crappy cars. as I spend an hour each day driving to work looking at all the look-alike vanilla cars with too small of brakes, too heavy of a body, and no style (not to mention most driving the wrong wheels) I agree, change is coming, and we probably are not to far off from the Mr Fusion parked on top of the flux capacitor.

Give me a small turbo-diesel driving the right wheels in a vehicle weighing in at 1500# with three pedals and 6 speeds and I would be happy commuting at 80mpg.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

At least it,s good to know we have the resources here . With the way things are going in the Arab world today and it all hits the fan !
Even with all the alternative fuels still being developed we are still going to need oil for a long time . Get all the kinks worked out of electric , hybrid , solar, thermal , and what ever other kind of energy source you can come up with and America along with the rest of the world will use it . But don,t force me to buy a fancy, over priced, over rated latte when I can have a regular home made good taste proven cup of coffee at a much lower cost ..:)