Greetings! I'm working on an older 16' aluminum bow rider similar to the Starcraft SS16. It is destined to be our primary cottage boat, and will remain in the water around 7 months/yr, either at the cottage or marina slip. When sitting for long periods of time it will be covered, but when at the cottage, it will often sit open. Our property has lots of large trees along the shoreline, and we inevitably get pine needles and leaves into the boat. We plan to go with marine vinyl flooring for easy cleaning.
So - to my question... Has anyone seen or implemented a filter screen that catches the random debris from the boat floor before it falls into the bilge well? I was thinking of something like a large sink strainer that could be pulled out and cleaned easily on a regular basis. Any advice in this area would be appreciated. The floor is out, and foam being removed currently. I hope to figure out these details in the next couple weeks while shop temperatures still allow productive work to be accomplished. Thx!
So - to my question... Has anyone seen or implemented a filter screen that catches the random debris from the boat floor before it falls into the bilge well? I was thinking of something like a large sink strainer that could be pulled out and cleaned easily on a regular basis. Any advice in this area would be appreciated. The floor is out, and foam being removed currently. I hope to figure out these details in the next couple weeks while shop temperatures still allow productive work to be accomplished. Thx!