From a silver lining to a brillant glow....


Jan 13, 2006
North America to Drown in Oil as Mexico Ends Monopoly: Bloomberg Business News - MSN Money

Will the U.S. Surpass Saudi Arabia in Oil Production? - Popular Mechanics

Meet The Oil Shale Eighty Times Bigger Than The Bakken - Forbes

An American Oil Find That Holds More Oil Than All of OPEC - ABC News

A recent report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office estimated that if half of the oil bound up in the rock of the Green River Formation could be recovered it would be "equal to the entire world's proven oil reserves."

Both the GAO and private industry estimate the amount of oil recoverable to be 3 trillion barrels.

"In the past 100 years ? in all of human history -- we have consumed 1 trillion barrels of oil. There are several times that much here," said Roger Day, vice president for operations for American Shale Oil (AMSO).


May 16, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

"fracking" is a very bad word!!! even the domestic well drillers around here wont say it, but they do it , and call it "well rejuvination."


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

Let's hope that there has been no mathematical error . . . In the 3 skizzytrillion number

But it sounds wicked awesome :D
Last edited:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 26, 2007
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

Don't get too excited. The enviro-wackos and the Govt. will do something to screw it up for all of us.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

Do not get polotic's going.....plz


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

North America to Drown in Oil as Mexico Ends Monopoly: Bloomberg Business News - MSN Money

Will the U.S. Surpass Saudi Arabia in Oil Production? - Popular Mechanics

Meet The Oil Shale Eighty Times Bigger Than The Bakken - Forbes

An American Oil Find That Holds More Oil Than All of OPEC - ABC News

A recent report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office estimated that if half of the oil bound up in the rock of the Green River Formation could be recovered it would be "equal to the entire world's proven oil reserves."

Both the GAO and private industry estimate the amount of oil recoverable to be 3 trillion barrels.

"In the past 100 years ? in all of human history -- we have consumed 1 trillion barrels of oil. There are several times that much here," said Roger Day, vice president for operations for American Shale Oil (AMSO).

And that's just what's in your backyard, think about the rest of the world and how much is there still.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

And that's just what's in your backyard, think about the rest of the world and how much is there still.


Yes our neighbors to the north.....Just a tad bit of oil up much as the Bakken formation that is if not twice as much.

Fishing Dude too

Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 13, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

Not sure but heard of a discovery of a huge reserve in Greenland that when they hit it they had to destroy the well because of pressure. They went straight in and was blowing the well out, would have been a disaster, they need to go into the bottom of the pool of oil and not sure how to do at this point.


May 27, 2007
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

I just hope the brilliant glow does not end up being lava coming up thru the mantle where the Frac-ing has affected it somehow :eek:


May 16, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

I just hope the brilliant glow does not end up being lava coming up thru the mantle where the Frac-ing has affected it somehow :eek:

geo thermal is good!!! :rolleyes:


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 4, 2008
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

I just hope the brilliant glow does not end up being lava coming up thru the mantle where the Frac-ing has affected it somehow :eek:



Sep 17, 2010
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

Yeah, and I'm sure we'll all get a piece of the action, right? Nah, just more oil barons making more money, paying less taxes and getting subsidy to boot. Trust me, we've had our fair share of "drowning in oil" down here on the Gulf and I can assure you it's highly over rated. Besides, even if they found more, why on earth would you want to burn it? You literally couldn't put anything worse into the atmosphere than spent hydrocarbons and the associated yummy chemicals that go into refining oil (benzene anyone?) if you tried. That's like saying they found a cave full of pure crack we can all smoke really, really cheap. Even if it's true, you'd be foolish to take it. Have you see pictures of China lately? That what "cheap oil" really looks like. Oh, an then there are the wars....... Not that it matters much any more. Oil is over. It's going the way of the Dodo faster than you can say "Koch brothers". So mush so that local utilities throughout the country are already freaking out and fining customers for using solar panels (try wrapping your head around that one). All the buses in my town are electric now and they're building the largest solar plant in the world outside of LA right now. It's high time we got off the dinosaur bones anyway. It's terribly old and passe technology as it is. I was just watching a car show that featured a vehicle that got 80 miles to the charge. Guess when it was made......1913. Everything old is new again.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

looks like I may be working on a new oil response vessel to clean up the mess left behind when drilling and the inevitable spill


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

Yeah, and I'm sure we'll all get a piece of the action, right? Nah, just more oil barons making more money, paying less taxes and getting subsidy to boot. Trust me, we've had our fair share of "drowning in oil" down here on the Gulf and I can assure you it's highly over rated. Besides, even if they found more, why on earth would you want to burn it? You literally couldn't put anything worse into the atmosphere than spent hydrocarbons and the associated yummy chemicals that go into refining oil (benzene anyone?) if you tried. That's like saying they found a cave full of pure crack we can all smoke really, really cheap. Even if it's true, you'd be foolish to take it. Have you see pictures of China lately? That what "cheap oil" really looks like. Oh, an then there are the wars....... Not that it matters much any more. Oil is over. It's going the way of the Dodo faster than you can say "Koch brothers". So mush so that local utilities throughout the country are already freaking out and fining customers for using solar panels (try wrapping your head around that one). All the buses in my town are electric now and they're building the largest solar plant in the world outside of LA right now. It's high time we got off the dinosaur bones anyway. It's terribly old and passe technology as it is. I was just watching a car show that featured a vehicle that got 80 miles to the charge. Guess when it was made......1913. Everything old is new again.

Ayuh,.... But at this point in time, the alternative is to move back in time, to the 1800s,....

Before electricity, or oil,... :rolleyes:


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

It is nice that the United States has the potential to reduce their dependence on imported oil. Certainly does not mean that alternate energy sources should not continue to be pursued. But. . . to Bondo's point, not sure how we would get along without fossil fuels.

I got 3 big windmills near where I moor my boat. Two of them you can easily see in the picture, the third one is a bit more inland. They are capable of generating 1.6 megawatts of power each. Lots of folks around here don't like them, but I am happy to see them turning.



Oct 25, 2010
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

It will never happen. The enviros will sue and sue and sue to stop anything from being produced here. We had a bridge in NC shut down last week, why because the environmentalists held up the replacement bridge project and the old one was used well beyond its life.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 23, 2012
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

I can never understand people's thought process when mention of more oil reserves in the USA is made. Somehow, they think suddenly they will have 99c a gallon gas again and they can keep on guzzling a limited fossil resource.
Well I hate to bust their bubble, but irrespective of where the oil is produced in the world, that oil will be traded on the world market and world market prices will prevail. Oil produced in the US will command world market prices, simple as that UNLESS the government want to subsidize it to their citizens as is the case in Saudi Arabia and Venezuala. I think Saudi's pay cents for their gas.
We are living high gas and oil product prices (and always will)...get used to it.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 4, 2008
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

I can never understand people's thought process when mention of more oil reserves in the USA is made. Somehow, they think suddenly they will have 99c a gallon gas again and they can keep on guzzling a limited fossil resource.
Well I hate to bust their bubble, but irrespective of where the oil is produced in the world, that oil will be traded on the world market and world market prices will prevail. Oil produced in the US will command world market prices, simple as that UNLESS the government want to subsidize it to their citizens as is the case in Saudi Arabia and Venezuala. I think Saudi's pay cents for their gas.
We are living high gas and oil product prices (and always will)...get used to it.

When I hear about reserves like this I wonder why we dont take advantage of being able to get off our dependency on foreign oil. Sure, our prices may remain high, but as long as we're dependent on it, at least we won't be subsidizing gold palaces and luxury cars made of pure silver among other things.


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: From a silver lining to a brillant glow....

When I hear about reserves like this I wonder why we dont take advantage of being able to get off our dependency on foreign oil. Sure, our prices may remain high, but as long as we're dependent on it, at least we won't be subsidizing gold palaces and luxury cars made of pure silver among other things.

We will always be "dependent" on foreign oil as long as its cheaper the domestic. The same way we are "dependent" on Wal-Mart for low cost goods.