It wont be waterlogged, not yet, that takes multiple freeze/thaw cycles w water below decks.
Thats likely what you have now, water trapped in every little crack and crevice below decks with virtually no way to get out.
Look thru some pix of restos. Foam isnt a flat, well draining surface and any water that got behind it is now trapped which leads to wood rot and waterlogged foam long term.
You might try leaving all the deck hatches open, the drain plug out of it, bow lifted as high as you can reasonably raise it, in a heated well ventilated covered area (garage). And leave it that way for months. Tented w forced air circulation might help...
Might dry out, might dry out enough to get a decade more use out of it w no problems, or the clock just started on stringer rot and a rehab. If the latter, no way to guesstimate when it becomes unusable.