The older style alpha trim pumps also have a reservoir, just not as obvious as the latest style. The fill plug is a large slotted head screw, some of which have a dipstick attached
With the drive in the full down/in position fill the reservoir with 10-30 motor oil, replace the cap and operate the trim system normally. The system is self bleeding
Might take a few cycles to fill the system complete. Only top off the reservoir with the drive in the full down/in position. If the drive is up and reservoir full there's a good chance of overfilling and leaking
Thanks a lot for all your help!
-So I'm replacing all 4 lines,
-installing all new ones, and fastening tightly
-Keep the drive down, and check fluid level on trim pump via slotted head screw
-Fill up to proper height if theres a dip stick
-Go both up and down cycles a couple times (WITH THE SCREW OPEN? to let air out?)
-Check fluid and fill accordingly after cycling a few times?
-Repeat until drive goes up and down
-put drive fully down and check fluid height
If that's all-correct steps thank you! Can I put in the powersteering/trim fluid in that system, or should it be the 10-30?