Floor live well. How to setup.

May 28, 2020
So I have a Sea Ox 200D 1989 which has a compartment on the floor towards the stern that seems to be for a fish box or life well. It has a drain or input for water which is below the waterline towards the bottom of the compartment I currently have a pump hooked up and running through that through hole on the transom. My question is, how would I go about using this compartment as a life well since the through hole is near the bottom of the boats on the transom, and the waterline is almost to the top of the compartment so if I drilled another hole it would still be under the waterline for a drain.? I know it’s kind of hard to picture without seeing it and I probably did not explain it thoroughly but if you want to give me your ideas, you can private message me your phone and I’ll text you some pictures. Thank you all in advance.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
What's wrong with putting the pictures in your post? Going offline destroys the purpose of the forum - A free exchange of ideas to help fellow members.

I wouldn't give out my phone number for something like this!
May 28, 2020
What's wrong with putting the pictures in your post? Going offline destroys the purpose of the forum - A free exchange of ideas to help fellow members.

I wouldn't give out my phone number for something like this!
I will try to figure out how to include pictures in the post. Thanks for your valuable input.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
You can plumb for once through or recirculating.

Not a fan of recirculating unless they drain directly overboard. Most just dump the drain into the bilge and pump it out from here.

Who wants old nasty fish water or worst (dead critter) in their bilge?

Mine is setup for once though with over flow (2”) and drain (3/4”) plumbed overboard above the water line. The fish box drains overboard as well.

Nothing worst than fish box water sitting in the bilge for a week because you forgot about it
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